My feelings on final fantasy 7 in this day and age

I only got it 4 weeks ago from E-bay, at first the lego graphics unsettled me... ( After playing hours of FFX and FFXII) but within 10 minutes or so, I learnt to love them and FFVII is like my favourite game now.
This is what I think
Sure it may be old now, but the story I love and grew more intrested in the whole FF Franchise. I appreciated that. Weak graphic now, but the same cool story no less.
I've always loved it. I have wanted it for years and I go it last year, yet, I haven't finished it. But within the first part I already love the characters.
I think the game has aged excellently, I enjoy playing it now as much as I did back in the day when it came out, if not more now that I am older so I appreciate it more.
FF7's got a lot of commercial backing around it. The spinoffs, and I think its popularity because of its jump to the Playstation. But that's all. When you've completed it through and through, and seen all the sequences, all the side stories, collected and mastered all the materia, you can keep going and do all the low-level challenges, no items etc...but really it's just a bit clingy really. Sure, I completed it this morning, again (sigh). But there's more out there. Personally I think 6 is way more enjoyable, in terms of gameplay and storyline, and there's more out there. In the end, its just a game, and if you play anything enough then you get attached to it, that's all i'm saying :)
After i played this game, I must admit I was obsessed about for quite a long time.
It was a great game, minus the polygon-ish graphics.
I still enjoy it till now.
I think that Final Fantasy VII has aged very well. The stand-out aspects are, primarily the graphics, which doesn't phase me at all. I look at the graphics and it gives me a nastalgic feeling. The other aspect is moving around with the D-Pad, obviously this doesn't feel as smooth and intuitive as the analogue sticks, obviously. Besides those two points I think the game is still very much playable. The story is still immense and the characters are still one of the greatest developed in the franchise. The music is beautiful, and hearing them always gives me this rush of nastalgia. I will never feel any worse about this game, no matter how many years pass by. That goes for all the Final Fantasy games I've played (VII, VIII, IX, X), bar XII, simply because I'm not too thrilled with it now. I'm in the process of VI, which is sweet so far and I'll get III and IV for the DS and I & II for the PSP.
Well I had a real well thought out and typed up response to this, but I got logged out as I was typing it up. So you get the condensed version now.

Characters - in depth backgrounds and story plot behind each of them
Enemies - from an evil corporation to a super soldier turned demi-god
Materia - so many combinations and flexiblity for characters to fit different roles, we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

Great game - brought me into it's world and story like many later ones did not.

Oh - fatal flaw of this game today - stuck using the D pad to move around.
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Oh - fatal flaw of this game today - stuck using the D pad to move around.

Oh yes, down with the D pad!!!

I guess my view is based on quite a different experience, as I actually only played this game for the first time this March just gone. My first FF experience was FFX, and the graphics really impressed me. And then I saw Advent Children before I played FFVII, which was even more weird. But strangely enough, the graphics never bothered me at all, even though I was used to much better.

I'm totally in love with the game, it's now my favourite (sorry FFX). I couldn't care less about how Lego Cloud and the others were, they are the most endearing characters I've ever known in a game. I love how you get different dialogue depending on whom makes up your party, and how there was so much background on each of them too, even Vincent.

I like the Materia system, it's really straightforward and has lots of potential. I like finding different combos! It's totally an individual thing, everyone will feel different about it, depending on their own experiences and feelings.
in my own opion i think that the story is good and tht the characters suit the game perfectly
if they make a remix of it for ps3 or psp i think tht it will be worth buying for the graphics
My feelings aout FF7 are, I loved it when I first played it ages ago and I still love the game even today. For me, I will alwayz have fond memories of it since it the first FF game that I ever played.
FFVII is my favourite game, and his been ever since my first play of it. Personially i feel the game has aged brilliantly and is in the same ranks as MGS as stated reviously. to me the game was never about the graphics but i still think for its time the graphics are amazing and still tollerable by todays 360 and ps3 standards.

i can sort of understand why peoplemay go off the game but never really understand how someone could love it then go off it so fast. the game has numerous storylines and offshoots which althogh are irretating in the sence of them milking the game, still provide some enjoyment.

this is just my opinion tho and i dont hold it against anyone who's gone off it :)