My Journey with FFXV


Mar 26, 2015
Aight before I get started, I want to give a warning: If you are a person that does not care about FFXV and/or has no intention of buying FFXV, then I ask that you not read beyond this warning here. You have probably already expressed reasons A, B, C why you have your stance toward the title, but I don’t want to read those reasons again. I get it, and it doesn’t have to be beaten into my head. If you want to ignore the warning, don’t get salty over my post.

It’s been a really, really, long time. Starting off in high school when I found out about the title the game instantly sparked my interest. The dark atmosphere of the game and the epicness of a single man killing the foes in his path with no fucks given, was just so satisfying. The behemoth used in a later trailer got me even more excited in the aspect of the grand scaling of it. The Versus XIII trailers had a very chaotic feel to them most of the time. I loved the action oriented feel of the combat. I have the 2006 trailer playing in the background of my desktop. So yeah maybe I’m a super fan boy, or maybe I’m not? Trailers would get released here and there over the next couple of years to get me re-invested into the game emotionally. Stella seemed like a cool character. Just when I thought my hype was starting to run out of juice, there would be something there to restore it. I did a little bit of digging with the game because I wanted to understand better the reasoning behind the story. A battle over the last crystal sounded damn cool. While I had no problem following FFXIII’s story line, sometimes it’s nice to just have something more straight-forward to sink the teeth into.

E3 2013 came around and this massive trailer got released for the game. Once again, the chaotic route was taken with Leviathan being featured. The other video that got released contained Iron Giants, something that instantly reminded me of FFVIII. That fire spell on the Behemoth was too damn dope. Seeing Noctis warp all over the place reminded me of what he did back in the 2006 trailer. It was great seeing how far the game had come along, especially graphically. I’m confident the PS3’s short-comings played in the benefit of FFXV, despite a longer wait period. Some more time passed, and I finally got exposed to what would be lurking in the open world. A big-ass Adamantortoise made my mouth drop. I started thinking of how amazing it would be to take down such a huge foe! I was slowly gaining more information about the story, yet still fairly subtle. Some changes had taken place which didn’t bother me. I wasn’t bothered by Regis’ new design, nor was I bothered by Stella being replaced with Luna. I’m the kind of person that likes to focus on the execution of an idea more than the idea itself. The Dawn Trailers pissed off a good number of people, but I enjoyed them both. The first Dawn Trailer was a reminder for me that Noctis’ father cared for him greatly. Was the hug too long? I didn’t feel that it was. Perhaps it is the type of scene that has to have buildup in the final product in order for some other people to truly appreciate the importance of that moment. Granted, I do prefer 2.0 simply because there seemed to have been more of a connection focus on Luna’s and Noctis’ situations. While earlier trailers focused on the chaotic feel of the game, later trailers focused more on the bonds, which was nice for me. It was nice to get more information about the story through the subtle things.

After some time, a demo was announced that would come with Type-0. I pre-ordered it. For the very first time, I would finally get to play FFXV! Seeing the guys in action truly was something great. It was great to get some experience with the bromance in the game. Did the demo have issues? Yes. Did the demo feel bare-boned when compared to what I had seen in the past? Yes. Did I still enjoy the demo? Yes. Noctis showed that he wasn’t just a typical character. He expressed anger, laziness, cockiness, seriousness, and even cracked a few jokes here and there. From all the trailers together we also saw him express joy and being in a mournful state.

Now with FFXV finally coming out next year, I look back at all the good times. Realizing the game can finally be in my hands next year. I am very glad the game did not get canceled. Seeing the tech demos, and the videos with members going out in the world to get an accurate feel to how things look, feel, and are shaped just gets me even more excited. The amount of detail going into FFXV is damn epic, to say the least. I feel this game is going to be MY Final Fantasy. A game that I believe I will fully enjoy from every aspect possible. FFVIII lacks the difficulty, while FFXIII has a very lackluster end boss. The journey is finally going to be coming to an end next year. FFXV….I await greatness in 2016.

I just want to let you know that i know exactly how you feel. Technically the game we knew in 2013 was cancelled. Everything you saw in 2013 was subject to change. The Final Fantasy XV we had in 2013 was originally the same vision and themes we saw in Versus XIII. And it was confirmed so. But with 2014, all that is up in the air. They tried to ignore Luna and Stella, but eventually revealed (vaguely) on what happened. Don't know why they can't share details about it.

