My Snazzy (F)art :3

Forgot about my art thread again! So I've not painted anything for about two years /shame

But I have made some shit, for my wedding and more recently, I have glittered up some champagne glasses for my friends wedding.

Glitter champagne flutes.jpg
These are the glasses I'm doing for my friends wedding, I am a bridesmaid and the colour theme is red. She had better not change her mind now I have done them lol
corsages.jpgflower girl bouquet side.jpgIMG_2138.JPGmy bouquet2.jpgpaper bouquet.jpgButton holes, bridesmaid pomander (on the horde flag) flower girl bouquet and a bouquet I made for myself with fake ivy, that I didn't like, so redid, there's another image somewhere with the bouquet I actually used. Made the flowers out of FFX/XII strategy guides. They were extras we ended up with when I moved in with Tom. Naturally I used his, not mine. Well, technically I used mine as his were better quality than mine, so I decided to keep his as my own lol

BREAKING BAD, DOES IT NEED ANTHING ELSE. (NEW SUNGLASSES RQD).jpgBuffy centre piece.jpgcalcifer howls moving castle table.jpgcompleted starbug.jpgDOES IT NEED ZOMBIES.jpgGAME OF THRONES.jpgLOST. NEEDS A POLAR BEAR.jpgScott Pilgrim centre piece.pngWP_20140621_001.jpgWP_20140621_003.jpg All my centre pieces, I made the Starbug from scratch, used polystyrene balls, lots of papier mache and green paint, the bagss for the Lost table I just ordered off etsy and filled with stuffing, there was also a toy plane we used. Customised the daleks myself, made the calcifer fire demon out of plystyrene cotton wool and paint. bought the steam punk goggles and made Ramonas hammer thing from a wooden stick from a cat toy and a ceral box/papier mache/paint. The stake I bought off ebay, I just added the red lining myself as the one it came with was shit. Walking dead was just a hat with some blood and crossbow bolts. I didn't make the eggs either, tried learning how to crochet but wasnt happening. I did add the targaryean decal though lol

finished bouquet 2.jpgfinished bouquet.jpg
The bouquet I ended up with I ended up sellotaping that blue ribbon on, by this point inthe planning process I had seriously had enough and those paper flowers took me literally months to do. His mum didn't even wear her corsage. But that is another story for another day :wacky:
IMG_1169.JPGtardis card box.jpgCompleted Invitation insert.jpgCompleted RSVPs.jpgtable plan redone.jpg

I made my save the dates and invites, the save the dates were printed off as photos and stuck to magnetic paper (that was a ball ache as well) the invites I just did on paint, that was something else I had had enough of and didn't care anymore lol. The rsvp's I did on paint and then stuck them on the back of doctor who post cards

I made the post box tardis out of a cardboard box from work, looooads of papier mache and blue paint. I definately added the police call box sign along the top, just cant find a picture of it. The cats have wrecked it now haha

Made the seating plan on vista print and printed it off as a poster, just blu-tacked it on to a canvas


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You are back Kels! ... Thank god. Amazing stuff, yo.

I'm really out of practice - I don't think I've painted anything in about 4 years :gonk:

Decided to start with something easy so went for the FFVII Meteor, and Jake teh dog, making bacon pancakes ♪♫

I ended up completely re-painint over what i had started with the meteor and am overall much happy with the colour, espcially the tail end, though I do think, on the whole its a bit too dark and I couldn't quite get the shade right for the blue part... the detailing isn'y quite right either, so theres lots of parts where i have had to paint white over the blue and it's really quite noticable, so I will have to fix that

Jake the dog I started painting yesterday when Id had several glasses of wine, so had to re-paint it again this morning because apparently I cabn't drink and paint and went over all the lines and did the wobbly-est blue ring ever. I have since corrected this so the blue part does actually look better than on the image at present haha