New guy here


Hello new guy! Im also a newbie! Welcome to Final Fantasy Forums!

P.S. Hey Guys I just made a new banner do you like?
But if not everyone can relate to a conversation, isn't that a ban-worthy rule-breaking?
It's a final fantasy forum. They're discussing FFXI. Just because some people can't understand the lingo doesn't mean they're breaking any rules. I mean, not everyone can relate to a conversation about homosexuality, but I don't think that's ban-worthy rulebreaking.
It's a final fantasy forum. They're discussing FFXI. Just because some people can't understand the lingo doesn't mean they're breaking any rules. I mean, not everyone can relate to a conversation about homosexuality, but I don't think that's ban-worthy rulebreaking.
Can you please type in the forum default font? Yours is too hard to read.
Can you please type in the forum default font? Yours is too hard to read.
Very well. Because Courier New is such an abstract font. . . .
By the way, in quoting my post, you put it into the default font. So, there's no need for me to change that.

Odd, though. None of the other members. . . those I respect, actually, which is almost all of them, seem to mind. Perhaps the fact that I disagree with you causes some bias. . . .

By the way, Gene, if you'd rather me shut up and stay out of this, just say so.
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Hey, fix your font, it's tough to read. I don't feel like highlighting or quoting all of your posts. I guess some people aren't very eager to get their point across.
Plz guys don't talk about FFXI k
anyway this is the most boring word u will ever heared :
Hi nice to meet u:)