Dirge of Cerberus My Most Hated DoC character


Chocobo Breeder
Oct 8, 2006
Somewhere you don't
....My most hated Dirge of Cerberus character of all time is obviously.. Hojo.

I can't even explain my hate for him. Its unexplainable. I sit in my room, writing about what I would do if I saw Hojo. Trust me, it makes Resident Evil 4 less nauseating. I can't even say that I hate him because its not even hate. Its despising, its cold blooded hating.

Why do I hate him? Because of all the crap he did to Vincent, and having the nerve to come back and try to awake Omega. And he just looks and sounds like an annoying turkey that I want to strangle.

Sorry. I really, really needed to get that out.

I don't hate anyone from DoC except for Hojo.
The US version of Hojo sounds way more devious then the JP version. the JP gave a sense that you could possibly fall for him where as the US made it almost absurd that Lucrecia even take notice of him.

I hate hojo as well, however did not really care for Weiss' or at least the version we see in DoC ( i like the multiplayer weiss, as we see how he truly is )
I really hate Hojo but I also hate Cait Sith, Ive always hated him, Reeve wasent what i expected.
I hate Hojo,Rosso,Nero and Weiss-they're just so annoying and boring,in my opinion. And that awful accent of Rosso's-very bad! It sounded so fake!
I hate Hojo with the flaming passion of a thousand suns. He is so stupid he makes a vegetable look like a genius. I wish Vincent would have been able to go postal on him with that claw of his. That would have made me very happy....

I actually liked Rosso's accent though...but then again...I thought Shelke was a little annoying calling Vincent by his whole name all the time. Azul just plain weirded me out...I don't know why.

I was also kinda disappointed that Tifa and Cloud and all the others didn't have very big parts. That made me a little sad but hey, at least they made a few appearances.
Hojo...he definantly had that "mad scientist" thing going on, even in his voice. OMFG DO I HATE HIS VOICE >.< I mean that seriously drove me insane!

Rosso was really freakin annoying as well. Just the mere look and sound of her I couldn't stand and then the fact that she's just a crazy bitch anyway and we all know why too >.<
I guess I really don't like Hojo too much if I gotta pick someone...Not because of his annoying voice or anything really...but I've noticed something about Hojo that no one else sees apparently...calling him stupid in all. I see that he actually IS a genious! Without him, Sephiroth wouldn't have become insane, let alone, born...Without Hojo, FF7's story wouldn't have come to pass. Those who don't believe me, let me point this out:
1. Hojo manipulated Lucrecia's weakness so that she'd fall for him,
2. Hojo convinced Lucrecia to conceive a child and dedicate it to the Jenova Project and injects a pregnant Lucrecia with Janova cells,
3. Hojo kills Vincent and uses his body, mostly likely, as a prototype for Project S, strengthening his body
4. Hojo refuses Lucrecia to see Sephiroth so to keep the illusion that Jenova was Sephiroth's Mother,
5. When Sephiroth came of age, Hojo tells him that Jenova is his mother and has him believing that.
6. Years later, Hojo kills Gast, not only to get to the Ancients but to put Sephiroth into a state of depression, making him have some sort of low self-esteem in secret for Sephiroth looked up to Gast.
7. Hojo sabotages the Nibelheim Mako Reactor and releases the monsters in secret, knowing that Shinra would send Sephiroth and knowing Sephiroth's reaction in seeing all the monsters around Jenova.
8. Hojo leaves false reports to prove that Sephiroth was produced and is an Ancient, heir to rule the world, knowing that Sephiroth would go crazy, making Sephiroth the next Jenova. Unexpectedly, Sephiroth is defeated by Cloud Strife.
9. Hojo experiments on all the surviving members discovered at the Nibelheim incident and gives them all Jenova Cells and tries to turn the one who "killed" Sephiroth into a Sephiroth Clone to prove his Reunion Threory. He later marked Cloud as a failed experiment,
10. Hojo attempts to mate Aerith and Nanaki to produce a long living Ancient and injects Jenova Cells in himself as an attempt to extend his life so that he can complete his research,
11. When Vincent transformes into Chaos before his very eyes, he realizes that Lucrecia's Theory on Chaos and Omega are correct and upon defeat and his experiments on Vincent, enhancing his body, Hojo comes up with his new theory and uploads his mind onto the internet upon defeat and remembering about Deepground,
12. Upon death, he scatters his mind across the internet and releases the experiments and Soldiers locked up in Deepground,
13. Hojo gains Nero as a lab assistant
14. Hojo tells Weiss and Nero about Omega and his theories on how Omega can be born inside Weiss
15. Sometime after Weiss's speech, Hojo uploads himself inside Weiss and has Weiss's body killed in preparation of becoming Omega
16. Hojo atempts to absorb the lifestream but is foiled by Vincent, Weiss and Nero
There are a few others but I currently forgot what they were...My theory is that Hojo is the cause of the events in Final Fantasy VII. I guess the reason I don't like him is how he toys with people's lives just to prove distructive theories and at the sametime, I have to admire his genious at doing it.
#1 of course is Hojo
#2 is Lucrecia (I honestly think she was mentally ill or something. How could you do that to someone. Makes me sick)
#3 is Shelke because of how flirty she came across all the time. I know she has Lucrecia's data fragment in her and all, but still, why do you need to be the flirtatious (sp?).
It's Azul,i don't know why but i hate him.
It may be because of his size,he's like a giant.
Hojo... argh! Whats with his voice!? It suits him he really is a mad scientist.
But I can't stand listening to his voice. He is really anoying... He really gets in my nervs.
Hojo. I actually used to despise the man. ;^; Only cause of what he done to Vince, of course.

Secondly, DAMN THAT NERO. His accent does my head in. Plus, I just don't like him. ><