Most excruciating battle


Dec 2, 2008
Well, this has happened to me a few times.
Say you're fighting a boss monster and you've been fighting said boss for at least an hour, you whittle em down and get their HP really low. They they just savagley attack you and you're left wondering where the fuck did your characters go. Then you find that they're on the floor:gasp:
My worst case scenario of this would have to be fighting Dark Magus sisters and I forgot to summon because they had their overdrives full.
Delta Attack -__-
So, how many times has this happened to you?:monster:

*If this is in the wrong section blame Dave as he told me to post it in here:gasp:
I'd have to go with Dark Bahamut - I was ready for commiting murde at one point, Id survive for ages then bam. Im dead. It was sooooo annoying. I dont think Ive ever been so relieved to win a battle in my life. The entire battle kept me on my toes. It was horrible D:
With Sephiroth in CC.I beated him once and while I was going to beat him twice he killed.
I understood why FF fans are never bored of watching Cloud defeating Sephiroth.
Yiazmat. -__-

OH GAWD! Battle'd him for about 2 hours then I went out and healed then he regained all hp. -__-.
Then the 2nd time I got him on 5 bars of HP left! After 4 hours! He started spamming me with rake and owning me. >_<
But the 3rd I owned him! ^_^
share mare

The two headed dragon in the top of the mt Gaza in ff7. He would kill me as I healed him. If was very frustrating. Now I put on armor and materia that absorb either Fire,Ice or earth. He's easy now after that.

Or tonberry... ehh
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i'd have to say yiazmat. what a ridiculous battle. extremely satisfying when you beat him though. you get a sword that is like the third or fourth best weapon in the game! hoooray! also, whose idea was it to make it so that you can only get the best weapon in the game if you don't pick up treasure chests?! how counter-intuitive is that?

also, omega weapon in final fantasy VIII was really tough. beat him though. tip: kill him before he's got a chance to really hit you hard. junction everything to speed and limit break the shit out of him.
omg that always happend to me >_< i was findin the elder wyrm in xii ages ago and i had all my people like full health he was like almost dead and im like oh yeah gona own him then i realised 2 of my peeps were dead and then he owned me then i had to use my noob party o_O
kill another cat I got another question

i'd have to say yiazmat. what a ridiculous battle. extremely satisfying when you beat him though. you get a sword that is like the third or fourth best weapon in the game!

What sword? All I got was a badge from mountblac. Does he leave a weapon behind when he falls?
I have three answers.

Seraph Sephiroth, the final boss of Final Fantasy VII. This is specific to my first every play through of the game, when I was naive to most accessories or status-protection abilities. I was also labouring under the delusion that it was still necessary to have Fire3, Bolt3 and Ice3 equipped to every character, and so this took up a fair few of my materia slots. Additionally, I had done little-to-no sidequests and struggled down through the Northern Cave. Supernova was absolutely disgusting - Frog, a realllllllllllllllly long cinematic, mini, all sorts of horrible statuses, heavy's the perfect recipe for death. <_<

Ozma, from IX. I can honestly say he's the only boss who's genuinely given me a run for my money - every other boss in every other FF can be defeated with a decent strategy or some over-powered attack but, with Ozma, this was impossible. It took a lot of grinding to get as far as him and several (hundred) attempts to defeat him - I was so close to finally obtaining Ark and, yet, so far! Kelly and I were fighting him at the same time, we share each other's pain. <3

Yiazmat, from XII. A really long fight with no reward or satisfaction afterwards and nothing but grief in the fight - not difficult by any means but a load of old SHITE nonetheless.
Probably Omega Weapon from FFVIII. Eventually defeated him, but he sure was a pain in the ass. Incredibly powerful, and I was a bit annoyed when I found out he wasn't one of the beasties you needed to destroy in order to break a seal...
The second fight with Edea in Final Fantasy VIII.

Would start out well, but then she would cast death on somebody, and think that they were okay untill half way through the fight and then she would cast triple on herself, and then perform triple death on everybody.
Listening to Selphie about letting her face Edea for her revenge was a huge mistake.

Also that Blue tank thing in the army base ( FF8) took along the weakest characters thinking that they were going to be safe, and then he would blast beam everybody and then game over -__-
Zeromus (PS1 FFIV version).

Ehh, constant uses of that damned big bang attack at times, one after the other, had me wanting to pull my hair out because it almost felt like there wasn't much point, because despite raising my levels constantly, he still wouldn't let up and it still kept doing me in. Thankfully though, after my twelfth attempt (yes i counted) i beat him because he for some reason wasn't anywhere as bad as in previous attempts.
mine must be chaos in ff1 and 2 they are equally hard for me, i was playin one battle for 2 days before i finaly kiled him on ff1 i stil havent beaten ff2 chaos
Zeromus (PS1 FFIV version).

Ehh, constant uses of that damned big bang attack at times, one after the other, had me wanting to pull my hair out because it almost felt like there wasn't much point, because despite raising my levels constantly, he still wouldn't let up and it still kept doing me in. Thankfully though, after my twelfth attempt (yes i counted) i beat him because he for some reason wasn't anywhere as bad as in previous attempts.
I have been there, I got my ass kicked the first time by him, went out and leveled up another FIFTEEN LEVELS and still only beat him with Cecil as the only party member alive at the end of the battle

Cactar FFVIII, I had lionheart, but this was before I learned I could cast aura on squall to kick some butt...the battle started out well, then he would keep doing the 1000 needles attack, it took me a few times to get there

And while this was not a battle against a boss, but time, the Chocobo race to get a time of 0:00:00 in X was a bitch and a half, three times I had times less than one second before I finally got it. I also broke a ps2 controller because of that.
Yunalesca the first time I ever faced her in FFX.

As much as you can soup up your characters in FFX, I had not done so at this point in the game to my strongest party members. I went in and she nailed me with that Death spell that comes up from the ground, grabs you by the balls, and yanks as hard as humanly possibly. I was reviving left and right and even though I won the battle on the first try, I was literally left with no healing items and no MP at the end of the battle.
Optional bosses aside, I struggled with the demon wall in FFIV, the one that chases you out of the Sealed Cave. Part of it was pride I guess; I did not want to have to throw my Hell Winds. In the end I got it, but it was tough watching that thing inch closer to my people every few seconds, knowing that it was about to get me. In the end I think that Kain, my last remaining character, finished him off with Jump

It was more of a huge blunder on my part than the fact that he was actually a tough boss. Of course, I was warned beforehand not to take spellcasters into Oeilvert, but I payed no attention and just went with my regular party.

Which included Eiko.

The rest goes without saying, really.
Adel.....ff8 was my first game...and i didnt even know english well at that time, so i mostly was just going through the game without having any idea how the drawing-junction system works.....and i was able to do that until i got to Adel battle, i spent the whole day trying to kill him......