
Forgot what Uprising, Guiding Light and Symphonies sound like...I've only first listened to the entire album yesterday. I'll check those out soon. It's a bit different than their previous albums, but then I'll have to say that when I listen to their songs, they normally sound a bit different from each other although you'll always be familiar with how Matt carries on with his tune and all the moans.

I heard that they're very awesome on live performance too. I was listening to the Knights of Cydonia Live at Wembly 2007 and I actually think it sounds better than the original song. Typically live performances in general sounds kinda sluggish but they really rocked out.
I'l let you know in November :wacky:

6 weeks today! oooh, I can't wait
I heard that they're very awesome on live performance too.
They are. That, in my opinion, is one of their best features. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that they're one of the best bands to watch live. It's never of lesser quality, and in some cases, their live performances are even better than the recording. It says a lot about their talent level to be able to play music so strongly in raw nature (no booths and such). And it's not like that's because of any simplicity in their music, as they tend to produce very intricate sounds for only three members.

Even their bassist is a badass.

I've been a fan of them ever since 2003, back when I heard "Time is Running Out". "Hysteria", "Knights of Cydonia", and "Stockholm Syndrome" are some other gems. "Supermassive Blackhole" is great, even surviving the Twilight wh0ring. But I'd have to say that "Starlight" might still be my favorite of theirs (if not T.i.R.O.)

Not too big on their new album, but I haven't listened to it all that much, so I'll reserve any real critique of it yet.
You know how I feel about Muse ...

I FREAKING LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But the new album isnt what I was expecting. There are some good tracks on there and there are some Im not too keen on. But its always the way with some bands.
I think I'm the only person that loves every single track on the new album haha

Exogenesis had to grow on me mind, but I love it :wacky:
New album creeped up on me and frustrated me because I've liked all of their previous music I've listened to... and yes, I seriously mean ALL of it.... Screenager, Hoodoo, Megalomania, Mirco Cuts, etc...

Theres still a few muse songs I havent listened to and I still haven't gotten around Resistance besides MK Ultra, United States of Eurasia, and Uprising.

I was just really stunned with what I was hearing.

But really... what makes me mad is reading what people have to say about the album on sites like youtube...


I mean really, IMHO... Once you get to a certain quality of composition, there is no such thing as 'shit' music... It's just something you don't like. These kids all have sticks stuck up their asses, thinking that musicians are their pawns, that they live and make their music to entertain people.

I just wonder; how do people get like that? How can you really go through so many years of your life completely ignorant to the fact that being a superstar doesn't make you superman?

I mean really, IMHO... Once you get to a certain quality of composition, there is no such thing as 'shit' music... It's just something you don't like. These kids all have sticks stuck up their asses, thinking that musicians are their pawns, that they live and make their music to entertain people.

I just wonder; how do people get like that? How can you really go through so many years of your life completely ignorant to the fact that being a superstar doesn't make you superman?
I think it's quite a normal reaction. I can't put my finger on what's different about their new album, and why therefore I don't like it. I always think people that go on about people not having heart are just reciting cliches, and that not having heart doesn't mean anything. I think accusing them of being too mainstream is a little silly, especially with three symphonies. But Uprising sounds like it was written to be single, to steal a phrase from Nirvana, a Radio friendly unit shifter.
I just think they've experimented and this album is the result. Not that that makes it shit, I just don't like it much.
I admit I'm struggling to get into the new album too. Maybe their shift in sound just isn't for me, I'll always be a huge fan of Origin of Symmetry but I can't seem to get into this new one. The title track and Guiding Light are pretty good but United States of Eurasia is awful and the Queen-aping on it is just horribly jarring. It's OK overall but I've heard a lot better this year :(
L said:
But really... what makes me mad is reading what people have to say about the album on sites like youtube...


I mean really, IMHO... Once you get to a certain quality of composition, there is no such thing as 'shit' music... It's just something you don't like. These kids all have sticks stuck up their asses, thinking that musicians are their pawns, that they live and make their music to entertain people.

