Need help please I am new here

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Morbid Beatz

May 31, 2007
In a house XD.
I am a new member and I was wondering if you would have to play any of the other final fantasy game to understand the new ones like Final Fantasy XII? If someone could please tell me or explain things please do. Thank you ^_^.
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Not really. All FF's are generally new/different games like each time. The only exceptions are sequels obviously, as they continue on a particular story. All you gotta know for this really is that it has no random battles. :)
Well, what exactly do you need help with? lol. I've played this game and it's a decent game. *nod, nod*
Every main game with it's own Roman Numeral in the series, has a different story. Final Fantasy IX is different from Final Fantasy XII.

However, take a look at Final Fantasy X. 3 years after the game was released, a sequel was made which we know as FFX-2. That has been the only game with a sequel so far, and built off of the previous game's story.

All of the main games have a different story, plot, character crew, ability system, etc. You should be perfectly fine playing FFXII without having any other prior Final Fantasy experience. Enjoy!
FFVII has several sequels, but that's because it is in a compilation. FFVIIAC, is set 1 year after the original game, and FFVIIDoC (Dirge of Cerberus) is set 1 year after AC (Advent Children), and is on the PS2.
Not at all. All of the games are different in their own special way. You don't have to play all of the other games in order to play in new ones!
No problem. I'll close this now since your question has been answered, but if you have anything else, feel free to make a topic in here.

Enjoy the FF series my friend. :)
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