More FFVII Remake Fuel

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Well too bad for you. At the Square enix party recently, the majority of fans wanted a remake of FF7 more than any other FF game.
No stop Square Enix STOP! the oldies yes [1-6] not the 3d games not seven! there just going to ruin it i can forsee it >_<
How would Aeris come back though. Through the lifestream. i mean it would make sense since the cetra were the ones trying to fight off Jenova.

But i doubt that cloud is the last remnant. Genesis seems more like it since he shares some of sephiroth's features.
i cannot wait for it to come out :D hearing about it alone made me buy the ps3

You bought the most expensive console of the generation because of rumours that FFVII might be remade?
If it came out on the DS, I'd buy it. But only if they gave it some graphical tune-ups and stuck in some extra content (like the Rondo of Blood update for the PSP).
I love FF7 But they should just leave FF7 where it is....infact they shoulda just left it the way it was when it first came out. SE should just stop with the sequels and prequels there doing...FF was always just 1 game,1 story then it moves on to another story and i think they shoulda kept it that way
Hell no, I want an ending !!!!
I want a closure of the FF7 universe. Will Cloud find love? Will Sephiroth and Jenova be killed for good. Will the world be safe. Will the Promised land be found at all? Will Genesis be killed? Who is Red XIII's lover? Will VIncent get new clothes?
The Last Remnant a a completely different game that has nothing to do with Final Fantasy. the word remnant in the game signifies a giant ultra-powerful item that could be anything from a giant sword to a dragon or even a cannon. look it up on game informer
Ugh...I say give it a break on the remake mumbo jumbo. Sure it's a popular demand, but we haven't heard any real confirmation yet or any real progress on it yet. Sure there was the Tech Demo or whatever it was called, but the original game is still VERY playable and a hit classic. The original game is starting to get very rare and sell for big bucks on eBay or any other place online.
I don't belive a game is the right medium through which to portray the last chapter in FF7 history, there were already too many crappy spin-offs produced from this brilliant game, including Dirge Of Cerberus and Advent Children.

Although i would be able to tolerate, a new film in the style of AC, that could show the events during the main game and a possible climax to the story.
Hmm, i dunno, what kind of game would it be? have you got any real information about this? Seriously, how can you create an good RPG just around the idea of a possible battle between Aerith and Jenova, I liked the scene with Red XIII at the end of FFVII, i don't need to know any more than that....
I won't lie. I really do want the FF7 franchise to end. While I enjoyed the game; Square Enix is dragging the game through the dirt with all the sequels and prequels. Adventuring with Cloud and company was fun but DAMN! That was years ago!

Ah well, I guess a new FF7 title isn't that bad; fans will gobble it up. I'll be on the sidelines this time.
Enix is dragging the game through the dirt with all the sequels and prequels.
THAT is true. If they just merged Crisis Core, Before Crisis and Dirge of Cerberus and then some more into one title, it would be a good game again.
THAT is true. If they just merged Crisis Core, Before Crisis and Dirge of Cerberus and then some more into one title, it would be a good game again.

No. The FF7 sequels and prequels are made of suck and fail (Especially Dirge of Cerberus). Besides, Square has other games that actually deserve sequels more than FF7. I like FF7, it's a really good game, but SE will just keep running its legacy into the ground if they keep this up.
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' The Last Remnant ' is actually a different game from FF.It's going to be released for the XBOX360 and PS3.It seems to be about a young man named Rush Skyes who is trying to save his sister,Irina Skyes.
Woah O_O this thread got a major bump.

But yeah, i found that out a while ago - theres a wikipedia page on the last remnant as well which shows it isn't anything to do with FFVII - huzzah!
yeah yeah this thread should have died a long time ago
I made it before they announced the game. I made it because we found out that Square copyrighted the name and that was all we knew at the time

its just still up here since theres no life on this part of the forum
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