

Apr 15, 2007
Any of you watch Mythbusters?
Yes, it is a science show, where they blow things up and whatnot to prove certain myths....or rather, totally debunk them. :rolleyes:

If you haven't heard of the show, then I suggest you look it up, or better yet, watch it on the Discovery Channel; it's really interesting, and funny to boot. :lol:

Well, some people say that it's stupid, but.......:dry:
I love that show. Esspecially their "biggest explosion ever" thing, where they actually had a camera break...
It's sad how the perpetual energy thing didn't work. :(

That could've saved us a whole lot of money of not buying gas. -_-
The quicksand one I've never seen.

But the link you posted above was kinda funny :lol:
I wonder why they hosted the show in a 'theater thingy'?

Eh, mostly because Discovery Channel wouldn't air the Flatulence episode. SO it was shown in a college. XD

Apparently, they took the Killer Quicksand episode off of YouTube, so I'm just gonna say what happened.

They were testing to see if Killer Quicksand (the ones you see in the movies that suck you right in and kill you via suffocation) was possible. After throwing Adam, Jamie, and an assistant into some quicksand they made, they showed that by the time you get to about your torso, you just float there.
I liked the part when they were too scared to get near the electric eel. ^_^

So what was the best myth that was busted?
It would probably have to be that one time when Adam had to demonstrate whether a sinking ship would suck a person to the bottom, eh?
Man I love this show cause at sometimes during it I just laugh for no reason.I liked the episode when they do the myth with the mentos and the coke.
I concur. One of the coolest shows. I've recently taken more a liking to the History and Discovery channel.
I watch it when I can. It is interesting 'cause there is a science to everything, but it's for the fact I wanna see things blow up LOL
I love Mythbusters! It's one of my favorite shows on Discovery Channel. Well, actually it's my only favorite show on Discovery Channel, but my point still stands.
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I've heard of the show but never actually saw it.
You need to see it, along with Smash Lab. The two have a lot of similarities but still different experiments.
Mythbusters is pretty cool. Loved the episode where they tried to see if it was possible to bring a tree down using machine gun fire. Ultimately, they could only do it using a minigun. That beast didn't just cut the tree down--it caught the stinker on fire.

The Discovery Channel is awesome. Just recently got into some of the shows it provides.
I remember seeing the "Killer Quicksand" episode, and I was sucked in hardcore. I'm pretty sure I've seen every episode to date. It's weird watching the old pilot episodes (like where they strapped homemade-JATO rockets to the car and Larry's Lawnchair balloons, etc) and then watching more recent episodes. Jamie and Adam don't fight nearly as much as they used to (at least on camera), and of course with time, they seem a lot more knowledgable as to what they are doing now. I really enjoy the specials they've had (James Bond, Macguyver, etc), as well as the Shop til you Drop special, and the Viral Videos special. The greatest part about the show is (like they've said), as long as people are dumb enough try certain things, the show will never go off the air.

For now, I'm really excited for tomorrow's new episode where they make a car strap with only duct tape. Also, according to Wikipedia, the Build Team will be testing to see if you can make a cannon out of duct tape... Don't quite know how that's gonna work, but we'll see!