Need Help in FF XII


Chocobo Breeder
May 11, 2009
Damn sry to say this but im fking getting tired of this...
i shearched on the net how to kill tiamat (in henne mines) i see plp that beated him with lvl 18 and 19 character and i got basch at 25 , fran at 23 and vaan at 28.... and cant even put im in 30% life....
i already bought the best weapons and armor and shield at jahara im using them...
this is what i do: protect to every1 less fran, berserk to the guest and to basch and regen to basch....

so whats my error????????? can any1 tell me a good gambit for tiamat?
Well he has just short of 50,000 HP, so this will be a rather difficult battle at your level, I myself had a bit of trouble with tiamat, eventually I beat him with most of my characters at level 25.

Eventually I used gambits so that my whole party had protect, I also noticed he concentrates on one person at a time so therefore try tank up his target with lots of defense, keep casting cura/curaga on his target too with the use of a gambit, also equip black belts to your whole party, they are useful.

If you have berserk, it's also good to cast that on his main target

Good luck
The Decoy + Reverse combo can help alot.

Who ever is your main damage taker, cast reverse on them as well as decoy. This will mean Tiamat will only attack him and because he has reverse cast on him, Tiamat's attacks will heal him instead of doing damage.

Just make sure your healing gambits are set up in a way that won't target whichever character you have reverse cast on, otherwise to could unwittedly kill them.
i dont got curaga i only got cura and only van can do it....
i dont got reverse combo neither decoy....
and can u guys put me a good gambit for fran vaan and basch for tiamat??
by the way why every1 uses ashe and not vaan?

this pages shows already what i know .. i think i just need decoy and reverse combo.. where to egt them and how to leave tiamat?
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Double posting spree!
Oh well. Berserking Larsa is NOT a good idea. It's the last thing you want to happen.
He has an automatic Hi-Potion and X-Potion gambit - he will keep Hi-Potioning your guys and X-Potioning your HP Critical guys. The thing is, he has infinite potions. He won't use yours.
Set up a Protect gambit, like Ally:Any -> Protect.
Hack him with melee attacks, and when he's HP Critical dish out a quickening chain.
If you are lacking LP and/or EXP, say here to see my early levelling guide w/ Jellies in the Mines. Got to 35 with that tactic!
Also, spread out your guys so Disablega won't affect them all. If it does... hold the R2 button and run around in circles 'till it wears off.
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We can't give you a list of gambits that are useful when you don't have most of the spells, personally, i'd wait until later on in the game.

edit: oh yeah, berserk > larsa not a good idea, but tiamat usually only targets the person with most HP or the party leader.
kk ty guys right now im at rabanastre making hunts to be able to buyt things from clan seller :D after that ill get bubble and decoy btw how many quests i need to be able to buy?
You don't need to do those can beat him.
Just get protect, and at the Gate Crystal in Henne, summon Belias, Protect him, touch the crystal and enter the battle. When Belias uses Hellfire, just start hacking Tiamat with melee attacks.
i need shinryu believe .. belias only takes like 10-15% of his hp..

Edit: unless i keep curing him :O good idea but not playing right now got tired xD
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only 1 more question i saw some videos and when they pressed x (to open the menu) the mosnters stopped moving and didnt atk its like freezing , it happened until he closes the menu to give potions or spells etc in mine it doesnt work i press x and they keep fighting..
Set y our battle thing to wait instead of active, that'l freeze your screen