My fellow female Final Fantasy Forumers.

I adore milk chocolate. When I get ice cream, I ususally eat the chocolate of the top first! x]
Ive had to buy a box of After 8 chocolate for my step mum in Oz cause its $13 a box she claims ... temptation to eat them is killing me :| Ive eaten all my Pocky, Ill get more tommorow.
I'm craving chocolate right now :D But my favorite are the kisses. They're so smooth and light. I like how they're so easy to melt in the mouth. Doesn't take much chewin' cuz it just melts away like magic <33
Before we talk about stuff in the chocolate itself, for me, it has to be milk chocolate. I do not like dark chocolate. Waaaay too bitter for me >_<
Before we talk about stuff in the chocolate itself, for me, it has to be milk chocolate. I do not like dark chocolate. Waaaay too bitter for me >_<

Eww, yea I know. Dark tastes like chalk or something.:gasp:
Dark gives me a headache cause of the extra damn choco :| Milk all the way, but I have to be in the mood for white chocolate.
Chocolate pie?! You woman, are a witch.

How dare you!

Witch as in a witch or witch as in a bitch?

Also, I just ate four little dark chocolate bars all by myself. I'm a proud panda.
I lovveeeee chocolate fudge cake with Chocolate sauce and Ice cream, mmmmmm

But I always regret eating it afterwards, to much of it can make you feel sick.

I alsp love White chocolate covered strawberrys, and Rolos, GAWD I love anything that's chocolate and now I'm gonna eat some!
I had a wispa mcflurry the other day, it was liek sex in a tub

Bought myself an easter egg yesterday as well, 2 creme eggs, they well got snaffled off. Creme eggs are ace
This reminds me... I looove chocolate candy such as twix, snickers, and Reese's peanut butter cups. I also love chocolate chip cookies, chocolate ice cream (yes, I could go on, but not now to make things short.)
This reminds me, I want some more peanut butter M&M!! or a twix!!!
Oh boy, chocolate is my life :ohshit:
strawberries dipped in chocolates, bread & nutella, crunch bars, malt chocolate, anything with chocolate, I like. :D Milk chocolate, white chocolate, dark chocolate (also fights cancer), chocolate ice cream, chocolate shake, chocolate chip cookies... I could go on like Bubba Blue and his shrimp.. <3
FUN FACT: Every bar of chocolate you eat has about 8 insect legs in it. Trufax. Don't believe me, look it up. :mokken:

Omg chocolateeeeeeee :gasp: When I'm at the store I get either the hershey's bliss milk chocolates or the three musketeer's truffle crisps. Dove chocolate is good too, but I prefer the bliss. If you have loads of $- Godiva rules all imo.
FUN FACT: Every bar of chocolate you eat has about 8 insect legs in it. Trufax. Don't believe me, look it up. :mokken:

Good thing I prefer truffles then :lew:

Seriously--truffles :x3: Not the mushroom kind, but the delicious little cream-filled candies that come in assorted boxes of chocolates :8F: I don't even care what's in them--if there's a kind someone doesn't like they can always give them to me and I'll eat 'em right up :P My favorites though are the ones with caramel, orange creme, vanilla creme, chocolate creme, NOUGAT :D, and chocolate-covered cherries :awesome: They're just absolutely delicious, I really wish they would sell them in bags somehow because only one flavor by itself occupying the whole bag can be a somewhat redundant fondant :sad3:

I've also been known to down half a jar of Nutella in three hours :griin: Oh, and I love the chocolate shell crap that comes in Moose Tracks ice cream too :yay: You can always tell when I've been in the carton, there will be dig marks all the way to the bottom and balls of fluffy ice cream that I've had to overturn while I'm excavating XD
ikea chocolate is good.

its got no corn syrup and all that bad shit for you in it.

but by that point, I cant make it to ikea. I usually never care what im eating, as long as im eating it
there's an Ikea within walking distance of my house, the dimebar cakes are fuckign immense :8F: