New FF players

I talked about FFVII so much my friend got tired of hearing it and decided to play he's hooked on FF too........i don't think he ever beat the game though.........
I haven't been able to convince a single person. I find myself surrounded by anti-anime freaks. Concerning video games they reject everything that comes out of Asia. Strange people indeed. They're so devoted to this "cause" of theirs that they even reject Resident Evil and Silent Hill aswell.'s their loss.:)
That, is exactly my problem. Usually people recoil when they see my game collection hahaha. People seem to think i'm insane, although I fully intend to harrass a friend with KH in a few weeks. That should be fun, I have a save saved right before Xaldin :wacky:

Other than that, I've all but given up on the whole idea now..... I need friends that aren't quite so chavish I think >_<
I tried to get one of my friends into FF, but I started her on XII and she thought it was too hard. It does take some getting used to, but I didn't think it was all that bad. She threw down the controller though and gave up before we had even played for an hour. Maybe I should have started her with X, since it's easier to follow..

Thinking of a newbie fighting Xaldin makes me laugh. It took me forever to kill that bastard my first play through, so I can just see the look on his/her face when he comes on the screen :wacky:
Thinking of a newbie fighting Xaldin makes me laugh. It took me forever to kill that bastard my first play through, so I can just see the look on his/her face when he comes on the screen :wacky:

I was sending rants of epic proportions to him and he was like 'oh your crap, I'd kick his arse' I'm holding him to said comment and I can't WAIT for him to die within 3 seconds. X is hit...that's all he needs to know :wacky:

Then I shall mock him greatly and ask him if he would prefer to start from the beginning in beginner mode, altho sadly, I think Xaldin may put him off for life hahahah
I wish I could see him playing it! That would be epic lulz :wacky: You should make him play the part with that guy who has all of the cards.. I don't remember his name, but I know I had my ass handed to me on a plate.

lol I know Xaldin wounded my pride, so it probably will put him off of the game. Oh well, at least you get some laughs in first :P
Ah Luxord. That was a fun fight.

I'd suggest for new players to start with some of the 2D games if you can get hold of them, since a lot of them have had GBA or DS remakes, and are easier to get used to the combat system, I find. FFXII is pretty complex, not a good beginner's game at all
Ah Luxord. That was a fun fight.

I'd suggest for new players to start with some of the 2D games if you can get hold of them, since a lot of them have had GBA or DS remakes, and are easier to get used to the combat system, I find. FFXII is pretty complex, not a good beginner's game at all

Luxord! That was his name. It took me no telling how long to beat him..

Well, my first FF game was XII, so since I was up for the challenge I thought my friend would be too. Boy, was I wrong! I admit, it was a hard game to start out on, but I was able to do it. I plan on making her try again one of these days..
My mum and my younger brothers and sisters are obsessed with FF!! I played X a few years ago when I was with my ex (urgh no intended wordplay :mad:) but then my mum got me playing FFVII last year and we've been hooked since. It's like a race to see who can complete the most games :confused:

As for my friends, yeah it's no-go with them too. Maybe when I start Uni I might find some fans there ^^
after a long and difficult discussion with one of my friends i finally managed to get him to play FFVII but he got bored of how 'weak' cloud was so i showed him one of my games (which happened to be my strongest game) and he asked me "how the fuck did you get your team that strong" and i told him that he should pick the game up and continue playing it, he did so and just after he had finished the second disc he borrowed my copy of FFX,X-2 and VIII... hang on a second he still has them AHHHHHHHHH i must get them back but yea now my friend loves the FF series and it's all because of the knights of the round summon and Vincent's chaos limit break
I started with VIII, then worked backwards for a while through VII and VI. Jumped forward to X now tho. Glad i started with VIII, think its the best one IMO. But then they'll always be a soft spot for VIII with me as it was my 1st. Must say tho X is looking pretty sweet atm.