Crisis Core Missions

I think that the missions are a great distraction from the main story, although they are slightly repetitive. Although, I do like the rewards they dish out, and, it makes training easier ^^

I've only done about 11% so far though D=

I do them whenever I feel like dragging on the next part of the story for a while.
When I first time played that game, I made just maybe 10-20% of missions.
I did few always when I was just bored. But now when I'm playing it through again, now I'll complete all the missions this time, I'm soon completed 80% ;D
When I got more missions, I made most of them right away and then I went forward.
I think those missions are pretty cool, though sometimes it's just boring maybe
I think I did about 37% of the missions then finished the game, I found them a bit repetative, but I'd usually go for Normal or below as I liked to get them out of the way. I did the 200 soldiers one and just ignored the 1000 soldiers because by the end of 200 my thumb was DEAD. Nevertheless, I think they're a good idea and it's a lot easier to level up during missions, also you get some nice items/materia - SOMETIMES.:)
It's weird seeing how much I have fallen behind mission percentage wise even though I've had the game for like 2 months :O

Anyway, I've only done 13% of the missions so far, and like it has already been mentioned, it is a great way to slow the pace down of the story and an amazing way to train...although I struggle on the 'Very Hard' missions xD
The Yuffie ones pissed me off...
stupid girl stealing everything
the mission o man thy stink and r wastes of time.thy giv good rewards thy lvl u up and gives some of wat leads 2 advent chlidren so thy arnt wastes of time.i did like a whloe 4 weeks of missions and only did 10%.nut th yuffie ones give good rewards.thy need 2 make the yuffie ones more and i think there should be less missions.over all b+ thy could be better.

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I started doing them as they were available until they got to hard on my first run through then I just got bored of them and got on with the story, Im replaying it nd I did LOADS at the beginning because I was strong enough.......still got my hair off a few times though :wacky:

Now im like half way through (storywise) and I have only donethemissions I need to, to unlock certain items and whathaveyou, Im waiting til I get Genesis and Cloud on the DMW before I carry on with the rest so I have a better chance of getting 100& on all DMWs
I think I did about 37% of the missions then finished the game, I found them a bit repetative, but I'd usually go for Normal or below as I liked to get them out of the way. I did the 200 soldiers one and just ignored the 1000 soldiers because by the end of 200 my thumb was DEAD. Nevertheless, I think they're a good idea and it's a lot easier to level up during missions, also you get some nice items/materia - SOMETIMES.:)

1000 soldiers is very easy if you put Mortal Shock on, all of the soldier's will die in one hit and you will get 20x9 soldier point, providing you do a good enough job dodging the MP, AP, Super and Normal Grenade. The Dynamite and Solar Plexus are moves you should dodge too, as well as the status changing shots.
>> the only way to get the most badass equipment is to go through the missions. By doing that guess what my hp and attack limit is...99,999. So that means I slowly and surely becoming able to beat monsters way higher than my current level and with my hammer punch i can kill almost every thing.
Sure, the missions are mostly all the same. But they are necessary and you get some great stuff doing them. I did all missions up to Very Hard and would then continue with the story line, and went back after a couple of level ups to then go through them again to Very Hard.
If you don't do missions the rest of the game is that much more difficult and you miss out on some good stuff.
Well, I usually do several missions before trying to continue with the main story because missions are usually short, the rewards are kind of good from time to time (especially the materia ones ^^) and they stop me from finishing the game that fast! (which is something I don't want to!!! I'm enjoying the game too much! Don't want it to be over >_<)
I did the missions whenever I wanted to level up or get some new materia. After a while though, the missions became so boring that I just decided to play the storyline, and forget about them, and so I finished the game today. I was going to back and play some more of the missions, but the ending has me not wanting to touch the game again.. Just warning you guys, its 10x harder to watch when you've become so attatched to the character :(

i totally agree. when i first played the game through, i only did about 40% of the missions because i wanted to find out what happened in the last story. it was a while before i could bring myself to play again after the ending.

now i'm pretty sure i've unlocked all the missions that can be missed, so i'm slowly working my way through them. a good idea may be to try and do as many as you can before leaving the shinra building because you can get the re-raise status to help out with the hard ones.