New Here


Jun 1, 2016
Hello there. I'm not to this site. I've been a Final Fantasy fan really since I played FFX, it was my first, it was also my gateway in gaming. Sure, I played on the Sega Genesis back in the day, but it never did it for me.

Now, I'm sitting here, as a 25 year old. Married, owning a house, gaming is something I don't get to do often. And when I do, I have to pick and choose which games I get to spend an hour doing. And I also play Guild Wars 2 like it is nobody's business. Recently, as you all know, FFX-HD finally got released on the PC. I'm pretty excited for it. I just convinced my wife to let me purchase it, and I've logged 10 hours so far. Oh how I missed this game.

But since I started playing it, I began wondering... what happened to the old community I was part of during my High School life. Sadly, that fan site/forum died. And I mean royally died. So please adopt me?
Hello and welcome to the forum! We're always happy to take new members under our wing. There are a number of FFX fans here so I'm sure you'll feel right at home here in no time!

If you have any questions, feel free to send myself or any member of staff a message; we're here to serve!

Enjoy your stay!! :)
Welcome! Make sure to say Hi in the shoutbox, that's where all the cool people hang out :grin: :smiff:
Thanks for the Welcome guys. I hoping, by some random chance, old friends from that old community/forum made their way here. There was a lot of drama involved with it and it's been dead for a few years. They tried to revitalize it, but forum bots proved to be too much and overwhelmed the site. The Owner also just decided to up and leave.
It's likely some may have joined in the past, but just haven't stayed.

But you get the next best thing, which! :jess:

Welcome to the forums~
Yea I got to throw down my wecome as well as thanks for your advice, its always good to see new people join, as has been said feel free to chat in the shout box we dont bite {Often}.

Hope to see you become active and involved around here.
Welcome to Final Fantasy Forum! We appreciate you on joining our community. Please feel free to post anything related to the series. Hope that you stay active and enjoy the forum. Any question feel free to ask the staff member.
It's likely some may have joined in the past, but just haven't stayed.

But you get the next best thing, which! :jess:

Welcome to the forums~

welcome to the forums, if you get the next best thing aka us, be warned some Cabbage roam around... feel free to kill it!
Welcome to the Forum, may you get everything you wish out of this fine place! If you need anything at all, well don't come to me!! I'm kidding but seriously, we are around! :grin: