My feelings on final fantasy 7 in this day and age


Chocobo Breeder
Jul 23, 2007
Sup guys.

I first played this game when it came out in 1997 and it absolutely blew my mind away. It had a great story, great characters and an awesome battle system.

I had the same experience with 8, 9 and 10. (10 imo was the last great final fantasy :)) So 2 weeks ago i decided i would replay 8,9,7 and 10 in that order. I enjoyed 8...I enjoyed i'm playing 7 and...i don't think i like this game anymore... :sad:

The graphics (though great for their time) are making me feel sick, the materia system seems clunky and all and all the game to me is feeling like a chore and not an enjoyable experience.

My point is this game just feels dated. Many call it a classic and to those people let me give you the defenition of classic. A classic game is a game that doesent go bad over time. Good examples of this are metal gear solid, soul calibur, sonic 2 and ninja gaiden for the xbox. Hell i would even put FF8 and FF6 in that list.

Does anyone else feel that this game has aged badly over the years? It's not a bad game by any means. Like i said i enjoyed it back in the day but now...not so much :( Whether you agree or disagree i would love to hear your views.

No, i think the games aged excellently. The storylines still amazing, the characters are as good as, if not better, than most of the characters in any other RPG and the materia system is flexible and fun. The only way it hasn't aged well is the graphics, they look like lego people. Yet, in my opinion many people are put off by the graphics, if you ignore them and see past the graphics you can have a damn good time playing the game. I enjoyed playing this more than FFXII and KH2, even though i love both of those games, simply because i adore the battle system and the storyline. I can play FFX and go play FFVII and still have the same amount of fun from both games ^_^
Ah, I honestly think it's just your own opinions tugging at you. xD Many people view certain games as "classic", and Final Fantasy 7 IS viewed as one for many out there, including me. =) Of course, some don't view it as that, and that's fine. It's all based entirely on opinions. Some feel that certain games go bad over time, while some think otherwise about the same games.

Anyway, I still enjoy this game. I played it years ago, and recently started playing it again. To me it's refreshing because I was really young when I played, and so some of the context in the game didn't make any sense to me back in the days. Now that I'm playing it again, it's a whole new thing again, and although I remember the basics, I'm still enamored by the game overall.
I agree with Mitsuki. I also played this game when it first came out in 1997. I was in the 3-4th grade when my parents bought it for my birthday. I didnt play it much due to me not having an interest for it at the time but when i went over my friends house, his uncle showed me a few parts of the game that made me want to play. I will always play and remember this game because it was the first rpg I have ever played. I also ironically enough learned how to swear from this game too ^_^; I got my first F..the memories keep coming and coming but on Mitsuki says, this game is either hit or miss when it comes to being considered a classic.

I consider Chrono Cross a classic but some of my friends cant even stand that game anymore saying, its too old or it looks crappy. Saga Frontier and Brave Fencer Musashi also fall into this catergory for me. Its all a matter of opinion..
I think the game is still great. Even through I've played it so many times, I'm currently playing a new file and this time keeping my characters at a low level so I need to explore and use the diffrent materia's and other options and not the game being a simple 'hack n'slash' kinda game if you now what I mean. Its keeping it fresher and intresting to play. The story is still good despite the dire translation. The graphics don't even bother me. Sure they'er not as good as later additions to the seires, but anyone who says they are crap, even by todays standerds, need to check themselfs. The game is still stunning IMO.

I'm about to face Materia Keeper and none of my characters are barely Level 20, I'm expecting a good fight, especially when im trying not to use Big Guard as much this time around. ^_^
Ok i'm back. (had to get a nap LMAO) The storyline is still good. If i remember correctly, last night before i turned it off i was at the part where you meet tseng, rude and elena in the cave.

Maybe it's due to me playing more and more rpg's over the years with better graphics and faster gameplay. I don't really know lol. I will try my hardest to enjoy the game again but if i don't get past the problems i have with the game in this day and age i will turn it off lol.

Take it easy. Gonna go play some more.
I know where you are coming from, i love FFVII but i dont feel the same way i used to about the game. Yeah the graphics are really bad, and it does bother me but it doesent hinder the fun in the game. I really dont like the materia system compared to Junctioning especially, but 10 and 9's system too.
The game is and always will be a joy to play in my eyes. A final fantasy VII re-make might sort out the graphic issues you have with the game and bring back all that love you used to feel.
I kind of share you feelings on this. Only partly though.
The graphics still don't really bother me, you learn to look past that eventually. I mean, not many people hate Sonic for the graphics, do they?

I think my problem is that when I play it again, I don't find myself as challenged. FFVII, through no fault of it's own, made itself too re-playable in a way! I know that sounds crazy, but because of its replay value, I've nearly overplayed it and know the strategies to use, where to go and what to do.

I still enjoy it immensely :D Knowing what's coming doesn't take away the genius story and character depth.
I kind of share you feelings on this. Only partly though.
The graphics still don't really bother me, you learn to look past that eventually. I mean, not many people hate Sonic for the graphics, do they?

I think my problem is that when I play it again, I don't find myself as challenged. FFVII, through no fault of it's own, made itself too re-playable in a way! I know that sounds crazy, but because of its replay value, I've nearly overplayed it and know the strategies to use, where to go and what to do.

I still enjoy it immensely :D Knowing what's coming doesn't take away the genius story and character depth.
EXACTLY! I guess that where lower level game challanges come into though, like you see sprawled all over the Gaming sites. You've just got to go back and make it a little bit more harder for yourself.^_^
I think FF7 is still a good game even though the graphics aren't that good but you have to remember the game was made a while a go.I don't think if they made a remake i would not play it because it's not the same.
I also think its still a great game. It was my first RPG I ever played so I guess it will always have great memories in my heart somehow. Although if they remade it, I will probably not play it. I'll buy it just for sake of value but I come to admire my Lego Final Fantasy.
I loved it the first time I played it and I still love it now, so the graphics aren't great anymore, who cares? Graphics don't make a great game you can just watch a film if you want summat pretty to look at. I have always loved the story (The 'Clouds past' bit in Kalm bores me sensless tho I have to admit) I'd love to see a remake to iron out the kinks such as the sketchy translation. I hope I never get bored of this game!!!!
As you guys may have noticed i havent posted for quite a while. That's because i've been enjoying the hell out of FF7!!! That's right. I am starting to enjoy this game again and here's why.
The graphics still bug the living hell out of me but here's why i like it again. Playing it again (BTW i am now at the part where you go to gongaga and fight reno and rude) has reminded me the sheer amount of content that was in this game. Now ff8 is my favorite (Yes get over it :D) because i like 8's story more but man...this game owns all when it comes to the size. :O I'm having a great time reliving old memories :D

Feel free to still use this topic if you wish. I'm going to play some more! :D
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I think FFVII was and still is the best game ever. True, the graphics is old, so you have to enjoy the gameplay, and boy is it unique. It never gets old.

I beat FFVII once every year :D
I agree with, well, the Neonspec's original impression of FFVII. The game has plenty of faults and (to me) does feel rather dated. The biggest problem is the graphics. While the rendered backgrounds are still gorgeous, the club-handed in-game characters stick out like a sore thumb. This isn't a problem for the SNES games, as the quality of graphics was consistent in backgrounds and characters.

That said, it's understandable. The reason Square gave was that it was a new, untested system, so they didn't know what it was graphically capable of. Fair enough, but reason enough for them to want to remedy this with a remake. I like the game, but with a visual overhaul, I would love it.

So really, I think graphics are really the only gripe people seem to have with the game. Story-wise, it's ambitious and excellent, with a ton of optional content.
I think it's a matter of opinion. Depending on how "classic" you feel a game is, certain aspects of it will become nostalgic, and other pieces will become dated. It also obviously depends on how your aesthetics change as time goes on.
I first played this game when it came out in 1997 and it absolutely blew my mind away. It had a great story, great characters and an awesome battle system.

Does anyone else feel that this game has aged badly over the years? It's not a bad game by any means. Like i said i enjoyed it back in the day but now...not so much :( Whether you agree or disagree i would love to hear your views.

Your not the only one who feels that way about FFVII. I've talked to a few people who played FFVII and said the same thing. True, FFVII was amazing for it's time. The graphics were incredible for 1997. FFVII was the first game (Or one of the first, don't remember.) to have 3D computer graphics on a pre-rendered background. Although some game critics, and gamers agree FFVII was an amazing game. It is still not as great as some games. Thus why FFVII isn't ranked as high.

I still love FFVII even after replaying a few times. Graphics don't bother me.
I still go back to my old Final Fantasies and enjoy them. I restarted playing 7 some months ago and enjoyed the past memories I experinced. IMO the old games are still fun to play and the graphics dont put me off in the slightest.
if anything the game has got better as I have matured, the Materia system allows you huge amounts of customisation,e.g: want a spell that hits all? no problem! And the story gets more and more enjoyable everytime I play.