New scans and Screenshots

Hey cool thanks for the link the more I see the better it looks now all I need is to know how to travel to the future so I don't have to wait so long for it's release ^_^
heheheh, good work. By good work I mean: Thank you for clicking the link to this website and posting more new stuff because I would be too lazy to.
I'm so crazy for Final Fantasy XIII! I seriously hope we have a good main hero here. Please no more Vaan or Tidus look-alike. -_-
This game look like a must have already ^_^ I just hope it has a decent Battle System unlike FFXII >_< no point in getting too excited about it yet, the European Release probably won't be intil 2010, probably even later :lol:
this game is set to be released this year on december 31

FF13 will be released about 2 weeks before that
Sony Hacker said:
this game is set to be released this year on december 31

FF13 will be released about 2 weeks before that

This rumor picked up some serious speed in the US and even appeared in a major newspaper. Still, I think it's safe to say it's just a rumor.

Nairda said:
ooooooh, how i love gothic and depressing games. I get so tired of the love scenerio at times.

I have to admit, this game's atmosphere does attract me, the same way Organization XIII attracted me to Kingdom Hearts 2 (and Chain of Memories, I suppose). I like this character's overall design, but I wish he looked a little more... mature. You can make someone look attractive and still have him look older than 16.
Hmm, he does appear to look around 17-19, but I actually like his character design. Reason being that I suppose it tends to attract more of the teenage crowds. He seems mature enough, I think...doesn't seem to talk a lot. Just nonchalantly going about his business.

Anyway, about this being released in the U.S around Dec...erm, that could be a rumor, I suppose. I know I read somewhere that they might hold it off until early next year, and I'm alright with that.
I shouldn't look at these cause it makes me jealous that I may never play the game but they're so coooool XD
the main character looks pretty damn cool. i mean hes taking on that whole army in the trailer. id say hes a LITTLE tougher than tidus or vaan haha.