Midlight's Deep


ShinRa Guard
Jul 4, 2008
I hope it's okay to open a thread just for this mission, but it pisses me off and I want to know what others think about it.
And of course if anyone did it yet.

For the ones who don't know what I mean: I read in a walkthrough that Midlight's Deep only exists in the non-Japanese version. It is a 10 floor dungeon (so I've heard) and it's really, really hard.

The first... say three missions are quite easy, for there are only enemies which are lvl 55-58. But when you enter another mission (the fourth, if I counted right) you have to beat a rank III esper (I had Chaos and Belias already) which is lvl 99. And all the other esper around are ALSO lvl 99. So if you - like me - are only lvl 63 you got no chance of beating them. I hoped for a while that I just had to defeat the rank III esper, but after once defeating it the battle went on and I died shortly after that. '-'

I read that you'll get a good weapon for Vaan at the end. But I'm not sure if it's worth it. 10 floors and I already am not able to beat the fourth... I think you'll need lvl 99 for that...
Looks like we are stuck at the same part, that i the floor where Belias comes down the middle right? :monster:

But Jesus I had no idea there were 10 floors, I alsways got as far as the fourth one and had my arse handed to me, had I actuallymanaged to do that one and not seen a mission complete cscreen (or whateer it says) I would have DIED and possibly thrown my DS outta the window, but yeah I agree that is one solid mission, looks like I will have to do some training if I bother to do it again, I am roughly level 50
Hehe, good to know others have the same problem. ^^
Yes, it's the mission with Belias in the middle.
I was also shocked when I read that it had 10 floors. I still hope I won't need it to complete 100%. That would be TOO hard. '-'

If you found a way to strike down Belias, I would be glad if you told me. (If I find a way soon I'll of course write it down, too. I suppose I'll be very proud once I manage to do so xD)

Edit: FINALLY! I found a way and it's really embarrassing. In the fourth mission it says you have to defend yourself... That's it. '-' You just don't have to strike down all the espers. You have to watch out that they don't see you. They're wandering a specific route two times, then the mission is over (it took me 7 minutes though '-'). If someone wants to know which route they take, you should search for the guide of Midlight's Deep. It helped me quite a lot. Although it's still embarrassing XD
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it was too easy.beat yiazmat in less then 3 minutes when i reached him.

-mod edit-

Put more effort in your post please
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Firstly: Why didn't you write that in the thread about Midlight's Deep?

And then: I don't quite understand what you want to say here... Just that you beat Bahamut? I didn't do that... It wasn't necessary. Oo
oh.sorry about not including that it's about midlights deep.and well,beating the level 99 bahamut is really hard.if you beat it,you are really strong!
I couldn't even get past Belias or whoever it was on like the 4th level of it but then, I think my characters are like level 50ish so I don't really stand a chance at the moment and I can't be fussed with all the extra levelling required
I couldn't even get past Belias or whoever it was on like the 4th level of it but then, I think my characters are like level 50ish so I don't really stand a chance at the moment and I can't be fussed with all the extra levelling required

You don't actually have to fight it you know. You avoid them. A tactic is set the gambit for Llyud onto Vanishga and then have him run around the battlefield to places with the LEAST amount of enemies. Rinse and repeat. The alternative is to give Vaan the powered Anastasia blade so that when he uses sprint, he can run all the way across the battlefield before anyone charges up a big one. Really to me the hardest stages are 6 and 9. 6 has you literally running from a bahamut that certainly cannot catch you but the fact that the last chest is surrounded is a nono. Chapter 9's black mage is wtf material.
Edit: FINALLY! I found a way and it's really embarrassing. In the fourth mission it says you have to defend yourself... That's it. '-' You just don't have to strike down all the espers. You have to watch out that they don't see you. They're wandering a specific route two times, then the mission is over (it took me 7 minutes though '-'). If someone wants to know which route they take, you should search for the guide of Midlight's Deep. It helped me quite a lot. Although it's still embarrassing XD

So you don't have to kill them? Does that include Belias? D:

That's bloody typical, although, I think I'l still hve to do more training anyway because I still have a nightmare getting through the first few floors anyway so I know if I get any further Il be buggered >_>
I beat belias - I think - which one was it?

I got up to the one with the chocobos and then I thought - boring cba.

I hate the mission where you had to open the chest - I kept dieing but I won in the end, it's all about timing - lol.
Mission party :
Lluyd - with anti-confuse thingy.
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Threads Merged, and please put more effort in your post Lord Gilgamesh, thankyou