most unlucky final fantasy character

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There are a lot of unlucky characters in the FF series. But i'll have to narrow my choices between Aerith and Tidus.

She gets stabbed in the back unexpectingly, when she was the last of her kind. It's kinda unfortunate especially when they just talk about her being the last kind, then they kill her off.

Tidus: He goes throughout his story only to find out
he doesn't even exist and hes only a fragment of the Faiths dreams. Thats gotta suck to know that as soon as you defeat sin you are gone forever =\
I'm also going to say Tidus, to be running around trying to save the love of your life and to came to the end of an epic adventure and go 'oh crap
I'm not real
WTF!!! That has to take the cake in terms of bad luck right?!?

Agreeing with the Tidus replies... He definitely had the short end of the stick in comparison to other FF characters. I don't think it could be worse! Truly, what a dreary ending for him.
Josef's daughter FFII
Growing up without her father during such a young age, and not understanding why her Father isn't coming back to her..

Kain Highwind FFIV
Your one true love, has stronger feelings for your best friend.However he ends up becoming a puppet of Zeromus. Making things worse between Rosa and himself, and his relationship with Cecil. To find out that your loved one is going to get married to somebody else, is really heartbreaking. FFIV's ending isn't happy from Kain's side of view..

Tina Bradford FFVI
To grow up and see your father being used as a experiment and have a mother slaughted. And to also grow up as some kind of weapon for somebody else's greed and not understand any human emotions, and to be viewed as some sort of ''horrible creature '' from other people.
Cyan Shadow & Locke FFVI
Cyan had his wife and young child slaughted by the empire.
He had to watch them pass on to the otherside, without being able to do a single thing. Locke was about to become a happy married man, but then his future wife got injured and then later died. Locke was crushed. Shadow damaged and screwed up his life and he knew that he couldn't fix up his lifes mistakes. He rejected his own emotions, and friendships.
Cloud grew up as outsider, he grew up with no real friends. When he finally makes one.
He dies a horrible death in front of his eyes.
He was also tested by a experiment for most his young teenaged years, then afterwise have to live on with Jenova and Sephiroth's terrible mind games, and then later have to deal with his own depression and the regert of his own past mistakes.

He lost everybody dear to him from such a young age, which caused to grow up anti-social, stand-offish and cold hearted.And the fear of not getting to close to people, otherwise they might disapear.

Would do more, like Laguna. Garnet. Kuja. Queen Brahne and Tidus..
but there is just so many unluckly Final Fantasy characters..
Can Tidius
really be considered an unlucky character when you look at the details? He never really existed, just a dream, sure he crossed over to the real world, but thats not much different that a robot. Tidius was man made in a sense, sure he appeared to have feelings and such, but his feelings and personality were all based on how he was dreamt up.
Can Tidius
really be considered an unlucky character when you look at the details? He never really existed, just a dream, sure he crossed over to the real world, but thats not much different that a robot. Tidius was man made in a sense, sure he appeared to have feelings and such, but his feelings and personality were all based on how he was dreamt up.

Just because Tidus started as a "dream" doesn't mean that he doesn't have true feelings and personality. Being born as a dream is really no different than any other creationinst based theory where some sorth of intelligence creates each soul.

And anyway, it is stated explicitly that the dream of the Fayth was copied from what had actually existed. Which means that everything in the dream from the buildings to the people had existed. In fact that is probably the reason why Jecht and Tidus could cross-over: it wasn't bringing a "dream" over, but re-constituting the soul back into the "real" world.

Also, to some extent, all people are "made". Feelings and personalities are created from either simply being born with a certain pre-disposition or built into you by the world around you as you grow.

Sorry for the minor philosophical rant, but it this very issue that in fact is the reason Tidus is that tragic and unlucky of a character.
And anyway, it is stated explicitly that the dream of the Fayth was copied from what had actually existed. Which means that everything in the dream from the buildings to the people had existed. In fact that is probably the reason why Jecht and Tidus could cross-over: it wasn't bringing a "dream" over, but re-constituting the soul back into the "real" world.

Sorry for the minor philosophical rant, but it this very issue that in fact is the reason Tidus is that tragic and unlucky of a character.

