-ok first of all i need help in the shop i have two level 100s and the rest are above level 40 but i only have level 60 equipment i completed the story mode and only did reports till gilgamesh and Prishe
-how does the relic system work i want good equipment that give bonus exp (for a build)
-how much was Tina (terra) nerfed i heard she was majorly nerfed but how did she get nerfed like what did they do to her because she was good in the first one
-I know tidus attack pattern by heart (for the most part) so is tidus good for training with Ex Death
-Jechts attack involve tricky combos and the only way to do them is listen to the grunts or watch for a red ring when he is in EX mode does that make the ring brighter so you can see better?
-for the exp build whats the easiest way to get super ribbon and whats a good EX build and how to get the items necessary and whats a good wall smash build and again how do i get the items necessary
i know im asking alot but please try to answer

-how does the relic system work i want good equipment that give bonus exp (for a build)
-how much was Tina (terra) nerfed i heard she was majorly nerfed but how did she get nerfed like what did they do to her because she was good in the first one
-I know tidus attack pattern by heart (for the most part) so is tidus good for training with Ex Death
-Jechts attack involve tricky combos and the only way to do them is listen to the grunts or watch for a red ring when he is in EX mode does that make the ring brighter so you can see better?
-for the exp build whats the easiest way to get super ribbon and whats a good EX build and how to get the items necessary and whats a good wall smash build and again how do i get the items necessary
i know im asking alot but please try to answer