More DS Remakes


Oct 9, 2006
the Netherlands

"Tanaka: Given that the game (Final Fantasy III) has been received very well here in Japan, we'll make something along the same lines.

Tanaka: FFIV, V and VI have been ported to the GBA. As you have seen FFIII is not a port but more of a remake. In the future, since FFIII has been received pretty well so far, we're actually considering remaking some of the other Final Fantasy games."

Seems like they plan on making more remakes *fingers crossed*
i wish they would rermake FFVIII as well... not necesserily for DS, but for PS2 or PS3...
i wish they would rermake FFVIII as well... not necesserily for DS, but for PS2 or PS3...

I hope so too. FFVIII was such a beautiful game. Also, FFIX wouldn't be bad either.

Now FFVI would be the game to die for. But I dunno. Leaving it in 2D isn't too shabby either.
it was already stated months ago that there would be a remake of FFVII

It will feature a couple different bosses than the old + the characters will have the look of what they did in Advent Children plus there will be a bit more of a better 3d effect
What i'd like to see is an ORIGINAL ff on the DS. I think the only reasons they overhauled 3 was beacuse
1.They did it for 1 and 2, 4 and 5 to a lesser extent
2. It would have looked terrible in the original state, and there was no storyline to make it worthwhile.

And when i say ORIGINAL ff, i mean in the style of the first 5. NO evil citites NO space ships NO gener confused enemies. Just evil things after crystals.
I don't want to see any re-makes at all. seirously. whats the fascination and hunger for re-makes? we should praise what we have now. The GBA ports are fine but remakes of the lot wouldn't be right. Stop rehashing old ideas and carry on with the seires, thats what I say!
I don't mind re-makes at all. If a game is a classic in itself, what is wrong with remaking it so that it can be enjoyed again by a new set of gamers while still on par, say graphics-wise with the newer games? I don't see a problem with that.
Some say the original is better. I am for remakes in some way because the original titles are so hard to find now, and there are more people every day wanting to get into FF, but who have no hope of getting earlier titles.
i dont know about you but i would like a good mystic quest remake for the GBA lol,and remake 7 ,8 ,and 9 for the ps2 or ps3 and port the orginals on psp that would be cool.