New KH Games Info

GFX Guilder

TI Vice-Captain
Aug 11, 2008

Japan Release Date: 2009
The new enemies are called Unbirths
Terra and Ven were playable in the demo
Aqua appears in the trailer
Master Xehanort is after the Princesses of Hearts
Maleficent is after them as well
Drawings from the attendees of the event of Aqua's oufit have appeared. Still no official image, but the drawings give us an idea of what to expect. One blogger also described the outfit.

The top part of her outfit consists of a black turtleneck with pink belts. She also wears a knee length skirt, the cloth resembles that of a scarf. The edges seem to extend a little, like maybe something thread based.


BG MUSIC: Fate of the Unknown
The Wastelands
Master Xehanort is pleading.
Xehanort: "Those that submit to darkness are not qualified to wield the keyblade."
Xehanort: "Already, that man is a monster infused with darkness."
Xehanort: "Defeat the darkness and correct my mistake!"
Ven is shown on the island shore.
He is looking downward with a despondent expression.
Ven: "We're "friends", therefore I wanted to ask something."
Ven: "Erase me."
Castle courtyard.
Aqua is dancing about with a keyblade, Ven and Terra are watching.
Ven looks toward a staircase, someone comes from the entrance, and the three gather.
Castle of Dreams.
Ven is running around holding a blue ball of yarn.
Lucifer pounces on top of Ven.
From atop a desk, the mouse throws things at Lucifer
Mouse yells, "Watch out! Run away into the house!"
Lucifer targets the mouse instead and attacks.
Mouse: "Ahhh!"
The mouse falls from the desk.
(It's the mouse from Cinderella, not Mickey.)
Sleeping Beauty's World
In a bedroom of a castle where Princess Aurora sleeps.
Terra and Maleficent are talking beside her.
Maleficent: "Those who do not have any darkness, seven of pure light――"
Maleficent: "If I gather them, I will be in possession of all the worlds.""
Castle garden?
Aqua: "Is there a clue of Master Xehanort?"
Terra: "He is interested in hearts of pure light."
Aqua: "A heart of pure light..."
Terra: "We'll chase the light too."
Terra: "Master Xehanort should appear if we do so."
The dialogue is different depending on what blog reported it, but it all essential means the same thing.
Alternate version:
Terra: "That guy is after hearts of pure light."
Terra: "If we look for those pure of heart, we'll find him."
Snow White's World
In the forest.
Snow White: "Oh! Who are you?"
Terra: "Aren't you surprised?"
Snow White's face looks a little confused.
Snow White: "Why?"
Terra: (I can feel the pure light...)
Terra: (After all, does this girl have a heart of pure light?)
In a dark place covered in thorns
Ven: "It's a lie..."
Aqua: "Don't be fooled, Ven!"
Aqua runs toward Ven.
Aqua: "Terra isn't like that, you know that!"
Maleficent watches the two from above.
Maleficent: "But the truth is harsh to hear."
The Wastelands
Terra: "…I have a 'friend'"
Terra: "Answer me, Xehanort. What have you done to his heart?!"
Among a thorny bridge.
(Probably Sleeping Beauty's world.)
Aqua: "I'll ask again."
Aqua: "Was what you said to Ven a lie?"
Maleficent: "It was all true."
Maleficent: "Terra succumbs to darkness in order to gain power."
Aqua: "Get out of here!"
Maleficent turns into a dragon and attacks Aqua.


