

Chocobo Breeder
Aug 2, 2007
I do not think that Namine is Kairi's Nobody. Well this is why.

In Secret Ansem Report Nr. 3, Ansem the Wise talks about how his 5 apprentices Even, Ienzo, Braig, Dilan and Aeleus has become Nobodies and created Organisation XIII together with Ansem, Seeker of Darkness a.k.a. Xehanort. Well, if you read about the 6 first characters in the Organisation these are the names:

(take away the X in the name)
Xemnas = Ansem, seeker of darkness
Vexen = Even
Zexion = Ienzo
Xigbar = Braig
Xaldin = Dilan
Lexaeus = Aeleus

Then, also:
Roxas = Sora

But...Namine? Kairi? Wtf.
I dont never understood that before but now it makes perfect sence. but i dont know about namine being kairis nobody. I never really bothered reading the ansem reports.
Namne isnt really part of the orginization and if you played KH1 you would have recalled that sora has kiari's heart all that time without creating a heartless scince her hearts is not filled with darkness. But Namine doesn't remember who is she was. she also doesnt even know her own name kinda like roxas except he knows his name. AND kiari and namine resemble.
nice big theory there Onceman, although since it is my name why the heck would I refer it to me 2?! ....

Because you're a noob. Now read this.

Secret Ansem Report 9

I should have expected nothing less from a Keyblade-wielding hero. Sora and his friends defied the machinations of Organization XIII and rescued Namine’. Namine’ was a witch who controlled the memories of others. Most likely these powers were achieved through a special process when she was born. Namine’ is a Nobody, created when a young girl’s heart left her body. Yet she had no corresponding Heartless.

This is because the “young girl” in this case was a princess. Kairi, a resident of Radiant Garden over which I had ruled, was one of the Seven Princesses that uphold the realm of light. With no darkness in her heart, Kairi produced no Heartless, and instead of vanishing, her body remained in the realm of light.

In other words, both the Nobody called Namine’ and the Heartless – proof of a lost heart – are extremely unstable beings who lack the bodies needed to produce a Nobody. Therefore, they also lack Kairi’s memories. One reason for this may be that Kairi’s heart did not return to the darkness when separated from her body, but rather migrated to another vessel…deep within Sora’s heart. That is, Namine’ is an alter ego of the Kairi who has directly interfered with Sora’s heart. Could this be why Sora and those whose hearts are connected to him were able to have their memories controlled? She is a non-being in the truest sense of the word; having not become a Nobody and with nowhere left to go, she is but the most fleeting of shadows.
Because you're a noob.

:lol:Now I don't have to answer noobufts's question. Thanks!

Anyway, I wouldn't have bothered stating the obvious if you (noobutfs) weren't being a pr*ck to Tails for no good reason after pretty much walking in the door. Show a little maturity and respect, please.

Now back to the subject, VengefulRonin's reply pretty much sums up everything about Namine as far as your question is concerned. That's one thing about KHII is that the "body" of the story doesn't explain everything. You have to look around and find the answers, whether it's in the Secret Reports or sometimes look back to the original. It's nice everything isn't spelled out for you as is often the case in games.
Erm actually the reason is because she isn't an organization member.
Only organization members have their original names mixed up and and x in it.
Right, first up, it's not advisable to spam anywhere else but the spam coliseum.

Secondly, to the actual topic ... the most simple answer to your question is that, Naminé's name is unique because her very birth was unique.

Each member of Organization XIII became a Nobody by firstly plunging themselves into darkness as whole and sentient beings, splitting themselves into a Heartless (whom I would like to see) and the empty shell, the Nobody. This, we can say for certain.

Sora simply "unlocked" his heart to the Keyblade made from the darkness, essentially "opening his heart to darkness." Therefore, consistently, he became a Heartless and, at that precise moment, Roxas was created (or, rather, left behind as the other half of Sora).

Kairi, on the other hand, is a Princess of Heart and, as stated in Xehanort's theories, the Keyblade and the Princesses of Heart are connected. Thus, when Kairi (the only Princess of Heart to actually lose her heart) she was still connected to the Keyblade, consequently, the Keyblade Master - i.e. Sora. This explains why "she was inside Sora," as was discovered in Hollow Bastion.

Now, Naminé is the only "special" Nobody, because she was the only Nobody created from a Princess of Heart - who, as was stated by Maleficent, have the purest of hearts. A special person left behind a special Nobody.

I do love explaining the theory behind Kingdom Hearts.
I thought sora could feel kairi inside him because in destiny islands he caught kairi when the door opened.
I thought sora could feel kairi inside him because in destiny islands he caught kairi when the door opened.

I think that that's related.

When the door opened on Destiny Islands, Kairi gets captured corporeally. But she's pretty much comatose (as seen in Neverland) because her heart (signified by her phantom) left her body and was caught by Sora.
While it is interesting that you picked up that name thing (I never noticed that) it further proves that Namine is indeed Kairi's Nobody.

As everyone else suggests and even one person posted, read the Ansem reports. It specifically tells you that when Sora stabbed himself with the keyblade and let Kairi's heart out, Namine was created as Kairi's Nobody. But since Kairi never had darkness in her heart, Namine was special. Hence her ability to hold sway over memories. Therefore Namine never joined the organization and her Nobody name is not an amagram of Kairi's. :D
and furthermore, if you play Chain of Memories, I should be very clear that Namine is Kairi.
Lol i was gonna say that when i saw that post but i couldn't be bothered.
I heard Chain of Memories sucks, but I still want to play it.

How are they "off", btw? Just wondering.
I heard Chain of Memories sucks, but I still want to play it.
It's not the most exciting game, it lacks voices and it's rather repetitive of the original game, but it's still amazing.

and furthermore, if you play Chain of Memories, I should be very clear that Namine is Kairi.
How are they "off", btw? Just wondering.

Some others and I have already cleared up the theory and logic behind Naminé and then this person came in at the latter end and just contradicted everything we'd established with a rather thin argument.