New site layout courtesty of Mercurial

It looks really really well. The dark looks great with the bright fonts on it. Everything stands out really nicely. Major props to that Ryan.
Navigation bar is SO helpful! The banner looks great, really diverse, I like it. The layout was really well done, great job!
The layout is great! I love the colors. I can see everything perfectly and nothing's over done! Very well made!

I hope it never changes!
this an awesome layout and i get the choice of 2 layout so im happy :D
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Navigation bar is SO helpful!
The nav bar was always there - that's a feature of vB, not the skin.

All I have to say is to take the "Version II new layout" text out of the banner. It looks terribly out of place (which I'm assuming it is). I'd also say the banner is a bit tall for my taste, but that's probably because I'm used to slimmer ones. Well done other than that.
An excellent skin, Ryan. I'm looking forward to using it in the future and have something quite new to view!
OMG I especially love the moogles at the top of each post, I love this layout sooo much, thank you Ryan for all your blood, sweat, tears, work and time for this! <333
I won't lie, when I first logged in I thought the actual FFF site was offline and the url I typed sent me to some new site or something :ness:

Luckily I had enough reason to check out the site update sub forum to see what was up :monster:

Anyways, you've done an excellent job with the layout, good sir. I admit that it's a little hard for my eyes to adjust from the old gray to this black, but it should be fine after a little while.

Again, great job ^_^
I love the skin. Even typing in this text box is a lot nicer with the golden font. :awesome:

That being said, apart from the profile box and whatever else that was mentioned that had the bluish-gray tone...GFX that has a transparent layer underneath is also affected by it. Just look at the people who have the PvP profile box in their signatures.

Also confirmed on text with transparencies, like in Vikki's title headers in her Bleach fic.
I love the skin. Even typing in this text box is a lot nicer with the golden font. :awesome:

That being said, apart from the profile box and whatever else that was mentioned that had the bluish-gray tone...GFX that has a transparent layer underneath is also affected by it. Just look at the people who have the PvP profile box in their signatures.

Also confirmed on text with transparencies, like in Vikki's title headers in her Bleach fic.
Yeah, the transparent thing was always going to be a problem, but I think it's more because some people may have had the background colour in PS set to the other forum skin colour and not actually worked on a transparent bg. And I've sent the colour correction image off to LG so that should be sorted when he's next online :)

And thanks gaiz, I'm glad you like it :awesome:
And for those who have certain problems with the colours etc, I'll discuss it (probably around Xmas, because of college and such like) with the staff and LG about making another skin for those people who have missed out (I apologize), and threads and such like to be made for suggested colour combinations :)
Great Job! :highfive:

Looks a lot more modern now

Love the Tabs in the top right hand corner off the screen makes it a lot easier to navigate the site now
It looks great! I love it ^_^
I must say though, when I just got here, I was like, "Am I on the right site?" xD
It looks AWESOME. =D