You can choose Terra and play in the Enchanted Kingdom or choose Ven and play in Castle of Dreams.
Terra in Enchanted Kingdom (Sleeping Beauty)
After the start screen, no logo is shown.
Terra: "Is it the unbirths Master spoke of...?"
A battle with a large flock of unbirths (the blue enemies) occurs. Sometimes they escape off the map and Terra must chase them down. After the unbirths are defeated, a scene where the logo is shown appears. It seems Enchanted Kingdom is the name of the Sleeping Beauty world.
The next area is on top of a bridge, a castle is in front so Terra proceeds there. Unbirths appear, but it isn't necessary to defeat them all in order to proceed into the castle.
When you enter the castle, a boss battle ensues. The enemy is called the Wheel Master, it's huge and mechanical like. You can attack it with normal moves and use the circle button to recover from repeated attacks. Stopping Terra and leaving him still in battle allows him to regain HP. I was unable to defeat him, so I escaped the battle. A "thank you for playing" message appears afterward.
Ventus in the Castle of Dreams (Cinderella)
The logo appears first. Ven is smaller, similar sized to the mouse. Jaq the mouse and Ven talk, and the mouse assigns Ven to collect material to make Cinderella's dress. The proceeding level looks like a maze while searching for the items.
Mouse: "It's the king of the castle."
Mouse: "All the daughters of the country are invited to the ball being held tonight."
Ven: "Does Cinderella get to go too?"
Mouse: "Well..."
Mouse: "Madame Tremain is wicked, she said without a dress, Cinderella couldn't go."
Ven: "It's that guy that called upon Cinderella a while ago."
Mouse: "Right, it's Cinderella's dream to go to the ball."
Mouse: "Everyday, she has to do the cleaning and the laundry, it's like another world to her."
Ven: "I know the feeling."
Ven: "Alright! Let's help make her dream come true!"
Mouse: "How will we do that?"
Ven: "We'll make a dress!"
Ven: "We'll look for the materials inside the house and tailor one for her."
Mouse: "Good idea!"
Mouse: "Well then, there is some white ribbon, pink thread, and white lace in the lower dressing room.Any of it will be good, so look for at least two."
Mouse: "I'll sew the dress right here."
Mouse: "Ven! Keep an eye out for Lucifer!"
Ven: "Lucifer?"
Mouse: "He's a ferocious cat!"
Mouse: "Take very soft steps around him."
Ven: "I got it, be careful."
After finding two among the white ribbon, pink thread, and white lace, there is a boss fight with Lucifer.
Terra and Ven's Abilities
Shot Lock
You can use this special attack by pushing the circle button while holding down the R button. Terra's is called a "photon charge" and Ven's is called "star burst".
The circle button advances like this: Fighting > Blitz > Burst > Finish.
The triangle button combos include: Firaga Storm | Aerial Slam | Thundaga | Cure | Confusion
Terra's attacks are very power orientated, he goes through the enemies one by one. Fighting, with the exception of magic is clearly most effect. One other ability is "Freeze" where the enemy is surrounded in ice, and can be crushed with regular attacks. It causes a lot of damage. Another is "Confusion" which effects multiple enemies. Keep an eye on the triangle button for additional techniques.

In FATAL MODE, a new technique called the "Lock Breaker" is described as being a fierce attack that drives enemies into the earth. Sort of similar to an attack from Lexaeus. In normal mode, his techniques range from "Barrage", "Fire Blaze" (A standard fire attack), and "Thunder Mode" (A standard thunder attack).
Ven's style of fighting is faster than Terra's, using aerial attacks and such. Also, his special techniques are more characteristic of Sora's. His attacks are distinctly non-magical. He uses abilities like:
Strike Raid - Tossing the keyblade and striking the enemy twice depending on the location.
Final Break - Fly above and attack the enemy over the head, attacking additionally with the triangle button.
Sonic Rave - A high speed stabbing attack.
Neo Graviga - Similar to a graviga attack.
In Ven's form of FATAL MODE, other than normal attacks, he uses special techniques like "Cyclone" (A fire attack like a tornado), the Finish move is exactly like that of a tornado. He also uses "Speed Rave" (A high speed fire attack), and "Fire Blaze".
The operation of the battle system is similar to that of KHI and KHII. Shortcut commands and camera control buttons are currently unconfirmed. You move the up and down buttons on the control pad to choose which technique to use and then select it with the triangle button. One of every skill is listed, and when it's used the charge initiates. The COMMAND gauge increases by doing normal attacks, when it becomes MAX the mode changes. In the MAX mode the selectable techniques change.
Putting the FOCUS mode to use. Within a limited time, you must focus on the enemy before attacking it with the circle button, it has quite a hectic feeling about it. If you lift off the R button midway, the focus breaks and the enemy will attack you and the mode cancels out.



