New Harry Potter book


I'm nothing but a beast
Feb 6, 2007
"It's the news all Harry Potter fans will have been waiting for - a new work about the boy wizard by JK Rowling.

The author has penned a prequel to the bestselling seven-book series describing what happened to Harry before he went to Hogwarts. The fact that the new work - written for a charity auction - is just 800 words long is unlikely to dampen fans' enthusiasm for finding out what is in it. The new piece is one of 13 story outlines written by famous writers for a charity auction to be held by Waterstones on June 10."


I don't quite know what to think of this myself, as I thought she'd made enough money from the series as it is. I'm sure all you Harry Potter maniacs will be well chuffed though.

I'm not really a fan of the books anymore, I've grown up reading them but I think that's it for me, tbh.
It's fanservice for charity, so it's a good thing.
But 800 words? That's probably not even two normal pages
It's fanservice for charity, so it's a good thing.

You know what? I totally forgot that it was for charity. :wacky:

But 800 words? That's probably not even two normal pages

I've got a feeling it will be a lot more than a few pages. As it will be so short, they'll have to paper-back the book.

I'm just curious as to what time it will be set in, now. I know it's a prequel, but will it be set before or after he gets shipped of to live with the Dursleys?
I thought she might make a prequel at some point but I would never have guessed that she would make it a chairty thing...but all is great, there are bound to be hundreds of people at least bidding large amounts of money. So at least the cause is good.

But 800 words isn't very long what is she going to do, just summarize the part where Voldemort kills his parents? =/
Well, that's good it's for charity and all of that. I, personally, don't care about the series, anymore. Deathly Hallows pretty much put the nail in the coffin where that's concerned. But, like I said, it's great for charity and for those who still love the series, I suppose. :)
Eh another harry potter? I dont think it wont be as good as the first 7.
Eh another harry potter? I dont think it wont be as good as the first 7.

Seeing as it's only 800 words, I seriously doubt it will be as good as any of the first seven books in the series.
800 words? I've seen fanfiction with more words than that...

Still if it's for charity it can only be a good thing, since enough people are still hyped by Harry Potter to pay loads of money for it.
I used to like the series quite alot, though I haven't read the last book yet, and I've lost interest, really. I wouldn't waste money on a tiny short story, even if I was interested in the series, yet I can see how some Potter fanbois/girls would.
I can see this making lots of money for charity so think it's great. Hell, I would read it. I was a big fan of the series and think Rowling is a great writer. I wouldn't be surprised if she did more things like this too, she doesn't seem to be able to stop writing.
I heard about this the other day, I've read afew of the books but I'm not really a big fan, it was just something to do to wj=hile away the hours of boredom when I was with an ex :monster:

Although I did quite enjoy them :wacky:

Will this little prequel thing even be available to the general public or is it just gunna be one copy that makes a fortune at charity never to be seen again.....?
Will this little prequel thing even be available to the general public or is it just gunna be one copy that makes a fortune at charity never to be seen again.....?
That's what I was wondering too, I just assumed that if it wasn't it would still manage to leak it's way onto the internet somehow. Some people were actually sad enough to type out the whole 7th book the day it came out so I wouldn't be surprised... it's only 800 words after all. :monster:
However, it completely depends on who buys it in the chairty auction because a lot of people will be willing to splash out big time to be the only person to own the prequel. I'm gonna say that it won't make the internet unless the person who buys it is willing to share.
However, it completely depends on who buys it in the chairty auction because a lot of people will be willing to splash out big time to be the only person to own the prequel. I'm gonna say that it won't make the internet unless the person who buys it is willing to share.
I guess that depends on who ends up winning the auction; nerdy uber-collector who wants it to add to his Harry Potter shrine, or the guy who wants to make a profit from selling it on. I'd still imagine that it'll find it's way onto the internet one way or another.
I would think that after the original has been auctioned off, they will be mass produced.

The eagerness of the fans will be too much for Schoolastic to resist the tempation of cashing in on it.
It has been like what some predicted it would be after the last book was released. Less interest and discussions about the serie in general. 800 words is less then I expected, but Im quite sure that there are many young fans that would like to get their hands on it. Harsch that they want something they most likely cant have..

Its nice to see that it goes to charity at least..
I heard about this, some sort of encyclopedia!? I personally can't wait for it. My favorite series of books ever. J.K. is quite the legend!!

Yes, I'm a Harry Potter fanboy!
I heard that it's gonna have somthing to do with James and Lily Potter, the story of how there friends betrayed them...yatayata.