And a lot of what we see is pure gameplay. and yes, at a pure gameplay standard, FFXV will be an amazing game. Some people need a little more. I'm not here to say "you should drop FFXV like a stick". But definitely know what you should be going in.

Right now Square Enix is relying on "wait until March".

Interesting that you note "Dawn" trailer, i wouldn't even call what he was doing a hug. And i can definitely agree, that execution matters. And you're right, the Dawn trailers really pissed off a few people. Maybe because it was a follow up of a big piece of info they dropped on people. BUt hey. I personally think its because the trailers were waaaay too slow.

I also thought at one point that Final Fantasy XV was going to be "My" Final Fantasy. The one that i said "this will be the very one i can say speaks to me and relates to me as to what i want in FFXV". I followed XV longer than i can remember.

Everything you pointed out is what i loved about XV "at the time". One of the biggest things i noticed was the change in music. All i'm letting you know is, right now what do we really knows? What really sticks? Gameplay, sure we see great things, but what are we seeing about the story? Luna/Stella doesn't bother you probably because you came in at 2013, when there wasn't much to know about Stella. Stella in 2008 was the centerpiece of hype that year for FFXV. i just want to let you know. Regis although still considered.

But thats not an explanation on where i wstand and why, but where you stand, and why.
Lots of familiar feels in this post. I was very excited and impressed by the 2013 trailer. It was action packed and really looked like a great title. A more grounded version of Kingdom Hearts' battle style combined with warp exploration and Eidolon fights resembeling Shadow Of The Colossus. Then what followed was a long period of silence. Then Type-0 HD was announced for the west, and with it: a demo of FFXV! sign me up please.

But when I finally got my hands on the demo, or rather alpha build. My disappointment was deep. The combat was nothing like the Kingdom Hearts style they had promised; you just held a button. The characters didn't show any personality and nothing about the story was revealed. Even the teaser about "things to come" was too vague to give any idea about the evntual game.

2.0 was definitely an improvement, at least gameplay wise. There was still much work to be done to make it good and the poorly handled marketing, or lack of it, wasn't helping it's case.

The recent trailers have relieved my worries somewhat. The gameplay looks closer to the early consept trailers of VsXIII, like the useable turret for example. So gameplay wise the product looks pretty good to me. But wheter I get the game is ultimately up to the story, which we still know next to nothing about. The game does hold promise at this point, but I'm in no rush to actually get it on release. I'll wait and do my own research after release before I decide. The development process has unarguably left me rather bitter and quite skeptic. Who knows, maybe the game will suprise me.

But enough about me. I hope FFXV will blow your expectations FinalxxSin, and may you have a great experience with it.
Yeah the demo is very bare-bone in comparison to what we had seen in trailers. I do believe the reason it got so much positive feedback is because a good number of people saw the potential behind what it could become, and not judging the demo as if that would be the final mark. I don't believe the purpose of the demo was to reveal anything about the story besides the ending images that we had seen at the end. You made a mention of the characters not showing any personality. That was actually remedied some with the 2.0 update through the Tour Quests. If those carry over to the final product, I do recommend that you do those. A good chunk of information story related that we have come across in the past few months has mainly been more detailed info of reconfirmed information back from the Versus XIII days. Imo, SE is trying not to spoil the story too much before the release, which I do have to commend them for. The long wait has been a very tiring process for many. I do hope your research provides you with the results you are seeking on the overall. Thanks for the wishes. I do intend on having a grand experience with the Chocobros until the end.
I agree with you and personally feel like the longer Square takes in producing a game, the more anticipation we as gamers and fans have in the final months, weeks, and days. Sure we can hold our grudges and be pissed it's taking so long and we're bored and we need the game NOW! But, I would rather have Square-Enix take their time on a game and get it right and the way they think we would like it, than to rush and pop out a new game every year like a mom with 15 kids.

I know we all have our personal favorite games, nostalgic memories of defeating the bosses, and hallelujah moments at the end where we can say "we finally did it!" Hopefully FFXV is one of those games for me too, because I haven't felt that since I beat FFXII back in 2006.
Just thought I'd randomly chime in and say, Tabata said in his most recent stream with Sakaguchi that the Platinum Demo is actually a build from almost a year ago. They actually made it right after Duscae, but decided to wait to release it until the Uncovered Event -- which is how it was available the same day. So, Tabata said that the performance of the Platinum Demo (more specifically, issues people complained about like frame rate, etc.) have already been addressed.

Beyond that, my journey started with E3 2006, so I know the feels! Waiting for this game feels like waiting for Christmas as a kid. I haven't been this excited for a FF game since I was a youngster and wanted FFIX. However, I'm certain I'm twice as hyped for this game.

The hype for this game for me is unreal.
Instead of writing out a giant wall of text, I'd thought I'd just do a video instead with my more recent thoughts:
I checked your youtube vid. I am digging it, but I can't help but laugh my ass off about that lame ass event that was there for hot air! Bahahaha. It's a shame it got pushed to november, but I do think loads of people are being overhyped as hell for FFXV. What do I know though I am a Stella Nox lover.

This whole new direction has got me twisted. The Platinum Demo was rough visually wise, but amazing soundtrack.

Loved Kingsglaive and the anime series was better than I initially thought. I have this gut feeling FFXV will underwhelm severely and that most of the bonding and emotional aspects were put in the damn cgi movie and anime serie.

I hope to be totally wrong of course.

I am more looking forward to -> World of Final Fantasy (OVERWORLD YAY!) and for now I will continue with the delicious I am Setsuna. :D :lew:

Are you referring to Lunafreya? Perhaps Final Fantasy XV will be underwhelming for you, but that will be a combination of the teams efforts and your own expectations with the title. I am confident FFXV will receive plenty of unreasonable criticism once it gets released from certain groups. It's an unavoidable situation. However, I am confident that the positive will outweigh the negative reception for this title. Hopefully you find some enjoyment with World of Final Fantasy once it does come out.
Off topic: Dope sig. That is one I can agree with fully.

Unboxing + early thoughts + gameplay
Minor Kingsglaive and Brotherhood spoilers toward end of video.
Typically when Imperials are showing up, it's when they aren't wanted. I am sure you just wanted to reach your goal mark but kept getting cut off by them. For whatever reason though, on this day...Noctis did not give a single fuck. Maybe this glitch video will give you a laugh...or nah.
I remember dealing with Deadeye back in the day during Episode Duscae. I have to say the fight got improved quite a bit for the main game. Imo it is also one of the stand out hunts within the game. I kinda wish a few other hunts got more attention to the level the Deadeye one had gained. Also, I deal with Nagi that gave me a ton of problems at first. I didn't think that a level 30 enemy should do 9,999 damage to me...but yeah that happened.

THIS FIGHT RIGHT HERE!!!!! This is the my 2nd most hype fight I have played in a FF mainline game. Even though I had six levels on Aranea, I was still getting rekt'd. When she would target Prompto aggressively, he was good as dead. This fight has just about everything I can ask for in a fight. Imo, this fight has the best scripted air combat sequence in the entire game.
Destructible environments..check
Badass boss...check
Epic music...check
1 vs. 1 and team play sections...check

This could have been the final fight in the game, and I wouldn't have even been mad as long as stat adjustments were made. #AraneaBestFFXVWaifu
Sometimes, help comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

I finally got revenge on Aramusha that originally destroyed me when I first went into the dungeon. Also I dealt with something that gave me a flashback to FFVIII.
Who would have thought the emperor could put up a fight. Ravus hits like a damn train and can tank a good amount of damage. I like the soundtrack choice for the Ravus fight.

As of last week, FFXV got its 1.05 patch that ended the Carnival event. At this point in time, time limited quests will start making their way into the game. The first one consists of dealing with 100 cactuar like mobs. It's a good opportunity to get an easy 150K gil, 333 AP, and some exp. Prompto's Gravisphere is very helpful for this long battle. This is also a good time to max out most techniques that may not be maxed out yet that you may plan on using later on.
Hmm, using Gravisphere instead of just the Gravity Well is a good idea. Because while I enjoy how unique this first timed hunt is... it's not really fun. The Needle Spam is the perfect way to describe it, because you spend more time being pummeled by needles than doing anything else. Not hard, just obnoxious. Good way to farm EXP for the new level cap though.
I got around to doing the final battle within FFXV's campaign. I loved the music that was selected for this fight. Minor spoilers in vid:

lv. 140 Dread Behemoth is FFXV's current toughest enemy which is resistant to all weapons and magic except for swords and polearms. It took me like 23 minutes to bring down the foe, but the 999 AP and 9 Oracle Ascension Coins made it worthwhile for me. I also cover my thoughts on the cast of FFXV thus far.
Final Fantasy XV Episode Gladio has two boss battles. I liked the challenge that both fights provided. The music for me is pretty bossin'.