My Sweet 16


Shion Kupozuki
Jun 6, 2006
Black Mage Village
Who watches this show? Or should I say, who watches this show and when its done, feels like beating up a rich bitch. These people are so stuck up and selfish! If they don't get what they want, they throw a bitch fit. And they always want a super expensive car they don't need, because its always one that promotes to global warming. The only thing I like about watching this show, are the people that try to crash the party, and watch them whine like bitches when they don't get what they want. I mean, why can't they film normal people? Jesus Christ! XD
lol I've tried watching this show a few times, and I can never get through a whole episode. I get that exact 'beating up a rich bitch' feeling and have to turn the channel.

And you can't film normal people, cause then no one would probably watch xD
lol I've tried watching this show a few times, and I can never get through a whole episode. I get that exact 'beating up a rich bitch' feeling and have to turn the channel.

And you can't film normal people, cause then no one would probably watch xD
lulz. You may be right about that.

i think its extremely halarious, because in every episode, something goes wrong and they all throw a hissy fit. its so funny!
It is hilarious when they throw their pissy fits. I laugh at their stupidity.
This show is just another way to make Americans look bad (worse).
I watched this one time, then like a few months I accidentally saw it again (coincidentally, it was the same episode) and I have added it to my list of "Why MTV sucks" list.
Man, the kids on these shows drive me insane. They dont know how lucky they have it and complain when they dont get their way and Daddy has to make it better or his darling baby wont speak to him again!

These kids need to be showed the real world and see how noraml kids live without all the money, cars, jellwery and mad parties!
Man, the kids on these shows drive me insane. They dont know how lucky they have it and complain when they dont get their way and Daddy has to make it better or his darling baby wont speak to him again!

These kids need to be showed the real world and see how noraml kids live without all the money, cars, jellwery and mad parties!
Thats what I say. They can't rely on mommy and daddy forever, eventually they'll have to make monet themselves (usually the money comes from mommy and daddy still :\) If they were to somehow run out of money, then they'd know how us normal people have to live.

On another note, I love the people that try and crash the parties. I also hate the people that are invited. They're like "Oh, he'she is so cool liek, omg I love rich bitches dur dur." Makes me want to choke a hoe.
Scripted and set up? I don't know. I'm sure if you're from Vegas, then you must know what west coast bitches are like. A lot of the people here are completely intolerable on account of their ignorance.

I...think they all need a slap in the face, I mean come on...
How many of us have actually never even had a birthday party?

~*raises hand*~

Oh they need more than a slap in the face. What you need to do, is find their new super expensive car, then cut the brakeline, then when they're driving BOOM!!! jk.

Seriously. They need to be put on the street for a day.
Ooooooh I hate this lovely show so fucking much. :) It reminds me of how much I despise living here sometimes. *twitch*

I love it how these parents give their retarded daughters and sons cars that cost over 50,000. Right, I'll give them three weeks before they crash it. *Sighs* What a waste of a nice car.

The best thing about this show is these girls are turning sixteen but.....they look like they're 2-5 years older. I find that to be a little skeptical. Oh well, some of them might be actually 15, or look older than their age due to smoking and drinking.

I think these kids need to be thrown in Africa. Lets see how they survive there without daddy's credit card.
Scripted and set up? I don't know. I'm sure if you're from Vegas, then you must know what west coast bitches are like. A lot of the people here are completely intolerable on account of their ignorance.

I...think they all need a slap in the face, I mean come on...
How many of us have actually never even had a birthday party?

~*raises hand*~


I've never had a birthday party. I remember that I wanted one when I was young but glad I never got one as I'm not a huge fan of birthday parties. Usually on my birthday I just like to have one day I can watch some good TV, have a pepperoni pizza and have my oldest brother to not piss me off for one day. :P
yeah these people piss me off. did anyone see the episode with that latino girl that got REALLY pissed at her mom cause she showed her her car before the party? ugh those bitches are so spoiled, they get parties that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and still have things to complain about. i never even had a birthday party.
I've only ever seen some parts of this show but it seems pretty dumb. Hence why I avoid it. :p Planning birthday parties, having fits, it's all pretty stupid IMO. So basically I agree with you guys. xD

Anyways, I'll move this to Home Theatre just 'cause it belongs there more than over here, I feel. >.>
