most epic final ff battle of all!!!

I am going to say FFVI was an epic final battle not only because you have to fight your way to the top and if you lost a character (you can replace them just like in FFVIII) to get to Kefka but the battle theme "Dancing Mad" just made it better.

FFIV's was pretty easy to kill Zeromus in the SNES and GBA versions. I haven't gone up against him in the DS version yet since I am still leveling characters up. FFVII's was great and entertaining to battle One Winged Sephiroth. FFVIII's final battle was fun but I thought it was a bit too easy to beat. FFIX's I never even got to disc 3 yet so I don't know. FFX's was way too easy for me being as I killed Jecht and Yu Yeon in 2 hits.
Just like a majority of people here....i really like VIII's final battle....i loved having to unseal my abilities by systematically killing the bosses in ultimecia's castle (if i remember correctly)...and i love the music compositions when you are fighting had that "the fate of the world depends on this" aura about it

and although its not a "final" battle, i also thought seymour's forms in FFX were pretty epic....his 3rd and 4th battles gave me so much trouble, that when i finally did beat them, i got such a sense of accomplishment.

Plus...i also enjoyed the battle with Sephrioth in FFVII.....One Winged Angel is one of my favorite FF tracks

And again...its not a "Final" battle....but i love the Jenova battles...the music is so eerie
the last battle of FF7 when it's cloud vs. sephiroth. and yes, i know it's an automatic win so it's not so epic, but it's the only battle i can think of where it's just man vs. man. not man vs. some ridiculous looking monster.
It was either the fight between Jecht and Tidus + Co. or betwen Sin and the gang...reason being, its tidus and his father ffs, and sin is just massive, it quite epic fighting something bigger than a fat person's ass (no faming intended)

FFX had the best fights with bosses in it overall with me
for me FFVIII Final Battle Is the Hardest one Because the level of my characters was Toooo low. I was play so fast and don't care about leveing up
so looks like the final boss said to me:
wa wa wa man hold on you think you can finish the game with a little hours? Go back And spend more time!!! ^_^