New final fantasy 7 ps3 coming out next month

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Isnt it like 120 or something? im sure I heard that somewhere, although, I could be pulling it from my arse


aslong as it get released in the US, i can get a copy, cos it'll work on the English Ps3's

This would be niiiicee.

I also HIGHLY doubt it will be out next month, i had say kingdom hearts was coming out 'tommorow' and it dint come out for another year and a half, i was well annoyed when i look back at that lol

cant wait if this comes out :D

EDIT: just realized FF7 remake ist coming out as planned :(
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I think its cool that they did that but really, i wouldn't buy it unless its the same price as a normal PS3 and i didn't already have one. I mean, i could just get a sticker with that or paint it on :awesome:

But like Phoenix said, there just milking it for every penny they can get.
hella good times.

It will be a while til i can afford a PS3. all my friends fill the same way. Some have the system and others are sticking with the Ps2.I got a psp last year and will probally get a DS this year. I'll get Ps3 when the price goes down or if i find a used and cheap one.

THe PS3 looks great though. I likes. Also the FF7ACC looks nice from all I've seen of it. Can't wait til it comes out.
what is the point of buying it... what I realy would like to se is a re-make of the game or a full explination of the original stroy... its like shakespeare's plays it can be interpreted in so many different ways.... Luckily the people who made the game are still alive so we can ask them... although I personaly know no-one :.(
Sorry to say it, but FF:AC Complete will be avaiable only in Japan... It have some new scenes... I gues PS3 AC:complete console will be also only in Japan (it will be released with FF13 DEMO - PACK)
what is the point of buying it... what I realy would like to se is a re-make of the game or a full explination of the original stroy... its like shakespeare's plays it can be interpreted in so many different ways.... Luckily the people who made the game are still alive so we can ask them... although I personaly know no-one :.(

I Kinda Liked How The Game Was Mysterious And Such... Leaving So Many Unanswered Questions Was A Great Affect. Thats How It Was Supposed To Be Made... And Id Get It Again Just For The Hell Of It, Seeing As It Would Be Pretty Cool Having An Updated Version Of One Of The Greatest Games Ever.
I Kinda Liked How The Game Was Mysterious And Such... Leaving So Many Unanswered Questions Was A Great Affect. Thats How It Was Supposed To Be Made... And Id Get It Again Just For The Hell Of It, Seeing As It Would Be Pretty Cool Having An Updated Version Of One Of The Greatest Games Ever.

The reason why there was so many plot holes was because the game was rushed and unfinished.

I might actually get this PS3 (I still need one XD) but only if it's at a fair price... Or reduced XD
I thought this meant a remake of ff7 for a second -dumb face-
The console does look cool though.
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I also, for the initial few seconds, thought this was referring to an FFVII remake. But I guess the news would be much more widespread than just one post on this forum if that was the case... the PS3 looks cool and all, but I wouldn't waste my money on a special edition. Those things are just too expensive.

And now I've posted and I can stop getting notifications saying I haven't posted in a few weeks.
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