Most Annoying Character


Chocobo Breeder
Mar 31, 2010
New York
I did a search on the forums for this topic and didn't find anything, i found most annoying enemy and such but not character.

So here it goes, out of all final fantasy games, any character in the game, which is the most annoying to you?

I think the most annoying FF character was Selphi from FF VIII. Clumsy and always wanted participation for bull crap. If they did voice acting in that final fantasy her's would be the most annoying high pitch babbling voice ever :ohshit:
Hmmm.... The most annoying character in final fantasy for me would have to be a character I cannot mention right now, but her voice drives me bonkers ._. I didnt wanna say a name because she is from the game that recently came out, if people can guess then :D good for you
Lol just go ahead and say it. Your allowed to find a popular character annoying =P

For me, it would have to Ashe. I just could not stand her attitude or the way she treated people. Now if she had changed through the game and grew as a character, I would have liked her. But unfortunantly that never happened.
Hmmm.... The most annoying character in final fantasy for me would have to be a character I cannot mention right now, but her voice drives me bonkers ._. I didnt wanna say a name because she is from the game that recently came out, if people can guess then :D good for you

Is it Vanille? Because her voice annoys the hell out of me. >.>

And Ali, I have to agree with you on Ashe. I really couldn't stand her. I would have been able to tolerate her if she had any sort of development but she just remained a bitch throughout the game. I wanted to slap her most of the time.

I haven't actually finished VI but I found Locke's character to be annoying. I can't remember what it was about him since I haven't played in ages but he really did irritate me. :hmmm:
Seymour, hands down.

His annoying antennae, his unbutton/no-button shirt, his creepy voice and
how he keeps coming back to "life"

In conclusion, I think he is a reincarnation of a cockroach.
Vanille annoyed me. Her accent seemed all over the place,it sounded half american, half aussie and it really raged me. It was far too high pitched/chirpy for me.
There were times when she acted too kiddy like, most of the happy upbeat characters are a bit younger than her and I read somewhere she's the youngest of that type in the games. She just generally irritates me.

Selphie and her stupid hair annoyed me too.
Hope annoys the hell out of me. I know he's a kid but he is so timid it gets on my nerves.
Tidus, I couldn't stand him, he's a pretty boy who gets all the girls. And he's a doofus
His voice was not bad though, I'll give him that. Rikku annoyed me as well
Hope. I absolutely HATE his character stereotype - the whiny little brat who goes through a traumatic event and apparently comes out stronger as a result of it, when all he does in fact is stand around making stupid hollow declarations of independence whilst clinging to someone else's - Lightning's, in his case - skirt.

His voice didn't suit him, and aggravated me immensely anyway, and what is hardest to stomach is that actually, he's pretty useable as a character.
For me its a mash up of a few:
Cecil (FFIV) - He's mardy, and generally dont like his character.
Yuna (FFX) - Shes annoying. FULLSTOP
Vanille(FFXIII) - Most annoying voice in videogame history!
Hope(FFXIII) - He's a mardy little kid. Thats it.

I just couldn't stand her, at first when I first played FFX I thought she was ok, but then as time went on she got more and more annoying. And it didn't go away in FFX-2 either, in face it just grew and she, to me, became the MOST annoying character with her 'I have to save the world!' crap. She pretty much just whined the whole time, I found Paine to be enjoyable then her nough said.
Snow (FF13) He just annoys me
with his wanna be a hero, NORA and how every few seconds he screams or at least says Serah
but he is generally okay
Cloud (FF7) Although I don't mind him that much he does get on my nerves every now and then and I glare at him on the screen
Brother (FF10) I can't quite remember what it is but I used to glare at him as well

Hmm, I just realized I find it sort of hard to be funny annoyed with a character, I am too optimistic sometimes.
I have to agree with a couple people yuna is annoying too, and hope, I've been playing XIII this whole week when i first got the game and everytime I hear him complain, and say this and that and mainly just pop up on the screen I want to put my fist through a wall and scream because he is so annoying, him and selphie would be a great match.
Nobody has mentioned Yuffie yet?Haha,I found her annoying both in FFVII and Crisis Core,although I must admit that it's a love-hate with her.

Actually I found Yuna pretty nice and easy to relate to,it's not so hard to understand that she has a duty,call it save the world or whatever,but everyone is expecting her to and she can't do anything else,but maybe she could have been more interesting.At times I felt she was weak and not so unique as a character.
Vanille annoyed me. Her accent seemed all over the place,it sounded half american, half aussie and it really raged me. It was far too high pitched/chirpy for me.
There were times when she acted too kiddy like, most of the happy upbeat characters are a bit younger than her and I read somewhere she's the youngest of that type in the games. She just generally irritates me.

Selphie and her stupid hair annoyed me too.

I would have to agree....Vanille's voice did not make sense at all...very high piched....
For me, it would have to Ashe. I just could not stand her attitude or the way she treated people.

I agree with the Ashe thing. she just wasn't nice at all and I didn't really like her at all period even though the game was mainly envolving her in it with her whole hubby thing.

Rydia said:
Now if she had changed through the game and grew as a character, I would have liked her.

I agree in the sense if a character changes throughout the game. For instance, Hope. At first all I wanted to do to the kind was tap his whiny ass mouth up and feed him to lions :D nah, but I grew to like him later on in the game and now, he's one of my faves.

Brother annoyed the hell outta me throughtout X-2. X not so much (was he even in X?) he was loud, obnoxious and staright up weird. He would make no sense at all either xD. I just was annoyed by him.

Shinra in X-2

OMG this kid never shutted up. There was times when I thought he was okay here and there but he always goes around saying how smart he is and blah blah blah and "i'm just a kid" annoying.

Vanille's character is great! I really like her as a character but god almighty what's wrong with her voice? :gasp: I got over it but, every now and then her voice does get annoying.

I might add on later.
Seymour would definitely be at the top of my list. I absolutely hated him. I hated everything about him...the way he looked, the creepy pedophile voice, the fact that he would not freaking stay dead, etc.

Others include:

* Cait Sith - Pointless, annoying, robot cat toy thing.
* Yuffie - The annoying perky one
* Selphie - The annoying perky one
* Brother - Creepy incest guy with the most annoying hair and voice
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Oh man. where do I even begin. Vanille (they seriously couldn't pick someone else to narrate the damn thing?) Hope, Yuffie, Selphie, Zell, Snow, Cait Sith, Seymour, Zack, Genesis, Tidus, Yuna, Eiko... let's see... who else? I might be coming back to edit this one.
Rinoa, oh my life. I won't make everyone suffer though because once I start ranting about Rinoa, I find it very hard to stop. I'll bullet point a few points for those interested, though.
  • Clingy
  • Had no real purpose
  • Clingy
  • Too flirty
  • Not the best character design Tetsuya has ever came up with
  • Clingy
My second most annoying character would have to be Hope. He was Tidus-reincarnated. 'Cept Hope had more nuts to actually do something about it instead of whining on about how much he hates him. But no, Hope just annoyed me. He was so weak and
I just couldn't work him and Lightning. I found it the hardest duo to work with, especially during the Odin battle. :\\\

I'll stop now. :confused:
^I agree on Rinoa. She really annoyed me as well on those reasons. She just didn't make sense most of the time o_O

I also disliked Vaan, his voice bored me and his skypirate thing and his look was rediculous.

And Vanille, when I started the game I saw her character and thought yay! Cause she looked so cute but when she started to speak and hug Hope I already started to dislike her. She is a real disappointment in the game.