Most annoying dungeon


Blue Mage
Oct 29, 2007
From any FF game.

For me, my vote definitely has to go to the Great Crystal in FXII, this place is confusing as hell and the lack of a proper mini map is aggravating as hell.

Since its easy to get lost in this godforsaken place.

Plus if you are after Ultima, Omega, Excalibur, Danjuro and/or the Brave Suit for a 100% game, you have to fiddle with cruddy time limit switches as well as to put with really annoying monsters like Necrophobes, Reapers etc in this hellhole.

The lack of save points in this bloody place doesn't help matters either, there are only two of them - one is before Ultima and the other before Shemazai. Why the frig isn't there a save point before Omega, it wouldn't have killed SE to put an extra save point in right.

Also this place is the only location to get the damned Danjuro if ya wanna do a 100% run in FFXII. The rare monster that may drop Danjuro, Larva Eater has ludicrous spawn conditions too.

He only appears after chaining 256 monsters in a row and ya have to restart the chaining process again if he doesn't drop Danjuro which can be aggravating as hell.

The graphics in this dungeon are pretty horrid as well, most of the places are either yellow or green and the horrid background music doesn't help either.
The most annoying dungeon I had been in was the Dragon's Den in FFVI Advance. You have to switch off between the parties which was okay but you have to work as a team in order to open doors, lock bridges together to get across, and to access valuable items that may help you complete the dungeon. The whole thing I didn't like about this dungeon was the fact it was a completely new area to me since it was a new add on to FFVI and I had no idea where I was going. The first few encounters of monsters I was doing okay with until later on when I was so close to my first save point, my party got wiped out by a random encounter and I had to start all over to the beginning of the dungeon again.

When I actually got to Omega Weapon towards the end, I gave him a try and failed. I ended up leaving the dungeon so I can level up my characters more, realizing I would have to go alway back to Omega Weapon again just to add him to my bestiary list which I wasn't looking forward to since the dungeon was too confusing to get around in the first place.
My first 1 is great crystal 2 my second 1 is calm lands cuz sooooooo many random encounters 2 get thru nd 3rd iz erm all da places in ff2 cuz its so hard at da beggining compared 2 oder ff's
oh, how I agree Blaks!!! I didn't bother getting all the espers (have only completed the game once) but I did go back to get excalibur!!! and omg, that maze of a crystal is the most god forsaken hell hole I've EVER been too. When I fist got there, I just ran out again, and it took me a few months before I had the courage and level to go back inn!!!! (I'm a real coward by the way)
I found navigating around the great crystal pretty easy, the most annoying dungeon for me has gotta be a dungeon from FF VI there was many of them i dunno why i just found some of them really difficult :|
the most annoying dungeon for me was the "secret" dungeon in FFV. the whole set up was annoying and so was the cloister.

i hated how there was so many levels to it, with one strong boss (the aevis thing that stands in your way part way through), and weapons there that you didnt need to do lame side-quests with.

the entire end of the dungeon was lame too.
you beat
, and get another thing to do, the cloister of trials, which sucked. after you beat it, you dont get anything of importance, you already have the strongest weapons and armor, and they throw another area at you that is too easy to beat.
Any dungeon from FFII that has lot's of doors that lead to nothing at all (which is pretty much all of them).

The Marsh Cave from FFI. If your playing an earlier version of the game and have no Antidotes because you can't stand grinding for long just too buy some this is hell.
If the cloisters of trials in x can be classed as a dungeon, i vote them =]

if not i still hated the omega dungon : /