Most Deeply Developed Character [FFX]

Aztec Triogal

Feb 8, 2007
Williamsport, PA
This is simply an opinion poll. haha No theories here. I just want to know who you think is the most deeply developed character in FFX. I ask because I think there are a lot of non-playable characters who arguably have deeper and richer storylines than the main cast. It's the only FF game I can think of where this is the case.

My vote goes to Auron because his character is the ONLY one that works on three levels. He was a guardian when Braska defeated Sin, he is a member of your current party, and he understands the Fayth because he is no longer of the living. When he was a young warrior monk in Bevelle, there is a very deep history of how he was climbing through the ranks but refused to marry a high priest's daughter and how Kinoc was promoted in his place. That lead to him leaving the order in discrace to travel with Braska. At the end of the journey, he actually dies. Killed by the originator of the Yevon faith because of his personal beliefs... and then goes on to become a playable character in your trip through Spira.
I feel that Tidus was the most developed. for a few reasons:

1) He had a world that he thought was real until it all came crashing down around him upon reaching the place he thought he knew
2) He had to face love but realize that he would eventually lose it
3) He was likable from the start, but had many character faults that smoothed out over the story
4) He had parental issues that was a major chunk of the game's story
5) You see Tidus mature from idiot to matured person fairly quickly

The main character development stages are taken on in a different way with Tidus than they are with the rest of the characters, which is why i think he was the most developed.
I thought Tidus, Yuna and Auron had all very deep storylines, which made sense since they were the main 3 characters in the game. Wakkas and Lulus were just about acceptable, I thought there wasn't very much to Lulu until it was revealed she had been a guardian twice before, the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth scenes were pretty interesting.

Disappointed by Rikkus and Kimahris, wasn't much to say for Kimahris past apart from losing his horn, witnessing Aurons death and taking Yuna to Besaid. I can see what you mean by some non main characters having deeper storylines, you don't see Braska once in the game apart from in Jecht Spheres, and he had a deeper storyline than Kimahri
I'm voting Auron...and it's not because I'm a hopeless fangirl, honest, we get such an insight into his past with those Jecht spheres, we find out all about how Yunalesca killed him, that he is an unsent, and well, I just think alot of thought went into his character IMO. We probably learn more about him, than we do Yuna and Tidus
I feel the strength of this game is it's in-depth character history's and personalities. However, as many of them can be looked at as super in-depth, I think Auron takes the lead with how involved he has been in the world of Spira longer than the rest.

When introduced to Auron, you can just picture him as a wise warrior who is there to guide the newbie on his adventure and challenge, but as the game develops, you realize his role is far greater than anyone else's in the game. Sure Tidus has to make his own story, but without the help and guidance of Auron Tidus I believe would have fallen flat on his face in the mission before him.

Auron's a "been there, done that" sort of guy. When he talks, listen. He's been on the high and low end of any imaginable situation. He was the guy everyone wanted to be, and then before you knew it, he was the guy no one wanted to be. When he started his journey back decades ago, he was in the same exact shoes as Tidus. He was lost, turning to others for advice and following as opposed to leading which he does in Tidus' story.

You see Auron from his youth on his first pilgrimage, to his final breathes taken outside of Bevelle tlaking to Kimahri about Yuna and his promise to Braska, then throughout the game as an Unsent. A real hero from beginning to end even when he was just starting out, Auron's history and story goes well beyond what I've mentioned.
Jecht Had A Deeper Storyline Then Kimahri... lol...

ATleast Jecht Was SHown And Told About Before He Left Zanarkand.. Then He Travelled With Braska And Became Sin In The End.

Then Everytime You See Sin, He Was Just Tryna See Tidus..

W WOuldn't Mind A FInal Fantasy X-3 Being About Braskas Journy..
i thinks the most developed would go towards Tidus because all he cared about was returning to zanarkand and blitzball but began to care for yuna his father and save spira from the cycle of sin
Auron has probably the best back story, but in saying that, I like Seymour's back story too. The things you learn about his childhood and what he turned into in adulthood is quite a good transition from a story line point of view.

I think people are too harsh on Kimarhi, to be honest he didn't need that much depth. He's a Ronso who had a few problems with Biran and Yenke, then was entrusted with a task from Auron. I actually quite like Kimarhi, and think he probably was Yuna's best guardian. He was always there for her, kept her in clear view, watching her every move. He's a Ronso of few words, but he's quite honorable, to accept the task from Auron to watch over and protect and girl he had never met shows his character.
I think that Yuna was the most deeply developed character. After you play the game and see all that she had to go through as a child, deciding to sacrifice herself to save the world at the young age of 17, being forced to marry, etc., she still keeps such a strong resolve throughout all of the ordeals that she had to endure. I admire her character very much.

Anyone who can survive all that crap makes the grade in my book :)
Its between Tidus and Yuna, they both had to sacrifice things in order to make others happy, and for Tidus he had to realize that he was only a dream and that he wasn't real, only a memory, and he had to deal with the fact that his own father was who he was trying to destroy, he had to cope with the fact that he was pulled from his home in Zanarkand and realize that its 1000 years in the past, and at the end sacrifice himself for the fayth, Yuna on the other hand grew up and became a summoner knowing full well what would happen to her, she was forced to marry seymour for the sake of sending him and saving her friends, and even though she must deal with all this she is still able to smile

-My Sacrificial Paradise
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