Japan Release Date: Winter 2008
The 14th member's name is Xion
Xion wields a keyblade
Her voice sounds like Kairi's
Xion and Riku fight, but she flees
New Heartless appear in the demo
Organization members join Roxas in single mode

BG MUSIC: The Other Promise
The trailer begins with these lines.
"I can't remember, something important."
In the pod room inside the Twilight Town mansion
Namine: "Regardless of how I assemble the memories, they begin to flow out... If another memory is connected, it can't return to it's original source.
Diz: "If he is lacking a few memories, will he have a problem waking?
Namine: "In his case, it is an important key if he's going to wake up."
Diz: "Namine, what do you foresee?"
Namine: "If its connected to another memory, surely she can't endure it."
Diz: "She...?"
Front Gate of the Beast's Castle
(This might be after Riku and the 14th fight.)
The 14th collapses in pain, she is holding the Kingdom Key.
Riku closes in on her and lifts her hood, she resists.
Though he is blindfolded, Riku's expression changes to surprised.
Riku: "Who are you? Why do you have the keyblade?"
14th: "Why are you dressed like a member of the Organization?"
Riku: "Don't interfere with Sora's sleep!"
Riku: "What you have... That keyblade must be a fake."
14th: "Don't tell me that! You're deceiving too!"
Riku: "Indeed, maybe I'm the one who doesn't exist."
Xion flees. Riku does not look like Ansem yet.
In front of the Twilight Town mansion.
Axel and the 14th are confronting one another.
Axel: "You're kidding me! I'm not gonna taste that."
Axel: "I've decided. No matter how many times you escape, I will bring you back."
In Twilight Town mansion's white room
The 14th comes to Namine's side.
Namine: "I wanted to meet you, Xion."
The trailer ends as the 14th is about to remove her hood.


