Mitsuki's Photoshop Beginnings

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Your darker works have a nice touch, they're not my favourite though but overall it's obvious you have skills.

That's probably my favorite thing about her works. I love the darker scheme that most of them have. They're not dark or depressing but they are all serious, very intense in mood, with splashes of bright bold colors intermixed into the piece. Even the brighter ones like Windsor Castle and Samurai Tom Cruise are not entirely bright. They play light and dark very well against one another... and it does it in such a controlled way that it really looks professional, not just haphazardly thrown together.
Ah thanks. I'm amazed at how you guys can somewhat define how my work is. I've never really noticed...

But anyway, here's some Transformers signatures I made. I planned on making some more just to complete the autobots and decepticons, but I've been so busy that I haven't had time to make some more lately.

Top to Bottom: Bumblebee, Ironhide, Barricade, and Starscream.





Random ones. Some of these are requests - hence, the choice of text.












Not exactly a fan of some of them. Some days are better than others, I suppose.
Looking through all these Photoshop threads makes me want to start messing around more with my shitty 0.7 :wacky: but awesome work, Mitsuki. The graphics you added onto Red makes him look kind of alive. Which I think is pretty neat.

Mitsuki said:

I really liked this one. Brings back memories of old Mario on the SNES.

Keep it up! And I will continue stalking your topic!

These are my favourites of the lot you posted! =D

I love your work Mitsuki! You're so talented! =D I especially like the Red one. =D He looks freakin' awesome in that signature. It's brilliant!

Keep up the amazing work! A big piece of this site would die, (graphics wise that is) if you were to stop your amazing artistry! :gasp:
Your sigs are pure sex! They're like...sensational! 8D
Your blending is tremendous, especially in the Transformers sigs and the two FFXIII ones and I absolutely adore the Chunli one, the text is amazing as well! =]
Awesome work Mits and hope to see more of your work soon!!! 8D
Thanks you guys! =]

And a few more stuff. Not a whole lot since I kinda strayed away from GFX for awhile.


Wanted to try that 'two-different-colors-on-both-sides' kinda style. Not sure if I like it or not.


I wanna get rid of that text.



Meh, so so.


A request from someone.


My latest. I wanted to stray away from the darker theme and do some more light signatures, although not too light. Just the background bit. This is a mix of smudging and some distort filters.
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Oh Mits these are just great!!!!! I love all you worksies and that gears of war one!!! Omg I did not know you were a gears of war fan!! lol. Anyways I love how you did the background and Marcus in the middle makes it look superb!!! Nice color choices!! You Girl are an artist!!! Hey maybe you can make some Lost Odyssey siggys I can not wait if you ever do!!! So keep it up you great artist!!! Cant believe I have not requested somethin in your Siggy shop for a long time. I shall soon. I >3 all your siggys!!!
Actually I'm not a fan of Gears of War...never even played it. xD I just thought the character looked cool. =] But thanks anyway.
I believe I've already commented on the majority of these. XD However, I shall reiterate what I said in the other threads in here again!

I absolutely love the border to start with. It looks spectacular and I think my second favourite style of border after the half border. XD

I love how you made the edges dark to draw people in to focus on the character in the centre. The colours are superb and I really like the texture in the background.

The only thing I had trouble with was reading the text.

I voted for this one! It's brilliant!

The texture of the cartoon is so rough and dangerous looking. I love it! THe colours work well and I like the size of the signature too.

Nice border but I think the font looked a little strange for the theme of this signature.

I mentioned to Marshy (I think it was who you made it for), that I absolutely loved this signature!

The image is so dangerous looking and the blending is superb! I love the colours and the lighting is amazing!

Love the border and how it is slighting uneven once again like the first signature.

Awesome placing of the text and the font is great!!!

I voted for this one too! XD

I love the lighting and colour theme and the detailed background is great! The text is a little hard to see at the end of 'RedField' but still very well done and I like the little yellow boxes surrounding the text as well.

