New FF players


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
Not sure if this is in the right place.........

I have FINALLY convinced a good friend to give Final Fantasy a go, he has never played it in his life and is more into GTA & racing games & suchlike

I have started him on VII which is where I first began I really hope he likes it lol but tbh, I don't have high hopes

Has anyone else tried to get someone who would so not normally be intersted in an RPG to play FF and succeeded??
I tried getting my bro to play FF games, and although he started on VII, he only got as far as out of Midgar, then quit. =/

Then he played FFX, but he was more in it for the storyline than leveling up. He never stopped to level up or anything - didn't even finish the whole I would say that it didn't work for him. =(
I don't think that FFVII is a good place to start for someone who is new to the series. It might not be as easy to impress someone with polygonal graphics, bad translations, and a very tedious story line.

I would say start him off with FFX or FFXII first. FFX has a lot more tid bits, e.g. more sidequests, mini games, and things of that sort. And FFXII is a lot more free flowing; you can pretty much go anywhere and do anything any time that you want throughout the game. Plus the graphics won't scare anyone away (since most people are picky about graphics). XD
Well, I think the only person I ever got to play Final Fantasy was Erythritol. I introduced her to Final Fantasy back in Middle school when we were in middle school.

Edit: Well, I don't think FFVII is bad to start with. FFVII is the game most GTA, sports, racing, causal gamers usually play. I've met some guys that thought FFVII was awesome but never touched another RPG besides FFVII.
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I got my friend to ply FFX, then she got FFIX and loved it, we completed it round my house and she was crying at the ending... then she got FFVIII.

Ouch, bad move XD
None whatever. All my relatives are completely oblivious to the fact that video games aren't all retardant. They think the usual - "Geez man, look how old you're getting and you're still playing this kiddy sh*t"/ "Look at the graphics (FFVII) *laughs*

bah. I was actually the one that my friends got into the game, so naturally there is no one else for me to bring to ff. I guess it can work though if I got into it.
I tried getting my friend into playing Final Fantasy ... he started with X, and didn't bother completing it. He also got XII, but he sucks at it :P He always complains about the battlesystem. "If you're going to kill something, wouldn't you just hack the shit out of it?! You wouldn't just wait."

Gah, explaining the ATB system would be disasterous then ...
I tried getting my friend into playing Final Fantasy ... he started with X, and didn't bother completing it. He also got XII, but he sucks at it :P He always complains about the battlesystem. "If you're going to kill something, wouldn't you just hack the shit out of it?! You wouldn't just wait."

Gah, explaining the ATB system would be disasterous then ...

Yeah iv encoutered that problem with him already lol

He actually wanted to start from FFI, he couldn't see why I would start him half way thru the series. Oh how many times did I have to explain they didn't follow on from each other :rolleyes:

I also tried to get him to play X first but he wasn't listening to me at all by that point. XII omg I think his head would blow up with thegambit system. I struggled myself so he'd be doomed haha
I've actually never had to bother. Everyone that I thought would even remotely like the series had already divulged into the older games, which mildly surprised me.

Though now that I'm thinking on the subject, I can't remember what got me into the series.
Someome else persuaded me to play, but I went to them 'cause I was looking for a game - not the same. Me? I've never been able to convince someone... My friend Lucy's a girly girl. She likes make-up and boys, and I can't even get her to read "Twilight", a book for girls. She prefers novels by Jordon/Katie Price. In fact, I only know one person locally who plays video games. My friend Maxine. She thinks Final Fantasy is "garbage" and much prefers games where you simply beat people up. She's not willing to consider the idea that the stories are good... Frankly, she only likes kids stories about boys.
I have never convinced people that final fantasy is good, they just can't get past the fact that the graphics ain't high tech and would much prefer to play halo or another shoot em up game. I personally got into final fantasy when I was in fareham and my friend had ff9 so I thought it looked good so I tried it, it looked good so when I moved to farnborough I bought ff10 and have been collecting since then. the first time I ever saw an ff game was ff8 when I was about 7 or 8 and it looked cool to me but never went further.
I keep trying to get my cousin into it. He HAS played 7 before but he was only like 9 and probably didnt understand how it works. (This was in 1997 btw) Now when i try to get him to give 1 of the games another chance but he just calls me the G word :( Anyone know what i could do? LOL. :P
don't think that FFVII is a good place to start for someone who is new to the series. It might not be as easy to impress someone with polygonal graphics, bad translations, and a very tedious story line.

I would say start him off with FFX or FFXII first. FFX has a lot more tid bits, e.g. more sidequests, mini games, and things of that sort. And FFXII is a lot more free flowing; you can pretty much go anywhere and do anything any time that you want throughout the game. Plus the graphics won't scare anyone away (since most people are picky about graphics). XD

I get what you mean, but look at it this way, who would play a game with the graphics of FFVII after playing FFX and FFXII? They'd be disappointed from the start, I've seen it happen.

The best way is to play them in order IMO.

Also I got this kid to play FFX, but it's not going well :D I think he won't finish it :/
I used to talk about FF so much at my taekwondo class that I leant my good friend Tom FFX, and he loves it - he bought XII for himself, which surprised me, and he's finding the battle system a bit boring atm - he's only at the beginning mind you, and Tom is the sort of person who likes non stop action haha, so me and another friend said that the battle system will only get better once you get more things to play around with in XII.
The majority of my friends...actually, I'd be inclined to say all just arent interested, they are either too girly or too blokey lol. Whenever I mention FF thier eyes glazze over and they slowly back away

Not making much progress with the current person I'm trying to get to play it. He's mercifully buttion bashing in battles ''it's turn based Andrew....'' And then in the shop in the sector 7 slums he bought 3 fire materias!!!!! omg, there's no hope.....
I think it's easiest to get a person hooked on one of the more recent games. At the very least, he or she will be hooked on the more superficial modern aspects (e.g. graphics), and after playing for some time will come to love the less transient aspects (e.g. story and/or game mechanics).
I have tried getting so many of my friends who love video games intrested in Final Fantasy and I have not gotten one of them interested. They won't even try the game at all which really pisses me off because I know if they try playing one of the games, they'll be hooked.
I got my brother into it starting with FFVII.
I got my best friend into it starting with FFX.
I got one of my other friends into it starting with FFX.
I got yet another one of my friends into it starting with FFVII.
And I got about 3 or 4 people i met online into it starting with FFIX.

To sum up my quest, FFVII works better on people who are already pretty good at complex games such as RPG's (my brother used to play Grandia until I showed him FF), and FFX works better on newcomers to RPG's in general. FFIX works either way since its an easy game to start with then gradually gets complex, so training newcomers when they play it.
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