Name changes (Origins)


Chocobo Breeder
Dec 14, 2006
New England
Trying to revive this niche of the forum here -

Anyone know why certain monster/item names were changed from the old NES version?

Examples -

NES: Silver Sword
Origins: Mythril Sword

NES: Creep
Origins: Gigas Worm

No need to mess with the classic descriptions!

And Garland's famous "I, Garland, will knock you all down!" has been replaced as well. :sorry:

Well I can understand the Silver to Mythril but why change the monsters names and lines? Especially the lines!
Hmm...I'd have said it was so that all the caves had Gigas. It was the same with elementals: you had the ifrit-y ones, and the tornado ones. WIth the gigi, some were Giants, some were the worms.
Updates to the seires. its like when you play the DoS version it's Fira and Firaga instead of Fire2 and Fire3. Lines are probably re-translation, I've never botherd playing through the NES version (only got up to Garland before calling it quits!) bacuse I'm a faggot and can't get used to the uber outdatedness. I play DoS or Origins instead.
well in my opinion, "I, Garland, will knock you all down!" is a pretty lame line if you think about it. they also changed the spell names (for a good reason; the NES only had 4 character names for the spell)

for example:
RUSE - Blink
FOG - Protect (how did they make FOG a spell that increases defence?)
HARM - Dia (this doesn't make much sense either; i mean neither spell name)
LAMP - Blindna
MUTE - Silence (silence is now the name of the ailment that prevents spells, so...)
ALIT - NulShock (the A probably stands for negative or no, while lit=lightning)
INVS - Invis (they completed the name... somewhat)
CUR2 - Cura (as i said, only 4 character names; they probably used the 2 to explain it's CURE but a higher level)
HRM2 - Diara (see CUR2)
AFIR - NulBlaze (see ALIT)
PURE - Poisona (PURE is the name of the NES antidotes, but you don't want a spell to be named the same as an item, now do you?)
AICE - NulFrost (see ALIT)
AMUT - Vox (i have no idea what vox means, but it probably has to do with your voice)
CUR3 - Curaga (see CUR2)
HRM3 - Diaga (see HRM2)
HEL2 - Healara (the name kinda looks like Hell 2, but that's me)
SOFT - Stona (i don't see how softening a stone helps give it life again o_O)
FOG2 - Protera (see FOG)
INV2 - Invisira (see INVS and CUR2)
CUR4, HRM4, HEL3 - Curaja, Diaja, Healaga (see CUR3, HRM3, and HEL2)
ARUB - NulDeath (see ALIT)
FADE - Holy (the old spell name made no sense at all)
WALL - NulAll (didn't make so much sense, as the Wall spell usually raises defence and magic defence)
XFER - Dispel (spell name didn't make much sense)
LIF2 - Full-Life (see CUR2)

SLEP - Sleep (completed the name)
LOCK - Focus (both kinda make sense for a name that reduces evasion, but focus sounds a little better in my opinion)
LIT - Thunder (they could've at least put LIT1 or LITE)
TMPR - Temper (name was completed)
FIR2 - Fira (see CUR2)
LIT2 - Thundara (see CUR2)
LOK2 - Focara (both sound kinda lame to me >.> o well, that's me)
SLP2 - Sleepra (see CUR2)
ICE2 - Blizzara (see CUR2)
FAST - Haste (haste is the more common name in this form of time magic, so...)
CONF - Confuse (name was completed)
FIR3 - Firaga (see CUR2)
BANE - Scourge (it was originally named bane because it was a poison based spell, it was probably changed to scourge because all it did was instant kills and no actual poison based damage)
WARP - Teleport (both are pretty deceiving names; they sound like you move somewhere else in the map, but you instead move just a mere floor back... o well, better than getting the other black spell)
SLO2 - Slowra (see CUR2; i personally liked the name slowga better, and they also reversed the effects in this game, making slowra less useful)
LIT3 - Thundaga (see CUR2)
QAKE - Quake (name was completed)
RUB - Death (how the heck does the name RUB match an instant kill spell?)
ICE3 - Blizzaga (see CUR2)
BRAK - Break (name was completed)
SABR - Saber (name was completed)
BLND - Blind (name was completed)
ZAP! - Warp (ZAP! would've made a good name for a lightning based spell, but not this)
XXXX - Kill (they probably just tried to be creative =D)
NUKE - Flare (flare usually looks like a nuking skill, but flare is a more common name, so...)

well that's my thoughts on spell name changes, obviously your thoughts may be different
^ Vox is Voice in Latin.

And as for Dia and RUB, I find those odd as well.
The rest isn't so bad, good on most parts.
Ah I just bought a brand New copy of FF Origins off of Amazon a few weeks ago and got it yesterday. I'm about to dig into FFI here, but if they changed lines up, that sucks big time. That's why I'm opposed to an FFVII remake for a future console or handheld for fear that Square will tweak something, and the plot goes to shambles. Phooey.
I'm about to dig into FFI here, but if they changed lines up, that sucks big time.
Well you won't have that "I, Garland, will knock you all down" line from him.
BUT, you won't get that annoying "Welcome to Corneria" greeting in it.

Though quite a few things might be changed, it's only for the better. ;)

That's why I'm opposed to an FFVII remake for a future console or handheld for fear that Square will tweak something, and the plot goes to shambles. Phooey.
I'ono... I think an FFVII remake would be a good idea.
It'll match up nicely with the compilations, and it'll make 'em FFX fans change their minds. :)