New Forum Titles & Names

  • Computing & Technology - Shinra's Office
  • Music Studio - FFF Jukebox
  • Role Playing Central - Monster Arena
  • Best of FFF - Final Fantasy History
Wow! Thanks for the ideas guys. Please keep them coming 'cause we still need the other's to post up their ideas including the new visitors to this site.
Music Studio- Nobuo Uematsu's corner.

Well for the creativity forum why not call it something that has the name RELM from FF6 in it?
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Anything to do with books should go under Shinra Mansion--that's my suggestion. X3
Here are some ideas:

Voting Booth - the Choco Ballots
Books & Literature - Tomes of Fantasy
Creativity Inspiration - The BrainStorm Factory

-Computing and Technology - Space Paranoids! :cool:
-Temple of the Ancients - Ansem's Study!
-Music Studio - Open Air Concert
-Books and Literature - Ansem's Study!
-Home Theatre - Opera House
-Zanarkand City - Bevelle?
-Opera House - [That exhibition place, you know, in the Gold Saucer! The place where you get the Keystone!]
-Creativity & Inspiration - Shimmering Isle
-Role-Playing Central - GOLD SAUCER
-Competitions and Events - CHOCOBO RACING
-Best of FFF - The Good Ol' Days
-The Comic Book Rack - Top Shelf :cool:

This is all that I could come up with. As you can see, Josh, I'm ADAMANT that SOMETHING is named "Ansem's Study" :P

new titles

voting booth- moogles tally box
computing and technology-cids workshop
temple of the ancients-cetras library
ye old deep sea research center-leviathans observatory
books and literature-the sealed tomes
drama guide-kefkas playbook
comic book rack-manga madness