Most Badass FF Female?


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
I fully expect Tifa to win this, because she has an ARMY of fanboys, literally.

yet, i dont agree with the fanboys, because, seriously when do i ever give Tifa praise? and, for me the most Badass FF woman is either General Celes Chere of FFVI or Princess Ashe of FFXII

Celes was one of only 3 imperial generals in the Gesthal empire of FFVI, that alone shows how badass she was, she wiped out the town of Maranda but eventually turned to the good side, where her attitude just rocks, especially her awesome quote

"Im a warrior, not some Lovesick fool"

I think Celes was the first Female Badass of the series, she took crap from no-one.

Ashe, well she was basically The Princess Leia of Final Fantasy. She took control of their little band of adventurers, she stood up to the empire, she defied the Occuria and took control of her own Destiny. and she tells Vaan to shut up XD She rocks.

so who do you think is the Most Badass FF Female? Post and defend your opinion now :P
Haha, I agree with the Celes part, but I will attempt to incur your wrath by saying that Tifa definitely is up there, inevitably. :P

1.) She doesn't need any other weapon other than her fists to make a point in battle for one.

2.) Plus her game.....raiments....gave her that 'badass' look. :P

I rest my case.
Until you inevitably destroy it, of course, AG. xD

Well, okay, you can make a case for Lulu based on her appearance and stuff, and her stoic nature kinda makes her look like a badass, eh?
Besides, she told Wakka off in the first place. :monster:
Let's see now.

Faris from V. She commanded an entire crew of male pirates. And have her master all jobs and then she's a real badass

Rydia. A super black mage, got eaten by Leviathan (ok not really) and lived, can use a wide assortment of weapons, was pretty badass even as a little girl. And she can summon Bahamut and her meteor always does 9999 damage.

Yuffie. More badass than Tifa. She's a ninja, she fights for her village, and she's long range. And she's not emo.

Freya's from IX. Dragoons are awesome and she's female and one of the best physical attackers in the game.

Quistis and Edea.
Quistis has her whip, which, for me anyway, has 100 Death spells junctioned to it, so it does a one hit KO, and her Blue magic spells always kick ass, Shockwave Pulsar is the way to go. ^-^

Edea is a sorceress and therefore kicks ass in general, and for the short time she was in my party was even stronger than my Squall.
Sorry, I love Tifa, and fully believe she's one of the most badass. She was always one of my most powerful characters in VII, and I have to quote Warbourne,

She doesn't need any other weapon other than her fists to make a point in battle for one.

I also have to nominate Rydia from IV as well though, and I need to quote..Rydia xD

A super black mage, got eaten by Leviathan (ok not really) and lived, can use a wide assortment of weapons, was pretty badass even as a little girl. And she can summon Bahamut and her meteor always does 9999 damage.

And last, but definitely not least, Fran from XII. No matter what weapon I gave her, she was completely badass with it, and she was cool under pressure, and strong no matter what was going on around her.
Ohhh! Faris, it's been years since I played FFX. Yes, she was a awesome pirate leader.

Hey, I'm not a fan-boy/girl of Tifa but she still kick ass. She's not your typical princess, magic girl. Tifa was awesome when she slapped the hell out of Scarlet!

Quistis was a badass female. She became a teacher at the age 18..or was it 17? (Don't remember). She also yelled at Rinoa and carried a whip. ;D

Freya, Beatrix - They're both badass females. They were both powerful fighters and stood up for their hometown.

hands down the most badass IMO. sure tifa could beat a few guys up with her fists, but beatrix could take out 100 fully armed knights by herself. plus she always kicked zidane & crew's asses when she fought them, she was definitely the most badass.
Oh I forgot Beatrix! She's definently badass.

And I also forgot Paine. I'd probably put her at 2 or 3 actually.

I think I should also mention Refia. She was the only female character in three and she never managed to become a damsel. And if you make her a monk she doesn't need weapons either. =p Same thing with Faris, Lenna, and Krile too.
Beatrix is indeed bad-ass. The female General of Alexandria, in control of the all-female army and single handedly brought down 100 soldiers, and beat the crap of your team about four times?

Bad-ass to the bone :P

Paine is pretty bad-ass. Especially as a Warrior.

I only ever use Refia as a White Mage ...
I'd say
1) Tifa - in a straight up fight she's beat your ass before you knew what hit you.
2) Beatrix - One tough bitch, her demeanor is also pretty solid.
3) Faris - ...Pirate 'nuff said.
4) Paine - Just acts tough and like a hardass
5) Lulu - She'll put you in your place in a second, fighting wise though...naa
Tifa is the most obivious choice, however Lulu, Beatrix, Paine, Ashe and Quisitis are tought cookies themseleves. Although they are all "bad ass", they do have their softer sides, which sometimes rarely show through.
I have to say Beatrix, when you get her breifly in your party in FFIX, she kicks ass! I think Freya and Fran are close behind her...
Hmm.. yes, I do think Tifa is a pretty badass female in the series. She's strong and doesn't really need any weapons to fight, even her appearance is pretty badass. I would also say Edea is a pretty badass woman as well, even if she was possessed for a short while! She was such an evil lady and didn't really care about anybody but herself. There is Lulu as well who seems to have a pretty 'badass' attitude along with the appearance! I think there are a lot of female badasses in the series lol.
Freya should be owning all in this competition. She was a strong attacker throughout the game and Jump made the final boss a lot easier due to being able to dodge a certain attack, pity most the people I know don't use her, nay joy. ^_^

I'd also put her ahead of Beatrix in the sense that she doesn't immediately suffer a lethal dose of incompetence ( read: levelling down ) as soon as you get to control her, Beatrix just felt like Leo all over again....
Tifa LOOKS like a badass, but most of the time she's got a pretty sweet demeanor. As a matter of fact, she's really only a badass in AC. I'd say the most badass women are:

1. Beatrix
2. Celes
3. Agrias (from Tactics)
quite strangley i think there is three the first one rinoa because she doesnt act like a badass but she has half the power of an evil sorceress and second is refia from ff3 because she is a black smith and is the cockyest girl out of the lot as she always thinks she is the best and can kick any ones ass the third is paige because se is the srongest in ffx-2 and is the one with the badass attitude
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Freya, Beatrix - They're both badass females. They were both powerful fighters and stood up for their hometown.

Yep couldn't have said it better. Those two where total bad-ass. At the beginning if FFIX Beatrix totally pwn's you. Letting you know straight up she is Bad-ass. And Freya along with her ability's and her people kick ass.

I still like Tifa and Fran as well.
I forgot to mention Beatrix in my last post, but basically yeah, I would agree that she is pretty badass. Leader of a knightly order too. ^^
I would say Beatrix of FFIX. Sexy and easily the hardest level 18 boss I ever had to deal with. I would say that Garnet is probably the most attractive in FF history. FFIX in general was a hot spot for gorgeous FF women: Beatrix, Garnet, Lani, and even Freya had a certain beauty to her.

I would say Tifa is highly over-rated. She was horrible in battle and was a pretty standard issue FF babe.