From what I remember, there was nothing regarding Jecht and Tidus that made them able to cross over that anyone else couldnt was just that they had contact with Sin that made them be able to cross over, that is why Auron could cross from real life to dream Zanarkland, because he hitched a ride on Sin
From what I remember, there was nothing regarding Jecht and Tidus that made them able to cross over that anyone else couldnt was just that they had contact with Sin that made them be able to cross over, that is why Auron could cross from real life to dream Zanarkland, because he hitched a ride on Sin

Never said Jecht and Tidus were unique a compared to the rest of those in Zanarkand. I agree contact with Sin, Yevon, and the Fayth within that world is how the two were re-constituted. But that could have happened to anyone else in that world. Jecht and Tidus were chosen by the Fayth since they seemed to have the chance to end the cycle.

My point was that the Fayth summoned the souls of Jecht and Tidus (and the rest of the dream) from the Farplane... not created the two (or the dream) from nothing.
Tidus: I feel sorry 4 him that he get throught a lot and he just dissappears :( But he is alive again (secret ending ffx-2)
Zack: He saved world and what he gets? He died from Army Infentrymens :( He just want to get to Midgar to see Aerith ...
I also feel kinda sorry for Squall, because he died and left Rinoa alone
Well Ultros certainly fits. xD
He just keeps showing up and keeps getting owned!
"Th... that’s all, friends!"

Palmer was pretty unlucky too, he can't even flee from a battle without getting hit by a truck! o_O

Cid was pretty unlucky in FFIX too, although his original transformation was pretty much his own fault.
Cid: Finally... Ribbit! I'm human again! Gwok! I can concentrate on building Hilda Garde 3! ......
Hilda: ......
Cid: ...D-Darn it! I must stop that.

But most unlucky would probably be that random baby in the "Kilika dusk" cutscene of FFX, he/she's just a baby and Sin comes to obliterate his/her town. The odds that the baby survived are... Well not good. D:
Tidus: I feel sorry 4 him that he get throught a lot and he just dissappears :( But he is alive again (secret ending ffx-2)
Zack: He saved world and what he gets? He died from Army Infentrymens :( He just want to get to Midgar to see Aerith ...
I also feel kinda sorry for Squall, because he died and left Rinoa alone

Uh....Squall didn't die...unless I seriously missed something in the ending.

I would definitely go with Zack on the unluckiest thing. Like, the whole thing just sucked...majorly. He did such great things and was then just cut down because the whole world was pretty much stacked against him.

After that I would say...Tidus...or maybe even Yuna over Tidus because she was the one who had to deal with that loss.
I have to go with a few characters. Aeris, for being born an Ancient and being chased all her life. Then when she meets Cloud, and they begin to seem to fall in love, she is killed and has to die a miserable death. Even if it was for a cause.

Then there's Zack. A character that could have had a lot of potential in FFVII, but was just a memory. Crisis Core helped out but then his death is realized after being shot multiple times by Shinra soldiers, and had a chance to live.

Then you have Tidus. Tidus has to realize his entire life is just a dream. He has to find out that his enemy is actually his father, and that everything as he knows it is all an illusion. Then of course he presumably dies.

I also have to go with one other character, one that might be a surprise. Cloud. Although Cloud doesn't lose his life, he has so much bad luck in the FFVII story. First, if you go to Crisis Core, his best friend dies, Zack. Then, another one of his friends, esentially his childhood hero, ends up being his arch nemesis. His whole life is a big blob of confusion, and he meets Aeris. A girl that really changes him for the better, and that he seems to like a lot. What happens? Like all of his other friends, she dies. He just goes through bad luck after bad luck after bad luck. His story ends good, and he becomes a Hero and a great friend, but he had a lot of bad luck to get there.

All of these characters could easily be the unluckiest, and I can't choose between them.
Tidus. I hated the fact he died. And I'm not even sure which ending of x-2 is canon.

Zack is one of my favorites. My friend says I act like him. The fact that I knew he was going to die made it easier to accept, but I still hated it.

Vincent. He lost lucrecia. And his good looks.
I'm going to have to go with Zell Dincht. No matter how hard he tried to seem cool something would always go wrong, and no one took him seriously. I always got a good laugh from Zell and although nothing truly horrific happened to him, I feel as though he's just a kid with horrible luck.
I was gonna say Auron, since he basically sacrificed his life for nothing, if you think about it, along with his friends, Braska and Jecht.

When I think about it, though, Vincent had worse luck than they did. The same man that took away his one true love turned him into a monster.

I'm going to have to go with Zell Dincht. No matter how hard he tried to seem cool something would always go wrong, and no one took him seriously. I always got a good laugh from Zell and although nothing truly horrific happened to him, I feel as though he's just a kid with horrible luck.

Good point! I never would have thought of him. I think Zell deserves his own spin-off game, or at least a cameo in Kingdom Hearts or something. He was a cool guy.
I don't really have "Just one" I think there's three... =/ My reasons?