I just wonder; how do people get like that? How can you really go through so many years of your life completely ignorant to the fact that being a superstar doesn't make you superman?

Ditto. I'd like to see those guys compose their own music and have every single one who listens to it like the song. It's all just a matter of taste and preference...doesn't mean the music is crap.

Now that I've listened to their album more, I do like their older stuff better too. I only like 3 songs from the new album and although the music sounds different, I appreciate their new style nonetheless. I really hope they'll go on tour in Cali soon. >.>
I love love LOVE Muse. I haven't totally gotten into every song on The Resistance yet, but it'll grow on me. I LOVE Uprising and United States of Eurasia. I Belong to You is REALLY starting to grow on me as well. Exogenesis is simply amazing. From the moment I heard about Exogenesis, I had wanted to hear it and i find it incredible. My fave muse song of all time would have to be either Bliss, Stockholm Syndrome or Time is Running Out. Invincible is high on my faves list as well... Not many people around me have ever heard of Muse though so I'm like the only person who really listens to them here :gasp:
Muse are pretty quality, their new album is definitely different but I don't mind it. To be honest I like the first half of the album but I'm not that big a fan of the second half. I think Uprising through to Unnatural selection is good but after that it kinda loses me. I really like the Queen and classical influence throughout the album though. 'Guiding Light' just screams "Brian May" to me. I still prefer Muse's older stuff. But I don't think The Resistance is too bad, which is good because I'm going to see them in January and they will probably be playing mostly new stuff.
I'm not a huge Muse fan but I definitely appreciate them. Haven't heard the latest album yet, but knowing me, I'll probably like it, seeing how I generally enjoy their later music way more than what they started out with. Muse is the older - the worse, for me.
They've announced more tour dates, one of them being fucking Manchester, I screamed at my pc, Im not even ecagerating, 4th Sept 2010

Kelly will be camping out by her pc next Friday morning, Il have to take Ellie to school early, didnt think about that, Il be camping out infront of it theres no WAY Im missing out

Also, the Glasgow gig was fucking AMAZING
I love Muse so much :) <333 I have to be honest and say I generally like their old stuff more, but I have become very, very fond of the 3 Exogenesis tracks, and 'Undisclosed Desires' especially.
Update, I am now camping out at my pc today rather than Friday, though tomorrow and Friday are my back up days I WILL get a fucking ticket. I actually woke up every hour last night thinking Id over slept ¬_¬

Im CLEARLY obsessed. Pre-sale tickets go on sale in T-Minus 46 minutes

Edit* I have a ticket 8F
And I shall be joining you hun! Im screaming in my room cause Im FINALLY going to see them after all this time!!! God I cant wait, so happy I could cry >.<

And I do love the Resistance album. It has grown on me and yeah I love it. Going to grab the single of Undisclosed Desires after work tommorow.
I screamed at my pc when I saw the Manchester date announced

I was swearing at it this morning though, then screamed again when I finally got through the e-que and screamed again when I got my confirmation email xD
Wow actually quite a lot of Muse fans on this forum. Muse is a great live act (seen them 3 or 4 times now), but somehow I 'forget' to listen to them at home. I still have to check out their latest album.. I hope they play some festivals this summer, I'd like to see them headline Lowlands again.
Im getting scared now though. I ordered it though the Muse forum and Ive been told it doesnt mean you have a ticket for sure. The forum isnt very helpful at all. You use a code sent to your Muse member inbox and get a ticket via that. Done that and got a confirmation email saying my order has gone through. But loads of people are panicking on the forum saying they have been sent false emails and some who ordered a ticket 5 hours ago havent got a email yet. Does that mean I have to wait for another email or did I get the email quicker then them???

Im panicking now.
Ive got a confirmation email and it says the ticket is mine, just need the money to come out

Edit* The money has left the account. Matt boooooond, you got online banking? Check to see if there's a 55 quid just left your account