
I would post my myspace, but I never used it and its completely bare
yea, I know the feeling. I just fixed mine up today cause I got bored and saw this thread. Now its somewhat fancied up
Mine is

Warning, if you go to mine, you will be greeted by some hip hop music, by me!


That event pretty much changed me forever, even though it was 5 years ago. Fuck it. If you think I'm a poser, wigger, faggot, whatever, thats nice, I couldn't give a flying fuck if I was watching porn on a plane.

HAHAHAHA! You can't seriously be that angry a person, I'm sorry. Please stop your aggressive behavior before you realize at 27 you wasted some of the best years of your life being an angry adolescent. Pick up a sport or something. Kid's today.
Me on Facebook
(I don't have any pictures of myself because i've been having trouble uploading them)

-I might post my myspace once I fix it up a little. The only problem is that I dont know how...
You say MYSPAZZ too! :D

It's in my sig, but the URL is this, anyway:
I have a funny feeling you'll need my surname, which is 'Walker,' just in case.

Indeed I do lol ^^

Come on people add me ^^ Im on every single day, except weekends.
Im Lauren Anne in case people are wondering who is adding them.