Tifa - She lost her mother at young age, she seemed to grow up farely protected by her father, as he wanted Cloud to stay away from her, to not get his daughter into trouble. Her childhood friend, that she developed feelings for left their hometown to join SOLDIER, SHINRA, the start of something she feared and hated. Forced out of her childhood is what I would call it really, as her father died, and she was brought to Midgar by Zangan, she had to make a living. She was young of age and already had to depend on no one else but herself. I think this has to be tough, some way or another.

A memory that was dear to her, almost forgotten, or just misplaced by the boy she grew up with. Fear for why he is twisting their truth.

Looking after him, and seeing people he cares about get killed by people he looked up to. Not only is this hard on Cloud, it must be hard on Tifa as well.

I dunno, I just think she has a pretty hectic past, and troubled mind period.

The second and third characters have to be

*Cloud Strife
*Zell Dincht.
Last edited: Unlucky characters in Final Fantasy games are pretty common. I've always felt a tremendous sense of pity for Barrett, since almost everyone he knew and loved was killed. Poor guy.

Yuna gets to me too, since her entire existence as a summoner is basically a lie and she goes on this massive pilgrimage just to discover that the guy she loves is some crazy dream. That had to hurt.

And my all time favorite FF character...Quistis. Poor, poor girl. She's an orphan, she gets adopted but her adoptive parents ship her off to military school and while there, I get the sense that she spent most of her time studying to achieve her SeeD license at such a young age. I doubt she had any friends at all.

Then, the guy she loves is a total jerk to her (sorry Squall fans, but I don't care for his character), she loses her job, has to fight in a war side by side with the woman that has captured the heart of her dream man, and...this is what gets me the most...she doesn't even get a proper ending in the game. Did she ever get her license reinstated? Did she ever find someone? EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the main playing group found somebody-- Squall/Rinoa, Selphie/Irvine, Zell/that unnamed chick. What about Quistis, huh? She always acted so depressed in the game too...especially after that scene in the secret area. Her whole world crashed down in one night and Squall tells her to talk to a wall? God, she seemed so SAD to me.

And I also think that Seifer is pretty unlucky. Can you imagine the guilt he must feel after killing so many people? I don't think it was ever mentioned in the game, but I always had the impression that he was under some form of mind control.

Once that mind control was gone and he realized the stuff he had's a wonder that he didn't lose his mind.
Her whole world crashed down in one night and Squall tells her to talk to a wall? God, she seemed so SAD to me.

Oh wow. Didn't remember this until now. What a douchebag. *Kicks Squall in the ..... >.>* (Sorry people) but yes, out of Final Fantasy VIII, I have to agree with Quistis. I never liked her much, but the poor girl.
Oh wow. Didn't remember this until now. What a douchebag. *Kicks Squall in the ..... >.>* (Sorry people) but yes, out of Final Fantasy VIII, I have to agree with Quistis. I never liked her much, but the poor girl.

At least you show some measure of sympathy for her, even though she wasn't your favorite character. I've seen several posts on other threads that basically scream that she was a nag and a bore, saying that she constantly harped about game mechanics, always explaining stuff that Squall would know anyway. She HAD to in order to establish gameplay, but I think that players forget that and simply blame it on the character instead of the actual game itself.

It wasn't for Squall's benefit that she was used to explain mechanics; it was for the PLAYER. Of course he would know about junctioning, etc. but it was assumed that the player had to learn about the game, so Quistis was used to explain things.

All of this is another reason I feel bad for her character. Then some of these same people try to say that she was competition for Rinoa, when it was Quistis that pushed Squall to her after he saved Rinoa in space. He was acting like he would have let the Estharians take her away and Quistis screamed at him, saying something like 'You'd go into space for her, but now you're just going to let them take her? Are you crazy?'

Grr! Just an all-around misunderstood character.
I was going to say Tidus, but instead I went with Yuna. It's sorta like that whole "If I can't live with you, I don't want to live without you."

I went with Yuna. Tidus simply
faded off as a dream and we don't know if his feelings and conscious thought were still active while in the Farplane or where he went to

Yuna however, while still celebrating the fact that the Eternal Calm was present and she was credited as a Hero, she
was alone because her real joy of looking forward to spending time with her new love Tidus was shattered
. I jsut think she went through so much emotional internal dilemmas throughout her journey than any other character in the series. The best part is, she handled it all maturely, and professionally as a teen-ager usually isn't expected to.