Help Midgar Zolem


Chocobo Breeder
Apr 13, 2009
OK im doing a PERFECT run and I wanna grab Beta early, what would be a GOOD level to take him on at I don't wanna be OVERleveled just wanna BARELY be able to finish him. Help?
Earliest that I tend to go get it is when I get Big Guard first. With Big Guard up you should be able to defeat him without having to level to much. Othertimes I wait until I get the third Enemy Skill materia so I can have Beta on all three Enemy Skills but you'll be quite levelled by then.
ummm level wise, hmmmmm when i was level 10, it wiped the floor with me..but later when i went back around lvl 25 i beat him, so somewhere in between those like lvl 17 or 18
If your good you can get it at a low level. Just save and load until you succeed. I always found it hard to make him use the damn spell instead of Knocking me out of the fight or straight up knocking me out. Good luck getting it though, I agree with coming back when you have big guard.
I managed to get it by doing this

Equiping Barret with Elemental=Fire and the ESkill Materia, And had Tifa continuously cast BIO till he was poisoned and just have Cloud Heal ;] I was LV 12

Now im just starting Disc 2 at the Ultima Weapon part and im LV 53 massive grinding ftw
You don't have to beat him if you want Beta early by the way. If he knocks one of your party out of the fight, they'll still be alive.

So even if the other two characters die, you won't get a game over screen.

Anyways, the dude has 4000HP, and is Level 25 if I remember rightly. So anything say between 13 - 17 should be comfortable but not easy.
You don't get to keep Beta if that happens though, as it counts as running away.

I would reccomend at least Level 15+ if you want to learn Beta. On the other hand, if you just want to defeat him and aren't worried about learning anything, you can beat him as low as Level 12 even in a No Materia game.