This time both single mode and multiplay mode are playable.
Single Player Mode
This time, you can choose between teaming up with Axel in Twilight Town, or teaming up with Xaldin in the Beast's Castle.
First off, in the last demo the Beast's Castle was not playable. Xaldin feels like dealing with Roxas is a nuisance, so they seem little frustrated in the story.
Two people stand in front of the Beast's Castle.
Xaldin: "I feel many heartless inside the castle."
Roxas: "You understand it?"
Xaldin: "You don't understand it to some degree? Don't drag me down."
The right route to follow goes like this: Bridge > Garden > Entrance Hall > West Wing (Boss Fight). The East Wing contains numerous treasure chests. There aren't any particular events or puzzles, the battle is the main focus. The boss is a Darkside, only it's arm and chest can be attacked. It seems that this is the first time the double jump ability is available. Even with a double jump, it's still hard to reach. Xaldin stabs the spears recklessly, sometimes it even appears to look like he aims for Roxas. After the boss fight, an event scene occurs and the Beast's roaring can he heard.
Roxas: "What was that?!"
Xaldin: "Sounds like the master of this castle."
Roxas: "Let's get out of here!"
The two of them stand in front of the Beast's room.
Beast: "I remain this in this form, even though almost all the rose petals have fallen!"
Xaldin: "The relationship between his form and the rose is interesting."
The background music playing in the Beast's Castle is: "Waltz of the Damned", "Dance of the Daring", and "Destiny's Force".
In the other mission you meet Axel in Twilight Town, starting in front of the clock tower at the station.
Axel: "Well... Looks like today's mission is defeat a specific heartless."
Axel: "Let's get this over with quickly."
Axel: "Alright, let's go."
The route goes: Station Square > Underground Passageway > Back Alley > Vacant lot (Boss Fight). The underground passageway has several corridors, but it is necessary to find a switch in order to open the shutter exit.
The boss is a Guard Armor, the head is can't be locked on to. You can attack the arms and feet, sometimes when it hits back you can use the break ability. (Aerial recovery?) Once it becomes only the body, it repels hits with a spinning attack and reflection guard. Your chance to attack it is when it leaves an opening. After defeating the boss, an event scene takes place. Roxas is looking downward, he seems out of it.
Axel: "Since the job's done, let's go to that place for a reward."
Roxas: "That place?" Axel: "You're still not used to the Organization, huh?"
Roxas: "Everyday is the same. Go on a mission and then return to the castle."
Axel: "Alright then, we'll come here again, to break the monotony of traveling between missions and the castle."
Roxas eats the sea salt ice cream.
Roxas: "It's salty, but sweet."
Axel: "We talked about the same thing last time."
Roxas: "Oh, we did?"
Axel: "This place and this ice cream, commit it to memory."
The background music for Twilight Town is: "Lazy Afternoons", "Sinister Sundown", and "Destiny's Force".
Multiplay Mode
This time you were able to select from: Xigbar, Xaldin, Saix, Axel, Roxas, Lexaeus, and Luxord.
Another blogger says the playable characters were: Xigbar, Xaldin, Saix, Axel, Roxas, and Larxene.
Larxene was definitely playable since the blogger played as her, but I'm not sure about Lexaeus and Luxord.
From the Light in Chaos:
I'm playing as Roxas. The mission is in Twilight Town, but the content is different from before. The route goes: The Forest > Tram (Boss Fight). The boss is shown on the map, but before you fight it, you must defeat the heartless in the area.
A new type of weak heartless appears called a Mega Shadow. Roxas's body is bigger than the Mega Shadow's. Also, taking down it's HP is easy enough by attacking.
The boss is also a new heartless called the Vanishing Lizard. While attacking it, sometimes it will vanish and move to another location on the map. It seems there are several points it chooses from to appear randomly.
In the end, everyone rushes toward a corridor (of darkness?) to find out the results. The chairs revolve downward, I came in last! I did not seem to score any points from the boss fight. By the way, the characters respond to the other peoples results. For example, if Roxas gets first place, Axel will praise him a little on the screen.

Things in Common from the Last Demo
In the key placement from last time, you locked on by pushing the R button twice and L was used exclusively for shortcuts. You can set up to four short cuts. There were treasure boxes scattered about everywhere, but you could only hold the item inside if you had room. It was also necessary to use the drawing function of the lower screen. I didn't recognize this and dropped a few potions. Also, when you pick up items that were not identified in a mission, they appear as "??????????". The commands are what we're used to, "Attack" and so on. Before you examine something like a treasure box, be sure to check for enemies first.
Additionally, as Xaldin explained in the single play mode, when you have a partner you may attack each other. However no damage is taken, only the character's reaction is shown. It's unconfirmed if it happens in multiplay mode as well.
At the time of this event, the characters did not have voice acting beyond the likes of Chain of Memories style, so it was a little lonely.



Japan Release Date: Winter 2008
The game is for NTT DoCoMo、703i、903i mobile phones
Cid appears in Traverse Town
Organization XIII makes an appearance
It features 3D and 2D graphics


Kingdom Hearts Mobile Japan opens formally Autumn 2008
You can purchase avatar items
You can get games, avatars, sending/receiving ringtones.
Card battle, block puzzles, and Pooh Bear honey collecting.
You can co-op play with friends.
Cant wait until Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep come out in U.S and that game will be very good on P.S.P I cant choose between Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep or Kingdom Hearts 358 / 2 Days
D: hehe being the villans should be fun for a change =) the good guys win too much ;O
I so cannot wait for these games to come out ^^ I've got my PSP and DS in a safe place so that when they come out I dont have to worry about losing them :D