I like how the lighting at the bottom of the signature shines red and then turns into green further up. The shadows on his face look great too!

This one is absolutely gorgeous!

I love the image used for this one! The eyes stand out so much! The size of the tag is cute and I like the dark edges closing in on the character once again.

The little glowing balls are beautiful and I really love the colour theme. It's gorgeous. I love the sofy cloudy texture behind the girl as welll!

The text is placed decent but I would have placed it to the left in the dark. However, I know that you said the person requested it be placed where it is currently.

The Font is spectacular as well!

I really like the tinge of red you have in this piece! It works great! The edges of the image look fantastic! Discreetly smudged into the background and making it look as though he's emerging from the white.

The text and font is brilliant and I rather like those lines coming out from the left. The border works really really well with this particular piece as well!

Wonderful job!

Keep up the brilliant work Mitsuki!

Wanted to try that 'two-different-colors-on-both-sides' kinda style. Not sure if I like it or not.


My latest. I wanted to stray away from the darker theme and do some more light signatures, although not too light. Just the background bit. This is a mix of smudging and some distort filters.

They're all fantastic, but they're my two favourites. You've done amazingly well with the colours on the first one which look as if, combined with the render, have been chosen to perfection, it flows extremely well. The font is also spot on and the borders are fantastic! :gasp:

The second one I love because it's the complete opposite of #1 xlolx, it shows you have an amazing ability to change styles and pull it extremely well, which is far from easy. The use of negative space is used really well as it doesn't attract attention away from the focal point. The brushing is great and the monotone-like colour scheme is always a brave thing to do on any sig but it looks fantastic.

More amazing work. Keep it up. :awesome:

It worked out definately i would say. It blends really well as yellow and red are both warm colours, i love the lighting on it it brings the stock/render to the front even though theres colour over it. Text looks cool down there aswell. I like this one alot


Thats awesome. Its the background and blending that wins it for me. It kinda makes me think shes in space or something, like in front of a galaxy. The size suits aswell, i like the slightly more empty space on the left.


I really like this one aswell, though i think theres maybe a bit too much white space. I think if there was a tad less of it, it would look better. I love the smokey look around the render and the distorted duplicates behind him. Text is cool aswell, i wouldnt have thought it would look good where it is but it looks like its meant to be there. Very nice work indeed.

Once again awesome work mitsuki ^^
Love that Vincent one.. =D i blow with photoshop i just snag a pic from the net and slap some text on it hehe.. never figured out how to use the program well =D
Well, I guess I'll post my work here. I've only had photoshop for three weeks now, but I think I'm making some progress.

I'll try to post in order from when I first started although I didn't include few of the very first signatures I made.



*My 4th signature. As you can see, the samurai was inverted. Clearly, I was still experimenting.



*I didn't really like this one as the colors were way too bright, but I don't really feel like editing it.



*A pretty simple one. I hope to do some more black and white theme later on.



*Probably one of my least favorite.



*Ack, way too bright.


~Iya Villania~

*One of my favorite filipina actress. xD



*I like this one a lot. I was trying to aim for more realistic colors.



*Oh gosh, I did not have fun doing this one. It was a pain and probably one of my least favorites too.


~Kamen Rider Black~

*Anyone recognize him? xD I kinda like this one.



*Saix wanted me to do an abstract or surreal theme...and so this is my failed attempt at it. >.>



*This one's alright. Pretty shiny, I suppose.



*I don't know what to think of this one. It's alright, I guess.


~Valkyrie Profile~

Don't know who she's supposed to be. I just thought this little girl's cute. I think out of all of them, this is my most favorite.


Different version:



And finally, the most recent one I did which I just finished a few hours ago. I kinda like it too.


...And that's that. I'll update when I have some more. I'm hoping that in a month, I can make my own signature shop. xD I still don't feel comfortable doing requests for people...

I saw your creation of Iya Villana,I know her, she's one of the popular actress my country, She's really beautiful and good actress.
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