New rule

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If they didn't have that horribly out of place and ugly advert at the top of the forum then it'd probably be more active here.
Advertising within signatures was a privilege, not a right. As stated before: it's not as if we're stopping you from advertising altogether; there's a forum for it.

Seeing as you're all blowing this up unnecessarily, infractions will be issued if staff-bashing or undermining ensues after this post.
This is partly why I felt like contesting the introduction of the rule. It does indeed seem quite selfish, considering how FFF started out.
The culprit in question had no say in this, nor did he contribute. Besides, that's completely irrelevant; it was only HIM doing it.

Why, in fact, was the rule passed without prior discussion, anyway?
I don't recall needing member input to introduce a rule. The staff went over the matter for a number of days, contributing with positive feedback for the idea.
I don't see why everyone's being a complete jackass about this particular rule.

We already have a forum where you may post a topic advertising a particular forum or message board. This rule is meant to encourage members to actually USE that forum rather than running around with a big red flag bearing the forum/message board wherever the hell they post. For one, it gets annoying. For another, it completely defeats the purpose of the advertising forum.

So what the hell is the big problem? I don't see how you morons can't comprehend that concept. Or can't you guys comprehend anything? Seems that way.
It's because no one likes to go out of their way to look for adverts. Thinking about it in that respect makes the whole thing sound utterly ludicrous. I'll use Finnegan's example here; no one would watch a channel that is entirely dedicated to adverts. In todays society, adverts are placed so that we don't have to go out of our way for them, they're put in our face.
It's because no one likes to go out of their way to look for adverts. Thinking about it in that respect makes the whole thing sound utterly ludicrous. I'll use Finnegan's example here; no one would watch a channel that is entirely dedicated to adverts. In todays society, adverts are placed so that we don't have to go out of our way for them, they're put in our face.

Not everyone wants ads put into their face, TD. Do people like commercials? No, they do not. It is simply fillers in shows (Or this case, signatures and boards) and is a way to make money... and I VERY HIGHLY doubt these people are getting one cent out of these advertisements in their signature, so what's the big deal? Nobody's losing money, and nobody wants these ads everywhere in their face, and there's no reason for them to be there.

Either way, this rule has a very, very low chance of being reversed, so deal with it.
Le sigh.

Simply put, this rule isn't going anywhere, nor will it change. As such, there's no further use for discussion on the matter if people are just going to be cry babies about it. If anyone feels like bringing the matter up again in another thread, or part of the forum at all, you risk your ability to post at all.

Thread closed.
FYI, I'm ending the leniency period tomorrow. You've all had plenty of time to review the rule itself, and remove noted links, so having them there after today will result in punishment being dealt worth 2 infraction points.

Do not attempt to work around this rule; there ARE NO exceptions.

If a moderator asks you to remove an advertisement, you will do so without question. Kick and scream all you want kids, but no amount of whining will help you.

Note that activity dates will be taken into account when a moderator is giving out infractions.
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