More DS Remakes

FFVI in a 3d sense IMO done right would be as good as FFVII, maybe better. Always been my favorite storyline.

And yes Chronotrigger.
Give a game at least 10 eyas after it's been out before you need a remake of it. A remake for the DS on FFX or later is just not necessary at all. Big waste of time and money while the game is still perfectly playable. No more remakes anytime soon. Busta no approve.
I know Square-Enix is focusing on remakes and ports this year but... holy crap. We don't need all those remade or ported. I don't even want FFVII ported. As far as I can tell, only games in the "First Era" (FFI - FFVI) have any right to be ported. And with the exception of FFVI, none of them deserve remakes. Final Fantasy VII only deserves a remake because it was such an incredible game. It has the story, the character, and the age. So trying to justify anything higher than FFVII just doesn't make sense since it's not old enough. Anything less than FFVI doesn't make sense because it doesn't have the story or the characters to back it up. That goes for FFV as well, even though I love it.
I dont know ff8 would be awesome redone, clean it up a bit graphics wise. i would pay for it at least
I wouldn't mind if they have remakes for the earlier titles. Especially FFIV and FFVI if done properly. People talk about FFVII or FFVIII but I would rather see atleast one of them (preferably VII) remade for the PS3.
the only ones that i wouldnt hate seeing remade for the DS are IV and VI - providing they dont screw up the opera scene and other such classics.

and im all for FFVII and FFIX to be remade for the ps3 - it would definatly buy them..

as for FFVIII....meh - id probably still buy it just to say i have it :P
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