Playstation New devil may cry

Well, you've an opinion, but I've never seen you get hostile about it before. Are you feeling okay? A little down or something? I have a host of funny pictures to cheer ya up! No seriously, just PM me and I'll link ya a couple of hilarious pics. They cheer me up on my worst days. :D
I'm behind, got deadlines coming out of my ears and interviews about to fall left right and centre so I am stressed-to-fuck. Haven't seen the gf since before New Year as shes in another country for at least another 2 weeks and I'm cutting down on the herbal smokables, having not had one since Monday. If there was a film about dead babies being thrown at a wall I'd probably go see it for shit and giggles, then go back the next day and burn the place down out of sickening rage.

But yes, moving on...

We've only seen bits of the game thus far. There's no reason to say they've completly done away from the white hair which is why I say he may have dyied it. It's not cool for the sake of being cool to the audience as such, or in the art directors mind, but because Dante himself is in that young rebellious phase and he does it to look cool on a personal level. Maybe, with what you said about Nephalims taken into consideration, a way to distance himself from his identity? (as its been hinted in other games he isn't all so proud of his heritage and being the spawn of Sparda). Later in the game it could very well change.

Even if it were a re-boot, it's still kind of a prequel in the sense that it looks like it takes place before the time of DMC3. Elements of the original timeline will still be relevant otherwise it just wouldn't be DMC. But we'll just have to wait and see when more info comes out.

Personally I wonder why Capcom or whomever hasn't come up with a prequel where we play as Sparda during his rebellion, with demons from DMC3 making an appearance. It could be a great PSP game. Worked for Square Enix with Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core.
We've only seen bits of the game thus far. There's no reason to say they've completly done away from the white hair which is why I say he may have dyied it. It's not cool for the sake of being cool to the audience as such, or in the art directors mind, but because Dante himself is in that young rebellious phase and he does it to look cool on a personal level. Maybe, with what you said about Nephalims taken into consideration, a way to distance himself from his identity? (as its been hinted in other games he isn't all so proud of his heritage and being the spawn of Sparda). Later in the game it could very well change.

You argue a good game. :hmmm: You may be on to something; I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, but don't feel bad if I maintain my skepticism until the game actually comes out. It may be that they're planning something like what was in DMC3 (i.e. 'awakening') but that makes me wonder what they have planned until that point. :\ Huh.

Even if it were a re-boot, it's still kind of a prequel in the sense that it looks like it takes place before the time of DMC3. Elements of the original timeline will still be relevant otherwise it just wouldn't be DMC. But we'll just have to wait and see when more info comes out.

I see what you mean -- something that would take place even earlier than DMC3. A true origins story. Interesting.

Personally I wonder why Capcom or whomever hasn't come up with a prequel where we play as Sparda during his rebellion, with demons from DMC3 making an appearance.

I would play the shit out of that game. :woot:
A new gameplay trailer was released:

Worth noting the beginning says "in progress", so I'm gonna hope that this isn't the final design.

Honestly, I think the gameplay isn't that bad. Pretty decent despite the Unreal Engine :hmmm:
I don't understand why this isn't made by Capcom and why it's a prequel... Have they stopped caring about the Devil May Cry franchise?
My opinions are mostly identical to Dragon Mage's so I'll skip those bits.

Capcom is really just doing more of the same it's always done: made very very stupid decisions. And Ninja Theory is doing what it did with it's last 2 games: making them boring gritty games that feel like 70s B-movies.

I'm not gonna deny DMC needed changes--but it didn't need these ones.

What makes me really angry is Ninja Theory's attitude to fans and the series' style. They don't care what the fans think and yet both they and Capcom expect to take money from the people they've disappointed and scorned. NT came out and said it: We don't care what the fans think.

It's one thing to disregard the crazier ideas fans have and it's totally another to ignore what the fans want out of a series.

And the other thing, them coming out and saying shit like this: "What was cool 12 years ago isn't cool anymore."

Oh really? You idiots think we played DMC because it was 'cool'?

This just shows what colossal, arrogant fags these guys are. People played DMC because it was FUN. Dante was FUN because he's such a crazy and funny character. The gameplay is FUN because it's so ridiculous. WE CARED ABOUT THE FUN. That's what made the game cool.

You're saying that fun is not cool anymore. You're saying that gothic styles and visions of hell are not cool anymore. You're saying that a character who can be badass without needing to smoke isn't cool.

You're saying that the only thing cool nowadays is emo. It's cool to look like a fucking hobo. Depressing, post-apocalyptic grittiness that EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER HAS DONE AND IS DOING IN GAMES, is cool. You're telling us that it's cool to be chain smokers.

You know what, Ninja Theory, you can go fuck yourselves with pineapples if that's what you think.


I'm still going to give this game one fighting chance, as opposed to the multiple chances I gave DMC4--which btw didn't really deliver but it still kept its fucking dignity.

I understand the whole reboot idea but when you reboot something you want it to still have some semblance to the original and this one just doesn't. The E3 trailer looks slapped together in a hurry and honestly, doesn't give me that sense of giddy excitements that the trailers of 1, 3 and hell even 4 managed to instill in me.

And for all intents and purposes they're going with a boring 'the world is a lie you're insane, fight your personal demons' line that is just predictable. It's cribbing into other games who do this right because they FOCUS on it. DMC focused on a simpler, much more fun notion that a demon world really did exist and you were saving the world from demons.

Like I said, it focused on fun. DmC is evidently focusing on waaaaaaaaaangst.

