New Gaia Moderator

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Dropping in to say congratuwelldone to the new moderator! I hope you have a ball Luke!
Congratulations, Luke!

I can imagine that you'll do a grand job.

Welcome to the team. :argor:
Ah yeds, congratulations for becoming the new clarifier.
LukeLC First off congratulations my forum best bud, you deserve it as well it will give you something to do to fill in that empty schedule you have :P (I kid) Do the forum proud and make this forum progress :D And a side note...liking the SAO sig and avatar :P
Congratulations! I believe that you will do well :)
See you around.
And a side note...liking the SAO sig and avatar :P

Thanks! I'll probably change my username to Kirito soon (it's at least somewhat creative...right?) but I went ahead and set up the new sig/avatar to get people used to my new appearance :)

I hate that guy =(

That's ok, I still like you :lew:
You kinda failed as an editorial staff member so I hope you do better as a staff member. Good luck.
Let's not turn this into an "I don't like you/what you write" thread, guys. This isn't a podium for you to air your grievances. If you have a complaint, you know the proper protocol. Thanks.
Let's not turn this into an "I don't like you/what you write" thread, guys. This isn't a podium for you to air your grievances. If you have a complaint, you know the proper protocol. Thanks.

I was just joking :lew:

If im being honest i had no idea who it even was. Username changes and all that.

EDIT: but now i do
Well I wasnt joking. You were an editorial staff member why moderating now? It feels you gave up instead releasing better material.

I apologize if im getting too personal. I know you are an avid FFXIII praiser from day 1 thus my reaction.
If its something he wanted to do who cares :wacky: Theres no shame in giving up on something you dont wanna do or dont enjoy!

Been a while Dennis!
If its something he wanted to do who cares :wacky: Theres no shame in giving up on something you dont wanna do or dont enjoy!

Been a while Dennis!
I completely agree with this statement, there is nothing wrong with it and considering this isn't much news lately to warrant like 5 editorial staff members having another moderator in a section that needs it seems like a good thing to do. Also considering Kirito wanted to do this more than his editorial work then leave him be and let him get on with it.
Well I wasnt joking. You were an editorial staff member why moderating now? It feels you gave up instead releasing better material.

I apologize if im getting too personal. I know you are an avid FFXIII praiser from day 1 thus my reaction.

Well, why can't he do both? Why can't he write articles for the front page (and I wager that he does still enjoy doing it, because the Musical Musings articles are still going on) and moderate Gaia at the same time? There's nothing stopping any of the other staff members from coming out with their own articles if they so wish, and I would encourage that.

And what does his opinion of FFXIII have to do with, or have any bearing on his part as Gaia mod and as a person, anyway?
Its been a while aye :P

You guys have valid points. I might be bitching and just act dumb, but here is my thoughts:

I have a feeling people seem to apply for staff just for the sake of it and not actually contributing. Posting articles is actually contributing, but if hardly anyone comments whats the point really?

I wish him good luck as a gaia mod. I have hardly been online on fff lately but I never saw him much in gaia section.

Final Fantasy is not a hot topic anymore like in the past imo and its odd to see the homepage still filled with SE news/articles only. Adri suggested other game news would be nice, but so far nothing has been done...

I myself would certainly not be a good mod:

1 Im biased and not objective.
2 I dont have the time to mod.

He praised FFXIII to the point it was annoying for me and therefore Im glad he isnt made a SE News mod. I suppose im rambling for no solid reason other than personal attidude.

Sorry for the derailment, but the admins make the choices and I hope for FFF its the right decisions. FFF now has Articles, but its still on the same level as before. I dont see any progress tbh.
Its been a while aye :P

You guys have valid points. I might be bitching and just act dumb, but here is my thoughts:

I have a feeling people seem to apply for staff just for the sake of it and not actually contributing. Posting articles is actually contributing, but if hardly anyone comments whats the point really?

I wish him good luck as a gaia mod. I have hardly been online on fff lately but I never saw him much in gaia section.

