Nintendo NDS Friend Codes

Mine is 4124 - 3129 - 3362. Mine is the European version.

Mognet sucks though. It wouldn't let me effing send a message to one of my contacts. I added you, btw, Devious Jordz :P
My friend code is 086-012-466-337
i need o.knight
dragoon can i add u? and u add me
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hey guys, i'm looking to get the onion knight job class, could someone help me out? my friend code is in my sig. PM me please!
Can I use one of yours, I really need the onion knight.

Mine: 425319411856

Also, can you tell me when you can get on? That way I'll just send u a letter saying 'A' and you can recieve it. Vice-versa.
Hey my code is 2749-9667-6812 I really want the onion knight so pm me if you want to help. Thanks guys.
Add me to the list =)

Well hope some people still need emails for the Onion Knight.
My code is:
485 449 954 468
At long last I finally have my friend code!

5154 8751 6908

I swear if it doesn't work I will seriously have to scream *having ''issues'' with my internetz*
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you can try 0688 3984 2987, but no one seems to be able to add it:dry:

I dont even know why my last number changed...I wish my brother wouldnt mess with my things
Google Legendary Smith FFIII or something like that and find the FAQ. The ultima weapon is available as well as a special item; weapon or equipment for each job you get to level 99 or each mogmail you get from another player with the signature for that job.
friend code

I wish Nintendo had planned this better. In order to unlock the bonus dungeon, and a bunch of other extra stuff you need to send letters to NPC's through mognet. Good enough for me, but you can't send more than one letter to each npc unless you have sent a certain number of letters to friends over mognet first. :mad: Crap. Well, what if i don't have a friend in the area who has a DS and FF3? They should have made a feature where you can go onto WFC and look for pple looking for friends to exchange mail with instead of making us already have someone else's friend code to input. I have the same beef with Mario Kart DS and Animal Crossing Wild World. But, that's the way the system is set up currently, so instead of complaining more (i just really needed to get it off my chest and see if anyone else agrees), Here's my friend code for Final Fantasy III in case anyone wants to exchange mail. Remember to post yours so I can add your code to my adress book so i can get it.^_^


my friend code is 463976138126
ARGH! For starters, your guys' registration image code thingy is brutal! I couldn't see anything and it took me twelve - TWELVE - tries to get it right. :3

Hehe, I'm new...hello, to everyone. I don't mean to burst onto the scene like this, but I also have grappled with this Onion Knight issue since I only have WPA-secured internet, and the proprietor of said house won't allow me to use my Wi-fi since he doesn't want to leave our connection unsecured for a moment. Arg. I can access my Wi-fi at other places, but it's a pain in the arse to go somewhere else just to play, yano? So I don't want to waste a single moment.

That said, here is my friend code!


...I've done this before but I'm not able to send messages to my friends. do they have to be online, or add you as well before you can do anything?
Hey, like pretty much everyone else here I need a friend code (or five, i'm fine either way) and mine is 3 2 6 5 4 2 3 7 9 9 4 0. please tell me if you added my friend code and what yours is (that seems to be the only way this stupid thing will work) and thank you if you do:D

my friend code is 463976138126
Just to let you know i added your friend code and Nine's. Please add mine and send me messages.I don't want to be annoying, but it would be nice if you could.
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I've added Grand Lethal and Golbez.
FFIII FC: (EU) 3952 6431 5038
How do you get the FCs to turn white? (I'm a noob so I don't know)
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heres my friend code :D i just got this game :D

3394 3471 1474

PM me your friend code if you want 2 add me :D
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