*shakes head* And now that announcement about basing the movie on this... I'm disappointed and very sad.

The series I loved is dead. Capcom started to slowly strangle it back as early as DMC1 and delivered the final blow with this. Why? Because they really don't care about or respect their fans. They only care about making a buck at the cost of the quality of their games and ruining everything the gamers loved in them.
Capcom and Ninja Theory aim to take DmC to the next level with the same Devil May Cry DNA fans love

Here are some new details straight from Capcom at E3.

  • Capcom will be bringing everything fans want more weapons new enemies, new abilities, and keep the same feel from previous games that fans love.
  • There will be interactive environments and the world will shift and shape changing the levels will be a new feature in the game.
  • New world,new Dante and new style
  • The director working on the project has worked on all previous devil may cry games.
  • Ninja Theory respects the DMC brand and wants to innovate the series
  • The new weapons will add an additional layer of depth to the game that will integrate with the combat and puzzle solving
  • Yes there will be brand new bosses
  • Fans of the previous games will be pleasantly surprised at who will be in the game
  • brand new story that will change the series
  • More characters and story details will be revealed soon
I am excited to see more as im sure all DMC fans are! If you havent seen the trailer already then check it out here.

I wholeheartedly appreciate you bringing us these news as well as your enthusiasm about this reboot. I wish I could share it.

But I call bullshit. I've called Capcom's bullshit in its 'promises' before. Repeatedly. And sadly I've been right.

Capcom will be bringing everything fans want more weapons new enemies, new abilities, and keep the same feel from previous games that fans love.

That's what they said back in the day with DMC2. We all know how that went. And then again with DMC4. Fans are still divided.

Ninja Theory respects the DMC brand and wants to innovate the series

Yeah, respect that, baby. They respect it so much that they took everything that made it fun and chucked it out the window. They respect it so much they decided it should just be a sheep and do what everyone and their mother is doing, piling on the grit, the ugliness and the post-apocalyptic urban setting. They're making it look like its all in Dante's head. Seriously, that's what everyone does. They respect the character who MADE the series fun so much that they turn him into an emo, malnourished hobo who's uglier than sin (Dante was never meant to be a model or whatever but he certainly wasn't an ugly fuck either) that's also a chain smoker. Nice message, guys: "Durr-HURR! Smoking is KEWEL!"

The new weapons will add an additional layer of depth to the game that will integrate with the combat and puzzle solving

They said the same things about DMC4. The new weapons did little to make the game anything spectacular.

Fans of the previous games will be pleasantly surprised at who will be in the game

More likely lies and promises they will never keep. They've done this before and while people were surprised, they were also unhappy. People will expect familiar faces like Vergil or Lady or Trish. Who wants to bet Nero will show up somehow instead?

brand new story that will change the series

Don't fix what ain't broke is what I say. What the series needed was a PROPER WRITER who gave a shit about the plot and understood it. And when I say understood it, I mean they ought to realize that the cheesiness and the camp were integral to the series style--it's what people loved about DMC. People liked the notion that they were controlling a really cool character who actually literally saved the world from real, actual demons and was involved in a war that was older than history. The series needed tidying up to close plotholes and try to put some semblance of CONTINUITY and timeline, that the series desperately needed. But no, instead we're gonna get another helping of the copy-pasta-for-plots and impossibly bad dialogue that Ninja Theory's notorious for (I'm looking at you, Heavenly Sword and Enslaved).

Yeah, lotta good that'll do to the series...

Am I bitter? Yes. Disappointed? You bet. I'm not very hopeful about this series. I've stopped being hopeful since about the time I realized that
a) Capcom cannot keep shit out of their series to save their lives and
b) Ninja Theory couldn't write themselves out of a paper bag. Both their previous big games had terrible plots and forgettable, irritating characters.

These trailers are just funneling my remaining optimism away. They look rushed and slapdash. I don't like the style direction they're taking because it's just so overdone and boring, and I certainly don't like Ninja Theory's arrogant as hell attitude. If you idiots don't give a flying fuck about what the fans want, I don't see why people should give their money to you. They're turning me off thoughts of even trying this out more than the game does.

I'm still gonna give the game a fighting chance, but they're gonna have to do something really good to offset all this bad.

A Key Addition To DmC Devil May Cry Is Dynamic, Changing Environments

At E3, Capcom conducted an interview with two of their lead producers overseeing DmC Devil May Cry, being developed in collaboration with Cambridge-based Ninja Theory. Representing Capcom were Alex Jones, senior producer at Capcom USA, and Motohide Eshiro, producer at Capcom Japan.

The interview kicked off with a question about the style of combat depicted in the game’s trailer at E3 2011, and what part of getting the trailer to feel like a Devil May Cry game was the hardest. Jones took the question.

“I think the air combos and combos in general,” he replied. “Getting that right has been the hardest part of the development cycle, and it’s the part I’m most proud of Ninja Theory for having captured, working obviously closely with CJ [Capcom Japan]. But just getting that look, feel, that responsiveness in place was obviously the hardest part.”

Another question pointed out the way the environment around Dante changed in the trailer, and asked whether any information regarding this could be shared.

“Well, one of the things we want to play with is the idea of dynamic, interactive backgrounds and environments,” Jones replied, “so there’s a fictional element that controls when that happens, but basically, the world can shift and shape under Dante’s feet, forcing him to have to react to different situations in the game.”

He added: “It is one of the key new adds for this title and one that we’ll be looking to explore in as much depth as possible.”

You can watch the full interview embedded above. Capcom promise more information on DmC before the end of the year.
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