Final Fantasy is not a hot topic anymore like in the past imo and its odd to see the homepage still filled with SE news/articles only. Adri suggested other game news would be nice, but so far nothing has been done...

I myself would certainly not be a good mod:

1 Im biased and not objective.
2 I dont have the time to mod.

He praised FFXIII to the point it was annoying for me and therefore Im glad he isnt made a SE News mod. I suppose im rambling for no solid reason other than personal attidude.

Sorry for the derailment, but the admins make the choices and I hope for FFF its the right decisions. FFF now has Articles, but its still on the same level as before. I dont see any progress tbh.

woah woah woah woah, HOLD IT, i'm sorry to say this but a rare Stevie rant incoming

I said this a few times before and i'll say this again, this forum has one of the best staff teams I seen around the internet, pretty much everybody that moderates are ative in the community, the GFX mod infact does regular GFX Work, Greeny is a huge gamer which is needed for gaia, he also regularly chats on the shoutbox, Liral (Judy) and cid are huge FF Fans, which are needed for that section. and editors have been doing a great job.

The community has been getting better and better since the addition of CMS has been added, I think the only small improvments that is needed is more advertizing on the socal network sites, other than that the site has beenh doing great, better than the other sites have been and this form has been going the longest out of the three.

I feel that the staff always listens to other members within the community, even as a standard member I feel my voice is heard, everybody on staff are humans and are very nice to talk to. I would like to now wuote my application I made for Gaia mod, as I feel this bit sums up my views on the staff

Gaia Application for Stevie said:
+ In your eyes, what makes a forum successful? Provide some examples, and this doesn’t have to be limited to FFF.: finding ways to keep the forums active, also making sure that the staff keep talking to members, for example, I am a staff member over on Dissidia Forums, which has a IRC Channel, yet I am the only member of staff that regular the irc and post in threads all around the forum, and talk to members. I always loved this place for the sheer amount of time the staff spends asking for member's input and just getting to know members

+ In your own definition, what does it mean to become a staff member for this community? What inspired you to become part of the staff team? If you can give one positive feedback to the staff, what would it be? Any pointers?: As above, I always admired the staff team for always talking to members, all major decisions are done with the members views in mind, even as a standard member, i feel my voice is heard, and I want to join and continue that support and help out with the great job the entire mod team does.

Now, everybody has a right for their views, I accept that... but there no need for this.

Also..... the fact that him Liking FFXIII means he wouldn't be a good member of staff is the biggest bullshit I ever heard... that like saying I can't make games because I like it, or saying i can't get edfucated because someone has a disability, xcomplete utter crap. Mods, please exsuse my manner
Wooow, glad I do jack shit around here! (kidding!) :wacky:

Everyone, calm down. Seriously. There will always be people that sign up for the wrong reasons, the most important part is is that you guys should know by now that our current admins are more than capable of picking someone solid for staff. I know that may sound odd or ridiculous even coming from a moderator, and it's not to praise myself, but I know damn well I don't slack around like people taking on Spira could've done.

If Luke wants to contribute to our community while continuing writing articles, that's his decision, that doesn't make it any less effort coming off on his end. I mod Spira, I write articles, hell, I have fun with it.

People are always going to have their difference in opinion, and that's FINE, if every single moderator was on board with hating FF8 and loving FF10, we might as well just hire one staff member and call it quits. The differences in personalities is a good thing. People who care about a community growing will look at that, and realize it.

All in all, though... Calm down, guys...
, Greeny is a huge gamer which is needed for gaia,

Actually it's not. Only one section of Gaia involves gaming, and it's not hugely busy. It's mostly just Costa Del Sol now. It used to be more difficult when people posted in the debate section and Spam. What it requires is being sensible and a thickish skin, which is why both of the Global Clarifiers and 2 of the Admin Clarifiers were Gaia mods.
I shan't give my opinion on who was clarified to be Gaia mod as I will be clarified like poor James the Martyr.
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