Aight before I get started, I want to give a warning: If you are a person that does not care about FFXV and/or has no intention of buying FFXV, then I ask that you not read beyond this warning here. You have probably already expressed reasons A, B, C why you have your stance toward the title, but I don’t want to read those reasons again. I get it, and it doesn’t have to be beaten into my head. If you want to ignore the warning, don’t get salty over my post.
It’s been a really, really, long time. Starting off in high school when I found out about the title the game instantly sparked my interest. The dark atmosphere of the game and the epicness of a single man killing the foes in his path with no fucks given, was just so satisfying. The behemoth used in a later trailer got me even more excited in the aspect of the grand scaling of it. The Versus XIII trailers had a very chaotic feel to them most of the time. I loved the action oriented feel of the combat. I have the 2006 trailer playing in the background of my desktop. So yeah maybe I’m a super fan boy, or maybe I’m not? Trailers would get released here and there over the next couple of years to get me re-invested into the game emotionally. Stella seemed like a cool character. Just when I thought my hype was starting to run out of juice, there would be something there to restore it. I did a little bit of digging with the game because I wanted to understand better the reasoning behind the story. A battle over the last crystal sounded damn cool. While I had no problem following FFXIII’s story line, sometimes it’s nice to just have something more straight-forward to sink the teeth into.
E3 2013 came around and this massive trailer got released for the game. Once again, the chaotic route was taken with Leviathan being featured. The other video that got released contained Iron Giants, something that instantly reminded me of FFVIII. That fire spell on the Behemoth was too damn dope. Seeing Noctis warp all over the place reminded me of what he did back in the 2006 trailer. It was great seeing how far the game had come along, especially graphically. I’m confident the PS3’s short-comings played in the benefit of FFXV, despite a longer wait period. Some more time passed, and I finally got exposed to what would be lurking in the open world. A big-ass Adamantortoise made my mouth drop. I started thinking of how amazing it would be to take down such a huge foe! I was slowly gaining more information about the story, yet still fairly subtle. Some changes had taken place which didn’t bother me. I wasn’t bothered by Regis’ new design, nor was I bothered by Stella being replaced with Luna. I’m the kind of person that likes to focus on the execution of an idea more than the idea itself. The Dawn Trailers pissed off a good number of people, but I enjoyed them both. The first Dawn Trailer was a reminder for me that Noctis’ father cared for him greatly. Was the hug too long? I didn’t feel that it was. Perhaps it is the type of scene that has to have buildup in the final product in order for some other people to truly appreciate the importance of that moment. Granted, I do prefer 2.0 simply because there seemed to have been more of a connection focus on Luna’s and Noctis’ situations. While earlier trailers focused on the chaotic feel of the game, later trailers focused more on the bonds, which was nice for me. It was nice to get more information about the story through the subtle things.
After some time, a demo was announced that would come with Type-0. I pre-ordered it. For the very first time, I would finally get to play FFXV! Seeing the guys in action truly was something great. It was great to get some experience with the bromance in the game. Did the demo have issues? Yes. Did the demo feel bare-boned when compared to what I had seen in the past? Yes. Did I still enjoy the demo? Yes. Noctis showed that he wasn’t just a typical character. He expressed anger, laziness, cockiness, seriousness, and even cracked a few jokes here and there. From all the trailers together we also saw him express joy and being in a mournful state.
Now with FFXV finally coming out next year, I look back at all the good times. Realizing the game can finally be in my hands next year. I am very glad the game did not get canceled. Seeing the tech demos, and the videos with members going out in the world to get an accurate feel to how things look, feel, and are shaped just gets me even more excited. The amount of detail going into FFXV is damn epic, to say the least. I feel this game is going to be MY Final Fantasy. A game that I believe I will fully enjoy from every aspect possible. FFVIII lacks the difficulty, while FFXIII has a very lackluster end boss. The journey is finally going to be coming to an end next year. FFXV….I await greatness in 2016.
It’s been a really, really, long time. Starting off in high school when I found out about the title the game instantly sparked my interest. The dark atmosphere of the game and the epicness of a single man killing the foes in his path with no fucks given, was just so satisfying. The behemoth used in a later trailer got me even more excited in the aspect of the grand scaling of it. The Versus XIII trailers had a very chaotic feel to them most of the time. I loved the action oriented feel of the combat. I have the 2006 trailer playing in the background of my desktop. So yeah maybe I’m a super fan boy, or maybe I’m not? Trailers would get released here and there over the next couple of years to get me re-invested into the game emotionally. Stella seemed like a cool character. Just when I thought my hype was starting to run out of juice, there would be something there to restore it. I did a little bit of digging with the game because I wanted to understand better the reasoning behind the story. A battle over the last crystal sounded damn cool. While I had no problem following FFXIII’s story line, sometimes it’s nice to just have something more straight-forward to sink the teeth into.
E3 2013 came around and this massive trailer got released for the game. Once again, the chaotic route was taken with Leviathan being featured. The other video that got released contained Iron Giants, something that instantly reminded me of FFVIII. That fire spell on the Behemoth was too damn dope. Seeing Noctis warp all over the place reminded me of what he did back in the 2006 trailer. It was great seeing how far the game had come along, especially graphically. I’m confident the PS3’s short-comings played in the benefit of FFXV, despite a longer wait period. Some more time passed, and I finally got exposed to what would be lurking in the open world. A big-ass Adamantortoise made my mouth drop. I started thinking of how amazing it would be to take down such a huge foe! I was slowly gaining more information about the story, yet still fairly subtle. Some changes had taken place which didn’t bother me. I wasn’t bothered by Regis’ new design, nor was I bothered by Stella being replaced with Luna. I’m the kind of person that likes to focus on the execution of an idea more than the idea itself. The Dawn Trailers pissed off a good number of people, but I enjoyed them both. The first Dawn Trailer was a reminder for me that Noctis’ father cared for him greatly. Was the hug too long? I didn’t feel that it was. Perhaps it is the type of scene that has to have buildup in the final product in order for some other people to truly appreciate the importance of that moment. Granted, I do prefer 2.0 simply because there seemed to have been more of a connection focus on Luna’s and Noctis’ situations. While earlier trailers focused on the chaotic feel of the game, later trailers focused more on the bonds, which was nice for me. It was nice to get more information about the story through the subtle things.
After some time, a demo was announced that would come with Type-0. I pre-ordered it. For the very first time, I would finally get to play FFXV! Seeing the guys in action truly was something great. It was great to get some experience with the bromance in the game. Did the demo have issues? Yes. Did the demo feel bare-boned when compared to what I had seen in the past? Yes. Did I still enjoy the demo? Yes. Noctis showed that he wasn’t just a typical character. He expressed anger, laziness, cockiness, seriousness, and even cracked a few jokes here and there. From all the trailers together we also saw him express joy and being in a mournful state.
Now with FFXV finally coming out next year, I look back at all the good times. Realizing the game can finally be in my hands next year. I am very glad the game did not get canceled. Seeing the tech demos, and the videos with members going out in the world to get an accurate feel to how things look, feel, and are shaped just gets me even more excited. The amount of detail going into FFXV is damn epic, to say the least. I feel this game is going to be MY Final Fantasy. A game that I believe I will fully enjoy from every aspect possible. FFVIII lacks the difficulty, while FFXIII has a very lackluster end boss. The journey is finally going to be coming to an end next year. FFXV….I await greatness in 2016.