New to the forums, but a FF veteran


Dec 6, 2006
Hello, everyone. :)

My name is Kel and I'm new to the forums here. I've been playing Final Fantasy since the first one came out on NES. I'm really glad that they did FF3 on the DS! I just got it today but keep starting new games because I want different names! haha

I'm 24 years old and have been married for nearly five years. My husband and I are Catholics who love to play video games. FF is one of our favorite series though I also love Harvest Moon. He enjoys all sorts of games.

We have the PS2, GameCube and DS consoles. I actually just bought us our DS today! His is white and mine is pink.

It's great to be here! Thank you for having me.
Nice you have all sorts of consoles.
Hope I can have every one of them.
Anyway welcome to the boards
WTF u r married!!!jkjkjk:DHappy marrige! anyway have fun Kel and be nice..later:cool:
Thank you, everyone! I'm very glad to be here. :)

Yes, I'm married! Married people play games, too! haha.

We did have 2 PS2s, but my brother gave one to our father. In the house we have:

2 NDS Lites
4 PCs (only 2 with monitors!)

I think that that's it. I plan on getting a Wii around tax return time!
dude that's awesome I wish I had all of those consoles *glares then cackles maniacally* hehehe I mean oooh yea well anyways welcome to the forum I'll be your friend here...
Thank you for the welcome. :)

It took a few years to gather up those consoles! Don't fret for they could be yours!
Hello, everyone. :)

My name is Kel and I'm new to the forums here. I've been playing Final Fantasy since the first one came out on NES. I'm really glad that they did FF3 on the DS! I just got it today but keep starting new games because I want different names! haha

I'm 24 years old and have been married for nearly five years. My husband and I are Catholics who love to play video games. FF is one of our favorite series though I also love Harvest Moon. He enjoys all sorts of games.

We have the PS2, GameCube and DS consoles. I actually just bought us our DS today! His is white and mine is pink.

It's great to be here! Thank you for having me.

Yay! Another one close to my age and married! I'm so glad I'm not alone here xD Welcome to FFF! If you ever want to chat, don't hesitate to PM me :)
Thank you all for the warm welcomes! And to you, LadyAerith. :) It's nice to know that us older people like to play these as much as the budding new generation! I'm just sad to see FF move on to the PS3. It makes me very gloomy, indeed!

It's wonderful to know that people our age still appreciate video games! Thank you, LadyAerith, for your kind offer of pm! :) It really does help.
Hello Kel and welcome in FFF.Glad that you got to know the members.
Have fun and if you want you can PM me anytime for anything.
Welcome to the forums, Kel. It's really good to see you in here so feel free to browse around the site, stay active, post lots, make friends and most importantly, enjoy yourself in here!

I hope we'll be seeing you around. :)
Hello! Welcome... it's cool that you have FFIII for the DS, I saw it but haven't bought it yet. I was actually saving that buy for The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the 'Cube, but... they're been sold out. It also makes me feel sad and gloomy that FF is moving on on the PS3, even though I should know better than to think FF would remain with PS2 forever! Bigger and more expensive things come along... some of them, of which, I won't be getting any time soon. :)

Anyways, enjoy, and have fun!
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Thank you, Darkblade! I don't really have a lot to say, but I'll try my best. I'm afraid I haven't played many FFs from start to finish, but I've watched my husband play most of them!

Tana: I know. I want Twilight Princess for the GC, but if I'm going to be getting a Wii... why get that version? I think I know why. What if hubby's playing the Wii and I want Zelda? I don't know if I want to buy both of them, though.

I wish FF weren't moving on to the PS3. I think that they should have stuck with Nintendo. Though Crystal Chronicles, I think wasn't all that wonderful. :( A FF for the Wii, though, would probably be a little hard to do. It's more a button-masher since there are so many people in the party.

FFIII is such a wonderful game! The beginning cinematic is akin to FF7 or even FFX in quality. The in-game graphics are closer to FF7's in-game graphics, and that's pretty good considering it's a hand-held. I highly recommend it! You can change their names, too. :)

Godspeed: I love orange soda! So I don't want none of your guff, young man! XD