New to the main series: where to start?


Jan 1, 2016
Hello! I'm in an odd position right now. I've played a lot of the spin-off games (both Dissidias, both Theatrhythms, almost all Tactics, and related titles such as KH and Bravely Default) and I want to get in to the main series now. Thing is, I don't know where to start. Should I start from 1? Or should I start with a different game, like 7 or 10? Are there any games in the main series that I should avoid?

Any advice and suggestions are very welcome!
That depends on a variety of factors:
- Do you like having a large cast of playable characters?
- Is linearity an issue?
- Is character development important?
- What type of settings do you prefer (medieval, futuristic, reality based, etc.)?
- Is story important?

Outside of those, it doesn't matter what numbered title you play first in most of the cases. Most of the games take place in their own universe. The only time you should play games in order is if they have a direct sequel such as playing X before X-2, or playing FFXIII before FFXIII-2 and Lightning Returns.
Prsonally I think 9 is a good one to start with, since it's kind of like a love letter of the franchise's history and roots, while telling a really compelling story with strong characters. The music is easily some of the best in the series, and the combat system is really solid.
Games you might want to avoid are FF8 and the 13-trilogy. Those aren't terrible, but they are very divisive amongst the fanbase. You either like them, or you despise them. So you might want to get familiar with the series' classics before looking into those ones.
Maybe you already chose one, but I'll add in my thoughts anyhow. I agree that 9 is a good place to start, but I may be biased. I've recently started playing the PSP version of the first one and it's enjoyable too, and a good starting point if you want to get the references in the other games. I haven't played many of them yet myself, but yeah, that's my two cents anyway. I know that's probably not much help, so I will say this, also:

I really do like 10 and 12. I enjoyed 8, but got stuck pretty quickly and never went back to it (planning to, eventually). I can't comment on 2-7 because I haven't played those yet myself, nor have I played 13, it's sequels, or the online games, so I can't say if those are a good place to start either. From the ones I have played, I definitely recommend the first one and 9 most highly as starting points as I feel that 10 and 12 might be a bit... odd to start off the series with. That said, they are both great games, so if you wanna go for one of them then go for it! What I'd most suggest is doing a little bit of research and discovering which of the games sounds most appealing to you from a gameplay and setting perspective; as everyone's taste is different.

Also, as a bit of a warning, you probably guessed this, but the characters won't be like they were in spin-offs like Dissidia and Kingdom Hearts, not exactly. I only recently started playing Dissidia and while they did get the characters similar to their original selves... it's not the same. So don't be surprised if you encounter that. I have nothing against either Dissidia or KH, but the characters are a bit off.
Six mods should consider making a sticky thread about making a guide to final fantasy and what one should recommend based on different interests.
Final Fantasy IX is the best starting point as it has great characters,gameplay,music,imaginative world and by far the most amusing lead character in the series. Final Fantasy VII is another strong contender too with a great plot, iconic villain, secret characters to recruit, gold saucer etc. Definitely go with either of those two in my opinion.
I would answer this question in one of two ways based on one particular thing: are you new to RPGs, or just new to Final Fantasy? If you're new to RPGs, period, it would be a good idea to start with one of the earlier games--say, the FFIII or FFIV remakes on DS/PSP/Android/iOS. FFIII in particular is not brutally difficult and will acquaint just about anyone with the basic mechanics of RPGs and Final Fantasy-style magic, items, and jobs. The story could be a bit more engaging, but for new RPG gamers I'd consider this a plus: it doesn't require a lot of investment, and what story is there is generic in the positive sense of serving as an introduction to common RPG themes that will appear over and over again in more recent games.

For anyone already comfortable with RPGs, I'd definitely cast my vote towards FFIX as others have or alternatively FFX. As good as FFIX is it is a bit dated, while FFX has actually aged pretty well. FFIX is better for those looking for a 'pure' JRPG experience while FFX is better for those looking for a focus on storytelling.

@Six mods should consider making a sticky thread about making a guide to final fantasy and what one should recommend based on different interests.

I think this is a pretty good idea. I could see it being set up like those charts where each bubble asks a question and then branches off depending on if the viewer responds yes or no. Like my examples above: "New to RPGs? Yes > FFIII, No > Do you favor gameplay or story? Gameplay > FFIX, Story > FFX". You get the idea. Would be a bit of work, but it could be done and would be a fun and helpful resource to have around.
I would also recommend ff3, 4, 5 and 6 as an introduction. Ff1 and 2 to know where it all began and ff7, 8, 9 transition to what we know.
Personally, if it were me I'd use the HD remaster of X as a starting point to the series. It has not only a fantastic story imo, but also has a really great cast of characters as well. And it has one of most badass characters in the FF universe, Sir Auron. The combat is 2nd to none and is by far the best in the franchise. Subbing out your people as you fight is excellent and allows you to take full advantage of enemies weaknesses. It also lets you be able to keep all of your characters even on their progression because they all get points to use on the sphere grid.

I can't praise this game enough because its downright fantastic imo.
It really depends on how you want to approach final fantasy....if you want to understand it's roots and experience it, play new and she's final fantasy games (even mystic quest but don't prioritize it).

If you want to go for something more acceptable to modern times then you can play ff9, 10, and 12.

Its hard to recommend unless you know what you want to get out of it.
I'd start with 7 or 9, maybe even 10. If you dont like any of them 3 odds are the others probably wont be your cup of tea. That's my opinion anyway. 8 is a little more complex when it comes to story and mechanics so i'd leave that til later. Awesome card game though :jess:
To me it depends what kind of RPG you prefer. 7 is a darker, more intense story with a flexible combat system where you can craft the characters to your liking. 10 is more modern, has better graphics, and has a class based combat system when you start out but later opens up to more customization. My favorite is 9, which has a classic-style fantasy feel to it with a simple, class-based combat system. The stories in all 3 of these games are awesome, so I would say base your decision on preferred art style and combat style.
Tough call, but I feel to get you hooked on teh franchise's games, you will want to play through one of the more recent games (FFVII-present) before diving into the older games.

Ideally I'd like to say start at FFI and progress forward, but those first couple games might be a bit painful until you get the feel of what exactly mainline FF games are all about. I'd recommend, any from FFVII-FFX to get you started and then, work your way from there. :)
I still highly recommend ff1 through 12. In that order. Possibly just play the remakes of them instead for the ones that came from new/snes.

But I think relying on what ff7 through 12 only can be dangerous of missing where everything is rooted to.

Me in define the most definitive games starting with 3. But Se will not let us forget the original ff1 and 2 (for reasons)
This is the type of question that if you ask 10 different people you will get 10 different answers (like this thread has shown) Basically I say just find one and play it, if you like it then great, but if you don't there are 13 other main games (soon to be 15 total...hopefully... )
This is the type of question that if you ask 10 different people you will get 10 different answers (like this thread has shown) Basically I say just find one and play it, if you like it then great, but if you don't there are 13 other main games (soon to be 15 total...hopefully... )

I agree with this. Just nab a main numbered game and just go for it. 11 and 14 should be ruled out though probably, due to them being MMOs (unless you want that). Like the chipmunks said, you can always change to another one if you don't like your choice. :)