Namine is a nobody?

If I can remember correctly she is Kairi's nobody.
I think it's because Kairi was a princess of heart thingy, so her Nobody would be different maybe? although I have only played it I dunno really, dunno why she doesn't have an X in her name either. I reckon she was all for good though, as according to Dave she peiced all Soras memories back together after CoM and right at the beginning of KHII Jimmenys book thing says thank Namine.....
I reckon she was all for good though, as according to Dave she peiced all Soras memories back together after CoM and right at the beginning of KHII Jimmenys book thing says thank Namine.....
Well she isn't completely good,at the beggining she was working with the Organisation.
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As was Roxas. Its possible that she has..or sort of has a heart. Axel almost defiantly has - The videos of him in the PS2 version of COM, and Final Mix+ back the statement up. Roxas probably has one too, which is why all three of them act differently than nobodies.
Yup. She was different from just any normal Nobody because the way she was born; when Kairi's heart moved to Sora. That and I guess because Kairi is one of the 7 princesses, as Bambi suggested.
Namine is actually made from Sora's body, sorta making her Roxas' sister

Nobodies are made from the body left behind by the heartless, Kairi's hart had no darkness, so her body couldn't fade into the realm of Darkness, which is why she was in the comatose state
Her heart was released from Sora's body which faded into the Darkness, creating Roxas and Namine
A new body was created for him (Or he was possibly turned into a human form heartless akin to Xehanort's until Roxas rejoined with him in 2) when huggd by Kairi
I played kingdom hearts 2 last night for my friend he had trouble with the last boss and i watched the clip and it said Namine was kiaris nobody
Namine is actually made from Sora's body, sorta making her Roxas' sister

Nobodies are made from the body left behind by the heartless, Kairi's hart had no darkness, so her body couldn't fade into the realm of Darkness, which is why she was in the comatose state
Her heart was released from Sora's body which faded into the Darkness, creating Roxas and Namine
A new body was created for him (Or he was possibly turned into a human form heartless akin to Xehanort's until Roxas rejoined with him in 2) when huggd by Kairi

That pretty much sums everything up, Just thought I should add that Namine was born without Kairi's memories and because she was formed from Sora's body she has the power to manipulate Sora's memories and the memories of those connected to Sora, thus making her significantly differant from normal nobodies.
she is kari nobody, she is on the good side even though she works for the orginasation, she is piecing together sora memories through roxas, after she does this sore , donald and goofy wake up from their sleep in the cooler sort of looking things
Just thought I should add that Namine was born without Kairi's memories.

I think she did have Kairi's memories, since in CoM Namine says 'He won't truly forget Kairi because I am her shadow' or something like that meaning she knows she's Kairi's nobody and most likely have her memorise as well. As well as knowing Sora's memories of Kairi.
As was Roxas. Its possible that she has..or sort of has a heart. Axel almost defiantly has - The videos of him in the PS2 version of COM, and Final Mix+ back the statement up. Roxas probably has one too, which is why all three of them act differently than nobodies.
And this is why I'm convinced Terra and Axel have a very strong relationship - the likes of which I am unsure but consider the links between all of the characters involved: Axel -> Roxas, Roxas -> Ven, Ven -> Terra, Terra -> Axel? However; I digress.

Yes, Naminé is the Nobody of Kairi. This can be more fully understood when you consider the revelation that
"Kairi's' heart rests within Sora"
during all of the events of Kingdom Hearts.
Once Sora unlocks his heart and re-awakens the Seven Princesses of Heart, he both becomes a Heartless and creates his Nobody. In theory, as he released Kairi's heart as well, Kairi's Nobody was created. The reason for the lack of her Heartless is quite simple: a Princess of Heart has a heart of pure light; no darkness exists within her heart, ergo, a Heartless cannot be born from it.