My FF V Review (So Far)

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Oct 11, 2009
I tought i would give it a try to actually review one of my FF-games, the one i am Currently playing is the PS version Of it (I have the snes ver to) so here comes my review of FF V, i will continue to write on it along with my progress in the game.

So im very new to this forum so i thought i should share some of my FF-experience with you all.

To start with i own all FF- games in the original series and i have played through all of them at least 3-5 except for FFIX which i only played once and for FF V its my very first time now! Dont know why i never played it, might be because it has a strange reputation.

I am not going to give any spoilers regarding the story. But it's the classic final fantasy storyline, Four Warriors and the crystals. It has a retro feel about it which i like.

Good Stuff so far!
  • The first thing i noticed with this game that i liked was the music, Because of the intro score of the game which is the lovely melody "Ahead on our way" it directly wants you to play the game. Another score that so far really have given me goosebumps is off course to "Clash on the bridge" (The black mages remade this song to an awesome metal-tune).
  • You have only four characters to keep track on, sure its nice with some more in ff-games but i like when its easy like this.
  • Battle system! it's the ATB system and easy to learn, nothing special really but i like it this way (ffXII can suck it!)
  • Difficulty. This is by far the hardest ff-game i have ever encountered. I am playing it without any help for the first-time, no walkthroughs or anything. I love a challenge and this game really is one so i dont recommend it for beginners.
  • Job-System: I like the ff-games with the a bit "obscure" skill-systems they have in some of the games. Like ff VII, VIII, X and III. it's fresh and innovative, you never get bored and there are tons of strategies to play through the game
  • Graphics, very impressive to be 1992. And the game seems to be a very big quest, nothing you can beat in less then 20+ hrs the first time.
Bad stuff so far!

  • The controlls, when you sprint it goes to fast and when you walk its to slow, it really sucks. I can honestly say that its the worst i have ever encountered in a game from Square.
  • Battles. same thing here, its really slow when the battle ends. A fast-forward button would be needed. It's not a big thing but it gets annoying like hell for me.
  • Storyline, feels like the old nes-games but with a bit more dialogue, i dont get drawn in to it to much, the character background feels weak and i hardly know what guys are in my party. It might get better later in the game i hope, im actually only at the part when X-death destroys the island in World 2.
Well, thats about all i got for now, writing abit about the game made me wanna play so i think i'll be enjoying this evening with some nice red whine and this oldschool rpg :)
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