Most awesome character

I'd have to go with Zidane and Amarant for my guys. Zidan'e part in the story is so involving that he can hardly comprhend it at times. He fights his way through ever stronghold that he faces and is complemented with a great supporting cast to assist along the way.

I choose Amarant because of how misunderstood he can be at times. People can pin-point him and say he's just a big brute who is anti-social and wants to be left alone to do things on his own, but that's not the case. You see at the end of the game that he opens up and thanks Zidane for making him realize that they are almost similar people. They want to help out and save the world when the opportunity arises, but emotions, or lack thereof sometimes, hinder the chances.
I like Zidane's. There is something sexy about a man that saves the world because he truly wants to.

And as odd as Quina is, his/her feelings are actually pretty cool.
i like what Freya says
I find Vivi's and Amarant's to be more respectable. Though as for "cool," I'll go with Amarant.
I would have to go with Garnet because she says she will be queen, but she says she'll always be herself, which is something that you can never be certain of, but believe it in your heart.
Personally I hate Amarant's. I think his is too shallow, and there is no real meaning to it. I think it is only classed as philosophical because it is paradoxical (if I haven't used that properly tell me please - I meant as in kind of ironic).

I think one that is overlooked, but actually has a lot of meaning is Steiner's. I think in real life his situation is one that is quite common. There is sometimes a conflict between doing what is right, and what you have promised.

Still my favourites are Zidane's and Freya's and Garnet's.
I like Amarant's quote because it's something we can all relate to. I don't like Zidane's much, but not the quote itself, rather the fact that he's taking credit for something Locke originally said
I'd say Freya, as it sounds quite true, and it can be painful, for someone who may have had someone precious to them, and they forget who that person is.
i like heir's/hims whateva "it" is lol:P
Quina: I do what I like!! You have problem?!
becuzz i do pretty dumb jacked up stuff that idc what other ppl think all they do is just stare like i'm physico & i go fuck u (not literally) but thats what i say in my head
beatrice or beatrix if i remember umm and zidane the monkey!

Hmm? What about Beatrix?

Now that we're on the topic, they should've made a quote for her too. I mean, I know she's not in your main party and all, but I really would like to hear her motto. I'd make something up right now...but meh, I respect her too much and don't wanna risk ruining her image, lol.
All of them. They have their own personal statements about their lives and it's what makes them human after all.