Missed Sidequest


Chocobo Breeder
Oct 22, 2008
Heylo guys. I think I've missed one of the Revenant Wings side quests, as there is one random one in the log on the ship which is still coming up as '????', rather than the name of the quest. I think it may have been from chapter 7.

I want to complete the game 100% to get the extended ending, but if I have missed one is there any way to re-do it after the chapter that it appears in has been completed? Let me know! :ohshit:
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Can't you go back..maybe redo a few things/talk to a few people and see if it unlocks? I cant really help because I havent played it for ages. Im sure you can just go back to places though,. I dont ever recal having a problem

I don't think there's an extended ending either....although I could be wrong on that >_>
Damnit >_< I think I read something about getting a secret ending if you complete the game 100% - it gives you a completion percentage in your save game information so I'm guessing this is what it means.

Anyone else know?