My Drawing(s)

Cream Soda

Less hair, bigger bowl.
Dec 3, 2006
Ok so I only have one drawing that I'd be willing to put up here so far (My other ones are pretty bleugh). I'll add more when/if I do them.
I did this today as a way of procrastination :cool:
It was too big to scan it right and I don't always draw people - in fact it's the thing I draw the worst. :wacky:

Ok so here's the cover of the DVD that I used:

And here is what I drew:

I scanned the first and took a picture of the second...



What do you think? Remember, dont be too harsh please! :D
Looks nice. What do you draw the best cartoons or animals i would like to see?
That's so good! I can barely draw a circle :wacky:

If drawing people is your worst thing then I can't imagine how good drawn cookies look like!
That's REALLY good miss! Keep up the work!!
You put it up!!!!!!!
I think you should have been doing revision though :wacky:

I like the picture, its epic...and I admire you for drawing a person its sooooooo hard to do so, anyway, love it...keep up the great work :monster:
Thank You. :D

Yeh I drew Homer Simpson which I gave to Jane...
and I usually draw/designs 3D objects such as daily objects, and I drew a Ferrari which I gave to my Dad... just anything besides people. :wacky:
Jane would tell you the pic I drew of her and it was - lets just say - scary/weird.

Yeh I should have done more revision - in fact I did.
It was the revision that got me so stressed that I had to draw lol.
Hey that's pretty good! I agree with Merc - that's a hard person to draw due to its size (especially the face) but you managed well. =] Post some more of your artwork!
Did you begin drawing around the face or feet? Or like a little sketch?
Well I had to make it 5 times bigger so I used my pencil to do proportion e.g torso is 3 times bigger than head so I drew a line across the page to make it proportionate.
I then drew the rough shape and angle of the head then drew the torso with the arms (with all the features and shading) and then the legs. The foot on the right took me ages because it kept looking like an amputated leg... then I went back to the face and drew the features which took my a while to get right because I can't draw eyes. :gasp:
uhm... yeh and then coloured it in.
I think you would've done better shading it more than coloring it. Unless you absolutely hate shading.
It took you a lot of time to do this, why?

It's a good thing you took your time though, it came out perfectly!
Because I'm a bit of a perfectionist and if I really dislike ONE line on the face or whatever, I'll rub it all out and start again because I can't seem to fix it unless I get rid of it completely. :wacky:

As I said, the leg looked amputated whatever I did... I think the shading fixed it a bit. >_<
*hmm its a good drawing :) have to work on your lines,character and color definition :)

*if you keep practicing im sure youll get better and create more cool images :)